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  1. Thank you for your reply. I am thinking about what to do next. Right now my brain does not want complicated. Thanks again. Peggy
  2. Ok, I kinda of figured I was in over my head. I will try to explain. First the cms is one that I have written using php, the cms is a generic one for logging in and allowing individuals permissions to edit certain web pages. I did this because I am unsure of the security of the big ones out there. So if I continue to write the cms does anyone know how to write php to limit the user at login to edit only specific tables. I think I can write the mysql to grant certain privileges, not all, to different users. But how do I tie that into my php for the users? Right now I have no restrictions on a user once they are logged in they can do whatever on the website. The users we are targeting do not know anything about coding and so I designed a cms to help them edit the web pages. Should you need the code, I am assuming you would wish to see the code for the cms which would mean the CRUD of the table(s) so I am little confused as to what code you wish to see. There are at least 3 to 4 php files for each table.. Peggy
  3. Hi everyone, I am new to php and mysql. I have taken one course on php and mysql setting up a cms for a website. I have 2 different questions: 1. How to write code for cms to limit users to only certain tables? 2. How to use php my admin to add users to admin table with only certain privileges. Our admin table has has 3 columns, id username hashed_password . At this point when we add a new user the password is shown in as plain text with no hashing. The hashing was written in the cms. Thank you for any help, the hairs you save are mine, as I am about to tear them out. Peggy
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