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  1. The script was written by someone who learnt php so no I didn't pay for it. Much of the javascript was added by myself as I have a better understanding of this. The script actually works well - the only issues I have is if I have an error in the csv file From what you are saying I need to learn php before I can do anything; it's not something that I can easily modify - if this is the case can you point me in the direction of a good book to learn PHP or provide some advice on updating the script Thanks
  2. Hello Can some offer me some help; I have minimal knowledge of PHP, the original script I have was written for me, I have made some minor updates but don't really have a full understanding of how it works. A good example of what I currently have can be found at http://www.stroudskittles.co.uk/team.php?div=A&team=PatchRatsA The script Highlights the date for the Cup game in Blue and the Bank holiday in Red; what I'm looking to achieve is modify the Opponents value so that after the team name it states "Cup Game" or Bank Holiday" The Script reads a csv file, when the value for $tdate equals $bankHols or $cup the colour is changed; however I want to change $tverses as well The script I have is as follows; any assistance would be appreciated Many Thanks <?php $div = $_GET["div"]; $team = $_GET["team"]; $localTime=time(); $localTime=$localTime - (60 * 60 * 1); $thisDay = date("d",$localTime); $thisMonth = date("m",$localTime); $thisYear = date("Y",$localTime); $bankHols = '[25 Mar 16][28 Mar 16][14 Apr 17][17 Apr 17][30 Mar 18][2 Apr 18][19 Apr 19][22 Apr 19][10 Apr 20][13 Apr 20]'; $cupdate = '[12 Sep 16][13 Sep 16][14 Sep 16][15 Sep 16][16 Sep 16]'; $embold='N'; if (strlen($div) == 1){ $divCsv = 'csv/dSection'.$div.'.csv'; $SectionName = 'Section '.$div; } else { $divCsv = 'csv/dLadiesSection'.substr($div,1,1).'.csv'; $SectionName = 'Ladies Section '.substr($div,1,1); } $fCnt=0; // process list file $fd = fopen ("$divCsv", "r"); // initialize a loop to go through each line of the file while (!feof ($fd)) { // declare an array to hold all of the contents of each row, indexed $buffer = fgetcsv($fd, 4096); // the 10 represents the number of columns in the text file for ($i = 0; $i < 10; ++$i){ if ($i == 0){ $id = $buffer[$i]; } if ($i == 1){ $name = $buffer[$i]; } if ($i == 2){ $alley = $buffer[$i]; } if ($i == 3){ $day = $buffer[$i]; } if ($i == 4){ $captain = $buffer[$i]; } if ($i == 5){ $vice = $buffer[$i]; } if ($i == 6){ $phone = $buffer[$i]; } if ($i == 7){ $vicephone = $buffer[$i]; } if ($i == { $tcsv = $buffer[$i]; } if ($i == 9){ $www = $buffer[$i]; } } if ($team == $tcsv){ $nameH = $name; $alleyH = $alley; $dayH = $day; $captainH = $captain; $viceH = $vice; $phoneH = $phone; $vicephoneH = $vicephone; $wwwH = $www; } } $pageTitle = $nameH ; include ('pageheader.php'); echo "<p align=\"left\"><span class=\"title\">$nameH League Fixtures</span></p>"; ?> <center> <b><script language="JavaScript1.2" src="javascript/fixtures.js"></script></b> <?php include ('amendment'.$div.'.php'); ?> <script language="JavaScript1.2" src="javascript/amendment.js"></script> <br> </center> <?php echo "<table width=\"755\" align=\"center\">\n"; echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<td valign=\"TOP\" width=\"755\" align=\"center\">\n"; echo "<table class=\"BORDER\">\n"; fclose ($fd); $mmOld=''; $csvFile = 'csv/t'.$team.'.csv'; // process division file $fd = fopen ("$csvFile", "r"); // initialize a loop to go through each line of the file while (!feof ($fd)) { // declare an array to hold all of the contents of each row, indexed $buffer = fgetcsv($fd, 4096); // the 6 represents the number of columns in the text file for ($i = 0; $i < 6; ++$i){ if ($i == 0){ $tweek = $buffer[$i]; } if ($i == 1){ $tdate = $buffer[$i]; if (strpos($bankHols, '['.$tdate.']') !== false) { $tdate = strtoupper($tdate); $tdate = "<span style=\"color:red\"><b><i>$tdate</i></b></span>"; } else if ($i == 1){ $tdate = $buffer[$i]; if (strpos($cupdate, '['.$tdate.']') !== false) { $tdate = strtoupper($tdate); $tdate = "<span style=\"color:blue\"><b><i>$tdate</i></b></span>"; } } list($fDay, $fMonth, $fYear) = split(" ", $tdate); $chkMonth = $fMonth; $date_formatted = "$fDay $fMonth $fYear"; $final_date = strtotime($date_formatted); $fDay = date("d",$final_date); $fMonth = date("m",$final_date); $fYear = date("Y",$final_date); if ($fYear == $thisYear & $fMonth == $thisMonth & $fDay == $thisDay & $embold=='N'){ $embold = 'Y'; } elseif ($fYear == $thisYear & $fMonth == $thisMonth & $fDay >= $thisDay & $embold=='N'){ $embold = 'Y'; } elseif ($fYear >= $thisYear & $fMonth > $thisMonth & $embold=='N'){ $embold = 'Y'; } elseif ($fYear > $thisYear & $embold=='N'){ $embold = 'Y'; } } if ($i == 2){ $tday = $buffer[$i]; } if ($i == 3){ $tversus = $buffer[$i]; } if ($i == 4){ $thora = $buffer[$i]; } if ($i == 5){ $talley = $buffer[$i]; } } ++$fCnt; if ($fCnt == 1){ echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<td NOWRAP class=\"HDR\" colspan=\"6\"><b>$nameH</b></td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<td NOWRAP class=\"NORMAL\" colspan=\"6\">\n"; echo "<b>$SectionName</b>\n"; echo "<br>Captain: <b>$captainH</b> Tel: <b>$phoneH</b>\n"; { echo "<br><i>Vice Captain: <b>$viceH</b> Tel: <b>$vicephoneH</b></i>\n"; } $alleyAbbrev = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/", "", $alleyH); echo "<br>Home: <b>$alleyH</b> Home Night: <b>$dayH</b>\n"; echo "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<td NOWRAP class=\"TITLE\" width=\"50\" align=\"center\"><b>Week</b></td>\n"; echo "<td NOWRAP class=\"TITLE\" width=\"90\" align=\"center\"><b>Date</b></td>\n"; echo "<td NOWRAP class=\"TITLE\" width=\"90\" align=\"center\"><b>Day</b></td>\n"; echo "<td NOWRAP class=\"TITLE\" width=\"225\" align=\"center\"><b>Versus</b></td>\n"; echo "<td NOWRAP class=\"TITLE\" width=\"75\" align=\"center\"><b>H/A</b></td>\n"; echo "<td NOWRAP class=\"TITLE\" width=\"225\" align=\"left\"><b>Alley</b></td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; } if ($chkMonth == 'Jan' and $mmOld == 'Dec'){ echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<td NOWRAP colspan=\"6\" class=\"TITLECENTER\"><img src=\"image/blank.gif\"></td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; } if ($tweek != '' & $embold != 'Y'){ echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<td NOWRAP class=\"NORMALCENTER\" width=\"50\" align=\"center\">$tweek</td>\n"; echo "<td NOWRAP class=\"NORMAL\" width=\"90\" align=\"center\">$tdate</td>\n"; echo "<td NOWRAP class=\"NORMAL\" width=\"90\" align=\"center\">$tday</td>\n"; echo "<td NOWRAP class=\"NORMAL\" width=\"225\" align=\"center\">$tversus</td>\n"; echo "<td NOWRAP class=\"NORMAL\" width=\"75\" align=\"center\">$thora</td>\n"; echo "<td NOWRAP class=\"NORMAL\" width=\"225\" align=\"left\">$talley</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; } if ($tweek != '' & $embold == 'Y'){ echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<td NOWRAP class=\"NORMALCENTER\" width=\"50\" align=\"center\"><b>$tweek</b></td>\n"; echo "<td NOWRAP class=\"NORMAL\" width=\"90\" align=\"center\"><b>$tdate</b></td>\n"; echo "<td NOWRAP class=\"NORMAL\" width=\"90\" align=\"center\"><b>$tday</b></td>\n"; echo "<td NOWRAP class=\"NORMAL\" width=\"225\" align=\"center\"><b>$tversus</b></td>\n"; echo "<td NOWRAP class=\"NORMAL\" width=\"75\" align=\"center\"><b>$thora</b></td>\n"; echo "<td NOWRAP class=\"NORMAL\" width=\"225\" align=\"left\"><b>$talley</b></td>\n"; $embold='X'; echo "</tr>\n"; } $mmOld = $chkMonth; } fclose ($fd);
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