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Posts posted by branmh

  1. Having an issue within the <description> node, it contains a header line and then followed by <![CDATA[ story paragraph [/size]]]>. 

    How to create another variable for everything inside the CDATA? and/or how to remove that entirely? Thanks in advance.  

    //this remove all a href from rawdata
    $rawdata = preg_replace('@<a href=[^>]+>(.*)</a>@', '', $rawdata);
    $rawdata = preg_replace('/<pre>/', '', $rawdata);
    $rawdata = preg_replace('/<\/pre>/', '', $rawdata);
    $rss_update = preg_match_all("/<pubDate>(.*)<\/pubDate>/", $rawdata, $rss_update);
    $types = array(
    $valid = array();
    $link = $description = $title = $pubDate = $author = array();
    $rawdata = preg_replace('/<item>/', "<item>\s", $rawdata);
    if (preg_match_all('/<item>(.+?)<\/item>/s', $rawdata, $r))
    $rr = count($r[0]);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $rr; $i++)
    if (preg_match_all('/<(.+?)>(.+?)<\//s', $r[1][$i], $y))
    $yy = count($y[0]);
    for ($x = 0; $x < $yy; $x++)
    if (in_array($y[1][$x], $types))
    array_push(${$y[1][$x]}, $y[2][$x]);
    if ($this->debug)
    echo "rss total  $i\n";
    $this->smarty->assign('rss_update', $rss_update);
    $this->smarty->assign('rss_link', $link);
    $this->smarty->assign('rss_description', $description);
    $this->smarty->assign('rss_title', $title);
    $this->smarty->assign('rss_pubdate', $pubDate);
    $this->smarty->assign('rss_author', $author);
    $this->smarty->assign('rss_story', $story);
    $this->smarty->assign('rss_total', $i);
  2. I new to using JSON and PHP.  I need some help on how to convert it over to a php array of variables. 


    I want to take this file https://api.weather.gov/stations/KAMA/observations/current and convert it over. Is it possible to put everything into variables? I'm able to see the entire json with this code 

    $json_ary = json_decode($file,true);
    foreach($json_ary as $key => $val) {
        //echo "$key<br>\n";
        foreach ($val as $key2 => $val2) {
            echo "... $key2 => $val2<br>\n";
                foreach ($val2 as $key3 => $val3) {
    	        echo "... $key3 => $val3<br>\n";

    But it's not returning what I'm wanting. Like on temperature, I would like the value to automatically assigned to temperature. If you can help that would be greatly appreciated. At the beginning of the week I lost my friend that helps me out on this stuff and I'm so lost. 

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