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Posts posted by Chrisj

  1. Thanks for your reply.

    I'd like to substitute with id_user, user_id_uploaded, id_video, earned_amount and time_date, so I have tried this:

    $total_earn = $total_earn + (float)$net;
    		if (!empty($video) && !empty($user_data)) {
    			$ads_list   .= PT_LoadPage('transactions/list',array(
    			'ID' => $tr->id,
    			'PAID_USER' => $tr->id_user,
    			'USER_NAME' => $tr->user_id_uploaded,
    			'VIDEO_ID_' => $tr->id_video,
    			'AMOUNT' => $tr->earned_amount,
    			"CURRENCY" => $currency,
    			"TIME" => $tr->time_date
    				//'ID' => $tr->id,
    				//'PAID_USER' => substr($user_data->name, 0,20),
    				//'PAID_USER' =>id_user,
    				//'PAID_URL' => $user_data->url,
    				//'USER_NAME' => $user_data->username,
    				//'VIDEO_NAME' => substr($video->title, 0,20) ,
    				//'VIDEO_URL' => $video->url,
    				//'VIDEO_ID_' => PT_Slug($video->title, $video->video_id),
    				//'AMOUNT' => $tr->earned_amount,
    				//"CURRENCY" => $currency,
    				//"A_CURRENCY" => $admin_currency,
    				//"NET" => $net,
    				//"TIME" => PT_Time_Elapsed_String($tr->time)

    on the html page I see this: see attached image.

    Any additional assistance is appreciated.




  2. The php web script that I’m trying to modify shows an html page of transactions. I’d like to change what is displayed there. The array that generates what is displayed begins on approx line 184 (in bold, near the bottom of the code below, with the line:

    $ads_list .= PT_LoadPage('transactions/list',array(

    I’d like help to substitute what appears on the html transaction page by changing what is listed in the transaction/list array (with data from the ‘u_paid_videos’ table, which has these columns: id, id_user, id_video, video_title, time, user_id_uploaded, time_date, earned_amount, currency).

    Here is current the php code:

    error_reporting(-1); // set maximum errors
    ini_set('display_errors' , 'true');
    if (!IS_LOGGED || ($pt->config->sell_videos_system == 'off' && $pt->config->usr_v_mon == 'off') ) {
    	header('Location: ' . PT_Link('404'));
    $currency        = '$';
    if ($pt->config->payment_currency == 'EUR') {
    	$currency    = '€';
    $types = array('today','this_week','this_month','this_year');
    $type = 'today';
    if (!empty($_GET['type']) && in_array($_GET['type'], $types)) {
    	$type = $_GET['type'];
    if ($type == 'today') {
    	$start = strtotime(date('M')." ".date('d').", ".date('Y')." 12:00am");
    	$end = strtotime(date('M')." ".date('d').", ".date('Y')." 11:59pm");
    	$array = array('00' => 0 ,'01' => 0 ,'02' => 0 ,'03' => 0 ,'04' => 0 ,'05' => 0 ,'06' => 0 ,'07' => 0 ,'08' => 0 ,'09' => 0 ,'10' => 0 ,'11' => 0 ,'12' => 0 ,'13' => 0 ,'14' => 0 ,'15' => 0 ,'16' => 0 ,'17' => 0 ,'18' => 0 ,'19' => 0 ,'20' => 0 ,'21' => 0 ,'22' => 0 ,'23' => 0);
    	$ads_array = $array;
    	$date_type = 'H';
    	$pt->cat_type = 'today';
        $pt->chart_title = $lang->today;
        $pt->chart_text = date("l");
    elseif ($type == 'this_week') {
    	$time = strtotime(date('l').", ".date('M')." ".date('d').", ".date('Y'));
    	if (date('l') == 'Saturday') {
    		$start = strtotime(date('M')." ".date('d').", ".date('Y')." 12:00am");
    		$start = strtotime('last saturday, 12:00am', $time);
    	if (date('l') == 'Friday') {
    		$end = strtotime(date('M')." ".date('d').", ".date('Y')." 11:59pm");
    		$end = strtotime('next Friday, 11:59pm', $time);
    	$array = array('Saturday' => 0 , 'Sunday' => 0 , 'Monday' => 0 , 'Tuesday' => 0 , 'Wednesday' => 0 , 'Thursday' => 0 , 'Friday' => 0);
    	$ads_array = $array;
    	$date_type = 'l';
    	$pt->cat_type = 'this_week';
        $pt->chart_title = $lang->this_week;
        $pt->chart_text = date('y/M/d',$start)." To ".date('y/M/d',$end);
    elseif ($type == 'this_month') {
    	$start = strtotime("1 ".date('M')." ".date('Y')." 12:00am");
    	$end = strtotime(cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y'))." ".date('M')." ".date('Y')." 11:59pm");
    	if (cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y')) == 31) {
    		$array = array('01' => 0 ,'02' => 0 ,'03' => 0 ,'04' => 0 ,'05' => 0 ,'06' => 0 ,'07' => 0 ,'08' => 0 ,'09' => 0 ,'10' => 0 ,'11' => 0 ,'12' => 0 ,'13' => 0 ,'14' => 0 ,'15' => 0 ,'16' => 0 ,'17' => 0 ,'18' => 0 ,'19' => 0 ,'20' => 0 ,'21' => 0 ,'22' => 0 ,'23' => 0,'24' => 0 ,'25' => 0 ,'26' => 0 ,'27' => 0 ,'28' => 0 ,'29' => 0 ,'30' => 0 ,'31' => 0);
    	}elseif (cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y')) == 30) {
    		$array = array('01' => 0 ,'02' => 0 ,'03' => 0 ,'04' => 0 ,'05' => 0 ,'06' => 0 ,'07' => 0 ,'08' => 0 ,'09' => 0 ,'10' => 0 ,'11' => 0 ,'12' => 0 ,'13' => 0 ,'14' => 0 ,'15' => 0 ,'16' => 0 ,'17' => 0 ,'18' => 0 ,'19' => 0 ,'20' => 0 ,'21' => 0 ,'22' => 0 ,'23' => 0,'24' => 0 ,'25' => 0 ,'26' => 0 ,'27' => 0 ,'28' => 0 ,'29' => 0 ,'30' => 0);
    	}elseif (cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y')) == 29) {
    		$array = array('01' => 0 ,'02' => 0 ,'03' => 0 ,'04' => 0 ,'05' => 0 ,'06' => 0 ,'07' => 0 ,'08' => 0 ,'09' => 0 ,'10' => 0 ,'11' => 0 ,'12' => 0 ,'13' => 0 ,'14' => 0 ,'15' => 0 ,'16' => 0 ,'17' => 0 ,'18' => 0 ,'19' => 0 ,'20' => 0 ,'21' => 0 ,'22' => 0 ,'23' => 0,'24' => 0 ,'25' => 0 ,'26' => 0 ,'27' => 0 ,'28' => 0 ,'29' => 0);
    	}elseif (cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y')) == 28) {
    		$array = array('01' => 0 ,'02' => 0 ,'03' => 0 ,'04' => 0 ,'05' => 0 ,'06' => 0 ,'07' => 0 ,'08' => 0 ,'09' => 0 ,'10' => 0 ,'11' => 0 ,'12' => 0 ,'13' => 0 ,'14' => 0 ,'15' => 0 ,'16' => 0 ,'17' => 0 ,'18' => 0 ,'19' => 0 ,'20' => 0 ,'21' => 0 ,'22' => 0 ,'23' => 0,'24' => 0 ,'25' => 0 ,'26' => 0 ,'27' => 0 ,'28' => 0);
    	$ads_array = $array;
    	$pt->month_days = count($array);
    	$date_type = 'd';
    	$pt->cat_type = 'this_month';
        $pt->chart_title = $lang->this_month;
        $pt->chart_text = date("M");
    elseif ($type == 'this_year') {
    	$start = strtotime("1 January ".date('Y')." 12:00am");
    	$end = strtotime("31 December ".date('Y')." 11:59pm");
    	$array = array('01' => 0 ,'02' => 0 ,'03' => 0 ,'04' => 0 ,'05' => 0 ,'06' => 0 ,'07' => 0 ,'08' => 0 ,'09' => 0 ,'10' => 0 ,'11' => 0 ,'12' => 0);
    	$ads_array = $array;
    	$date_type = 'm';
    	$pt->cat_type = 'this_year';
        $pt->chart_title = $lang->this_year;
        $pt->chart_text = date("Y");
    $day_start = strtotime(date('M')." ".date('d').", ".date('Y')." 12:00am");
    $day_end = strtotime(date('M')." ".date('d').", ".date('Y')." 11:59pm");
    $this_day_ads_earn = $db->rawQuery("SELECT SUM(amount) AS sum FROM ".T_ADS_TRANS." c WHERE `time` >= ".$day_start." AND `time` <= ".$day_end."  AND type = 'video' AND video_owner = ".$pt->user->id);
    //$this_day_video_earn = $db->rawQuery("SELECT * FROM ".T_VIDEOS_TRSNS." c WHERE `time` >= ".$day_start." AND `time` <= ".$day_end." AND user_id = ".$pt->user->id);
    $this_day_video_earn = $db->rawQuery("SELECT * FROM u_paid_videos c WHERE `time` >= ".$day_start." AND `time` <= ".$day_end." AND user_id_uploaded = ".$pt->user->id);
    $day_net = 0;
    foreach ($this_day_video_earn as $tr) {
    	if ($tr->currency == "USD") {
    		//$day_net = $day_net + ($tr->amount - $tr->admin_com);
    		$day_net = $day_net + ($tr->earned_amount);
    $today_earn = $this_day_ads_earn[0]->sum + $day_net ;
    $month_start = strtotime("1 ".date('M')." ".date('Y')." 12:00am");
    $month_end = strtotime(cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y'))." ".date('M')." ".date('Y')." 11:59pm");
    $this_month_ads_earn = $db->rawQuery("SELECT SUM(amount) AS sum FROM ".T_ADS_TRANS." c WHERE `time` >= ".$month_start." AND `time` <= ".$month_end."  AND type = 'video' AND video_owner = ".$pt->user->id);
    //$this_month_video_earn = $db->rawQuery("SELECT * FROM ".T_VIDEOS_TRSNS." c WHERE `time` >= ".$month_start." AND `time` <= ".$month_end." AND user_id = ".$pt->user->id);
    $this_month_video_earn = $db->rawQuery("SELECT * FROM u_paid_videos c WHERE `time` >= ".$month_start." AND `time` <= ".$month_end." AND user_id_uploaded = ".$pt->user->id);
    $month_net = 0;
    foreach ($this_month_video_earn as $tr) {
    	if ($tr->currency == "USD") {
    		//$month_net = $month_net + ($tr->amount - $tr->admin_com);
    		$month_net = $month_net + ($tr->earned_amount);
    $month_earn = $this_month_ads_earn[0]->sum + $month_net ;
    //$trans        = $db->where('user_id',$user->id)->orderBy('id','DESC')->get(T_VIDEOS_TRSNS);
    $trans        = $db->where('user_id_uploaded',$user->id)->orderBy('id_user')->get('u_paid_videos');
    $ads_trans = $db->where('time',$start,'>=')->where('time',$end,'<=')->where('video_owner',$pt->user->id)->where('type','video')->get(T_ADS_TRANS);
    $total_ads = 0;
    if (!empty($ads_trans)) {
    	foreach ($ads_trans as $key => $ad) {
    		if ($ad->time >= $start && $ad->time <= $end) {
    			$day = date($date_type,$ad->time);
    			if (in_array($day, array_keys($ads_array))) {
    				$ads_array[$day] += $ad->amount;
    				$total_ads += $ad->amount;
    $ads_list        = "";
    $total_earn = 0;
    if (!empty($trans)) {
    	foreach ($trans as $tr) {
    		//$video = PT_GetVideoByID($tr->video_id, 0, 0, 2);
    		$video = PT_GetVideoByID($tr->id_video, 0, 0, 2);
    		$user_data   = PT_UserData($tr->id);
    		$currency         = "";
    		$admin_currency         = "";
    		$net = 0;
    		if ($tr->currency == "USD") {
    			$currency     = "$";
    			//$admin_currency     = "$".$tr->admin_com;
    			$net = $tr->earned_amount;
    		else if($tr->currency == "EUR"){
    			$currency     = "€";
    			//$admin_currency     = "€".$tr->admin_com;
    			//$net = $tr->amount - $tr->admin_com;
    			$net = $tr->earned_amount;
    		elseif ($tr->currency == "EUR_PERCENT") {
    			$currency     = "€";
    			//$admin_currency = $tr->admin_com."%";
    			//$net = $tr->amount - ($tr->admin_com * $tr->amount)/100;
    			$net = $tr->earned_amount;
    		elseif ($tr->currency == "USD_PERCENT") {
    			$currency     = "$";
    			//$admin_currency = $tr->admin_com."%";
    			//$net = $tr->amount - ($tr->admin_com * $tr->amount)/100;
    			$net = $tr->earned_amount;
    		if ($tr->time >= $start && $tr->time <= $end) {
    			$day = date($date_type,$tr->time);
    			if (in_array($day, array_keys($array))) {
    				$array[$day] += $net;
    		$total_earn = $total_earn + (float)$net;
    		if (!empty($video) && !empty($user_data)) {
    			**$ads_list   .= PT_LoadPage('transactions/list',array(**
    				'ID' => $tr->id,
    				'PAID_USER' => substr($user_data->name, 0,20),
    				'PAID_URL' => $user_data->url,
    				'USER_NAME' => $user_data->username,
    				'VIDEO_NAME' => substr($video->title, 0,20) ,
    				'VIDEO_URL' => $video->url,
    				'VIDEO_ID_' => PT_Slug($video->title, $video->video_id),
    				'AMOUNT' => $tr->earned_amount,
    				"CURRENCY" => $currency,
    				"A_CURRENCY" => $admin_currency,
    				"NET" => $net,
    				"TIME" => PT_Time_Elapsed_String($tr->time)
    $total_earn = $total_earn + $total_ads;
    $pt->array = implode(', ', $array);
    $pt->ads_array = implode(', ', $ads_array);
    $pt->page_url_ = $pt->config->site_url.'/transactions';
    $pt->title       = $lang->earnings . ' | ' . $pt->config->title;
    $pt->page        = "transactions";
    $pt->description = $pt->config->description;
    $pt->keyword     = @$pt->config->keyword;
    $pt->currency    = $currency;
    $pt->content     = PT_LoadPage('transactions/content',array(
    	'CURRENCY'   => $currency,
    	'ADS_LIST'   => $ads_list,
    	'TOTAL_EARN' => $total_earn,
    	'TODAY_EARN' => $today_earn,
    	'MONTH_EARN' => $month_earn

    any help/guidance/suggestion is appreciated






  3. Much thanks again for your replies.

    It appears that when I added your:

    if (!IS_LOGGED) {
        header("Location: " . PT_Link('login'));

    and added this code back into another file:

        if ($pt->second_page == 'about')
       echo "<meta name='robots' content='noindex'>";

    that my goal has been reached of blocking web searches of ../@username, but having ../@username available after login.

    Does that seem correct? I'm surprised.

    If you suspect I don't have something correct, please let me know, but I cleared the cache and tested in chrome, firefox and bing.

    I look forward to your comments.




  4. Much thanks for all the replies.

    Regarding "the author of the code, who does have knowledge of and access to the whole script, cannot solve this", I believe he just didn't want to delve into it currently, based on his 'for now' remark. I understand that most scripts are imperfect, but I'm trying to improve this one as I go, one step at a time, and this particular issue presently.

    Regarding "if adding the check for $_SESSION[username] isn't working then that's not where the username is being stored", yes, you're right, it is stored in the db > users table > 'username' column.

    Regarding "the check failed, but the login page properly detected you were logged in", that makes sense, so is there a solution that could instruct:

    even though the users' profile pages are blocked ( ../@username) from web searches, once a user is logged in and @username is selected, then ../@username page is available to visit/view?


    I look forward to ant additional guidance.

  5. Thanks for your reply. Sorry for any confusion.

    "session_start()" appears in my initial posting.

    I'm trying to "have a User’s profile page only display to Users who are logged into the site", and not have any profile pages display in any web searches (only be available to display to logged in users).


    any additional help is appreciated


  6. Thanks again for your reply.

    Here's the .htaccess file:


    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
    RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R,L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
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    RewriteRule ^$ index.php?link1=home [NC,QSA]
    RewriteRule ^reset-password/([^\/]+)(\/|)$ index.php?link1=reset-password&code=$1 [NC,QSA]
    RewriteRule ^confirm/(.*)/(.*)$ index.php?link1=confirm&code=$1&email=$2 [NC,QSA]
    RewriteRule ^two_factor_login/$ index.php?link1=two_factor_login [NC,QSA]
    RewriteRule ^two_factor_submit/$ index.php?link1=two_factor_submit [NC,QSA]
    RewriteRule ^v/(.*)$ index.php?v=$1 [NC,QSA]
    RewriteRule ^api/v(([0-9])([.][0-9]+))(\/|)$ api.php?v=$1 [QSA]
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       php_flag log_errors On
       php_value error_reporting 32767
       php_value error_log "/home/.../public_html/error_log"
    # END cPanel-generated php ini directives, do not edit


    I look forward to any additional assistance

  7. Thanks for your reply, but, I'd have to guess.

    Maybe this:

    RewriteRule ^([^\/]+)(\/|)$  index.php?link1=$1 [QSA]

    or this?

    RewriteRule ^v/(.*)$ index.php?v=$1 [NC,QSA]

    or this?

    RewriteRule ^$ index.php?link1=home [NC,QSA]



    RewriteRule ^aj/([^/.]+)/([^/.]+)/([^/.]+)/?$ ajax.php?type=$1&first=$2&second=$3 [L,QSA]


    another bit of information, when i asked the script's developer "I want to keep the User account page from displaying in web searches... with ”noindex”..., he said to use this in the html:

    $pt->second_page == ‘about’

    I don't know if that is at all helpful.


    Any additional suggestions is appreciated




  8. The php web video script that I’m using displays a User’s profile page, by simply adding (for example) …/@UserName after the url into a browser. I tried to have a User’s profile page only display to Users who are logged into the site, by adding session code:


    like so:

    if (empty($_GET['id'])) {
        header("Location: " . PT_Link(''));
    $username = PT_Secure($_GET['id']);
    $user_id  = $db->where('username', $username)->getOne(T_USERS);
    $lists    = false;
    if (empty($user_id)) {
        header("Location: " . PT_Link(''));
    $pt->page_url_ = $pt->config->site_url.'/@'.$username ;
    $pt->second_page = 'videos';
    if (!empty($_GET['page'])) {
        switch ($_GET['page']) {
            case 'liked-videos':
                $pt->second_page = 'liked-videos';
            case 'about':
                $pt->second_page = 'about';
            case 'play-lists':
                $pt->second_page = 'play-lists';
                $lists           = true;
        $pt->page_url_ = $pt->config->site_url.'/@'.$username."?page=".$pt->second_page;
    $user_data   = PT_UserData($user_id, array(
        'data' => true


    but was unsuccessful. The problem is although the …/@UserName no longer displays in the browser field (and redirects to the login page) (with that additional code), once logged in, the User can’t see his Profile Page either.

    I also tried adding this:


    but I see no printed results.

    I have tried this:


    but, when I select the drop-down menu > profile, it just seems to refresh the same page (that I'm on, and doesn't take me to the ../@chrisj profile page, as it did  before I added this:


    Also, the .htaccess file shows this:

    RewriteRule ^@([^\/]+)(\/|)$  index.php?link1=timeline&id=$1 [QSA]

    if that is any clue.

    I went ahead and asked the developer, and he simply said:
    “Its happening because file is same so no remedy for now”.
    So, now I’m looking for ideas on what I might try as a work around.

    just FYI -When a user logs in it sets the $_SESSION[‘username’] variable, id, etc.)

    I’m guessing that maybe the main page that I’m on simply refreshes (rather than redirects to the ‘Profile’ Page) is because I am (already)logged in:


    So, is there a solution that might instruct to say something like 'if already logged in go to @ the username’s profile page? something like:

    if (IS_LOGGED == true) {

    any additional suggestions are welcomed 


  9. Thanks again for your reply/help.


    does this line have an extra ' in it, before the last "   ?

    echo "<meta name='robots' content='noindex'>'";

    if not, and this is valid code:

        if ($pt->second_page == about’)
        echo "<meta name='robots' content='noindex'>'";

    how can I test to see if it successfully facilitates the user/member account pages not appearing in searches?

    I look forward to any assistance.

  10. Thanks for the replies.

    Yes, noindex.

    I had asked the web script author about this he replied:

    "You can place it in ./themes/layout/container.html 
    you will need to use php code in order to load this meta only for profile page".


    I see the container.html <head> section and I believe the profile page is located at: /themes/default/layout/timeline/pages/about.html

    I just don't know how to put it altogether with this:

         <meta name=”robots” content=”noindex”>


    and additional guidance is appreciated




  11. The php web video script that I'm using displays user/member account pages in google searches.

    For example, the url displaying the page is the https://webvideosite.com/@chrisj

    I'm looking for guidance/suggestions on how to have the user/member account pages not appear in searches, either by blocking that somehow,

    or only having access to it if you are logged into the site.

    I look forward to any replies

  12. It was suggested that I add a ‘report’ parameter to the code, after revising with the ‘scale2ref’ code which appears to prevent the video from uploading/proceeding:

    $ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -filter_complex "[0]scale=426:-2[vid];[1][vid]scale2ref='oh*mdar':'ih/10'[wm][vid];[vid][wm]overlay=5:5:format=rgb,format=yuv420p" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 -report'.$video_output_full_path_240.' 2>&1';
    $shell = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand); 

    I couldn’t see where the -report parameter was supposed to output (error.log has a filesize of 0). So I was asked to “run command from the shell and check”?

    But, I’m not sure what command and where/how to do that.

    I tried adding this to the php code, and attempted to upload again, same result

    echo shell_exec("/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -report log.txt 2>&1");


    any additional help is appreciated



    Any guidance with that is appreciated.

  13. When I asked about adding a watermark to a video, this was suggested: "when scaling it, I'd do h/5:w/5 (of the source video), then position would be w/20 (5% from the left) and h-h/3 (75% of the way down)

    When I asked about adding a watermark to a video, this was suggested: "when scaling it, I'd do h/5:w/5 (of the source video), then position would be w/20 (5% from the left) and h-h/3 (75% of the way down)"

    I'd like to try that, but I don't know how to integrate that into my existing working code:

     $ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -filter_complex "scale=426:-2, overlay=10:10, " -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_240.' 2>&1';

    I've looked at the ffmpeg documentation, but need additional assistance. any help is appreciated



  14. As stated earlier, the php web video script that I’m modifying adds a watermark to uploaded videos. I’m trying to find a solution where the watermark image doesn’t look blurry in the ‘full screen’ mode.

    regarding these lines of code:

    $ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -filter_complex "scale=426:-2, overlay=10:10, " -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_240.' 2>&1';

    the script also has that line for 240, 360, 480, 720, 1080, 2048 and 4096

    they all use the

    $watermark_image_full_path = "watermark.png";

    would it be better to add a different watermark.png image for each size 240, 360, etc.?

    Any ideas or solutions to keep the image sharp not blurry upon resizing is welcomed

  15. Thanks for your reply.
    After more research, I believe a potential solutions is to add the 'scale2ref' parameter to my existing ffmpeg code.
    I have tried different attempts with it without success. The documentation example shows:

    “Scale a logo to 1/10th the height of a video, while preserving its display aspect ratio”:

    I need guidance with integrating scale2ref into a current line of code, for example:

    $ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.escapeshellarg($watermark_image_full_path).' -i '.escapeshellarg($watermark_image_full_path).' -filter_complex "scale=426:-2,  scale=426:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_240.' 2>&1';

    any additional assistance is appreciated

  16. Based on my posting where I provide the full code (above), would adding code so that 2 different watermark.png images are used, one for small screen, one for full screen, be a solution? If so, any guidance with that is appreciated.

    Also, is it workable to use an svg file as a watermark?


    I look forward to any assistance.

  17. Thanks for your reply and link.

    I have looked over the link, and tried many attempts with no scaling.

    You said "resize the watermark stream before you overlay". Isn't my code already doing that?

    $ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -filter_complex "scale=640:-2, scale=640:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_240.' 2>&1';

    any additional help is appreciated

  18. Thanks again for your message.

    I'm not sure if the ffmpeg code above (which I didn't create) already had the ability to resize.

    As I stated earlier I look forward to any guidance on how to ffmpeg code assistance with scaling the image down to fit the video dimensions appropriately. Here's the full file code:

    if (IS_LOGGED == false || $pt->config->upload_system != 'on') {
        $data = array(
            'status' => 400,
            'error' => 'Not logged in'
        echo json_encode($data);
    } else if ($pt->config->ffmpeg_system != 'on') {
        $data = array(
            'status' => 402
        echo json_encode($data);
    } else {
        $getID3    = new getID3;
        $featured  = ($user->is_pro == 1) ? 1 : 0;
        $filesize  = 0;
        $error     = false;
    if (PT_IsAdmin() && !empty($_POST['is_movie']) && $_POST['is_movie'] == 1) {
        if (empty($_POST['movie_title']) || empty($_POST['movie_description']) || empty($_FILES["movie_thumbnail"]) || empty($_POST['stars']) || empty($_POST['producer']) || empty($_POST['country']) || empty($_POST['quality']) || empty($_POST['rating']) || !is_numeric($_POST['rating']) || $_POST['rating'] < 1 || $_POST['rating'] > 10 || empty($_POST['release']) || empty($_POST['category']) || !in_array($_POST['category'], array_keys($pt->movies_categories))) {
            $error = $lang->please_check_details;
        // $cover = getimagesize($_FILES["movie_thumbnail"]["tmp_name"]);
        // if ($cover[0] > 400 || $cover[1] > 570) {
        //     $error = $lang->cover_size;
        // }
        $request   = array();
        $request[] = (empty($_POST['title']) || empty($_POST['description']));
        $request[] = (empty($_POST['tags']) || empty($_POST['video-thumnail']));
        if (in_array(true, $request)) {
            $error = $lang->please_check_details;
        } else if (empty($_POST['video-location'])) {
            $error = $lang->video_not_found_please_try_again;
        } else if (($pt->config->sell_videos_system == 'on' && $pt->config->who_sell == 'pro_users' && $pt->user->is_pro) || ($pt->config->sell_videos_system == 'on' && $pt->config->who_sell == 'users') || ($pt->config->sell_videos_system == 'on' && $pt->user->admin)) {
            if (!empty($_POST['set_p_v']) || $_POST['set_p_v'] < 0) {
                if (!is_numeric($_POST['set_p_v']) || $_POST['set_p_v'] < 0 || (($pt->config->com_type == 0 && $_POST['set_p_v'] <= $pt->config->admin_com_sell_videos)) ) {
                    $error = $lang->video_price_error." ".($pt->config->com_type == 0 ? $pt->config->admin_com_sell_videos : 0);
        } else {
            $request   = array();
            $request[] = (!in_array($_POST['video-location'], $_SESSION['uploads']['videos']));
            $request[] = (!in_array($_POST['video-thumnail'], $_SESSION['ffempg_uploads']));
            $request[] = (!file_exists($_POST['video-location']));
            if (in_array(true, $request)) {
                $error = $lang->error_msg;
        if (empty($error)) {
            $file = $duration_file     = $getID3->analyze($_POST['video-location']);
            $duration = '00:00';
            if (!empty($file['playtime_string'])) {
                $duration = PT_Secure($file['playtime_string']);
            if (!empty($file['filesize'])) {
                $filesize = $file['filesize'];
            $video_res = (!empty($file['video']['resolution_x'])) ? $file['video']['resolution_x'] : 0;
            $video_id        = PT_GenerateKey(15, 15);
            $check_for_video = $db->where('video_id', $video_id)->getValue(T_VIDEOS, 'count(*)');
            if ($check_for_video > 0) {
                $video_id = PT_GenerateKey(15, 15);
            if (PT_IsAdmin() && !empty($_POST['is_movie']) && $_POST['is_movie'] == 1) {
                $thumbnail = 'upload/photos/thumbnail.jpg';
                if (!empty($_FILES['movie_thumbnail']['tmp_name'])) {
                    $file_info   = array(
                        'file' => $_FILES['movie_thumbnail']['tmp_name'],
                        'size' => $_FILES['movie_thumbnail']['size'],
                        'name' => $_FILES['movie_thumbnail']['name'],
                        'type' => $_FILES['movie_thumbnail']['type']
                    $file_upload = PT_ShareFile($file_info);
                    $thumbnail = PT_Secure($file_upload['filename'], 0);
                    // if (!empty($file_upload['filename'])) {
                    //     $thumbnail = PT_Secure($file_upload['filename'], 0);
                    //     $upload = PT_UploadToS3($thumbnail);
                    // }
                $thumbnail = PT_Secure($_POST['video-thumnail'], 0);
                if (file_exists($thumbnail)) {
                    $upload = PT_UploadToS3($thumbnail);
            $category_id = 0;
            $convert     = true;
            $thumbnail   = substr($thumbnail, strpos($thumbnail, "upload"), 120);
            // ******************************
            if (PT_IsAdmin() && !empty($_POST['is_movie']) && $_POST['is_movie'] == 1) {
                $link_regex = '/(http\:\/\/|https\:\/\/|www\.)([^\ ]+)/i';
                $i          = 0;
                preg_match_all($link_regex, PT_Secure($_POST['movie_description']), $matches);
                foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
                    $match_url            = strip_tags($match);
                    $syntax               = '[a]' . urlencode($match_url) . '[/a]';
                    $_POST['movie_description'] = str_replace($match, $syntax, $_POST['movie_description']);
                $data_insert = array(
                    'title' =>  PT_Secure($_POST['movie_title']),
                    'category_id' => PT_Secure($_POST['category']),
                    'stars' => PT_Secure($_POST['stars']),
                    'producer' => PT_Secure($_POST['producer']),
                    'country' => PT_Secure($_POST['country']),
                    'movie_release' => PT_Secure($_POST['release']),
                    'quality' => PT_Secure($_POST['quality']),
                    'duration' => $duration,
                    'description' => PT_Secure($_POST['movie_description']),
                    'rating' => PT_Secure($_POST['rating']),
                    'is_movie' => 1,
                    'video_id' => $video_id,
                    'converted' => '2',
                    'size' => $filesize,
                    'thumbnail' => $thumbnail,
                    'user_id' => $user->id,
                    'time' => time(),
                    'registered' => date('Y') . '/' . intval(date('m'))
                if (!empty($_POST['buy_price']) && is_numeric($_POST['buy_price']) && $_POST['buy_price'] > 0) {
                    $data_insert['sell_video'] = PT_Secure($_POST['buy_price']);
                $link_regex = '/(http\:\/\/|https\:\/\/|www\.)([^\ ]+)/i';
                $i          = 0;
                preg_match_all($link_regex, PT_Secure($_POST['description']), $matches);
                foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
                    $match_url            = strip_tags($match);
                    $syntax               = '[a]' . urlencode($match_url) . '[/a]';
                    $_POST['description'] = str_replace($match, $syntax, $_POST['description']);
                if (!empty($_POST['category_id'])) {
                    if (in_array($_POST['category_id'], array_keys(get_object_vars($pt->categories)))) {
                        $category_id = PT_Secure($_POST['category_id']);
                $video_privacy = 0;
                if (!empty($_POST['privacy'])) {
                    if (in_array($_POST['privacy'], array(0, 1, 2))) {
                        $video_privacy = PT_Secure($_POST['privacy']);
                $age_restriction = 1;
                if (!empty($_POST['age_restriction'])) {
                    if (in_array($_POST['age_restriction'], array(1, 2))) {
                        $age_restriction = PT_Secure($_POST['age_restriction']);
                $sub_category = 0;
                if (!empty($_POST['sub_category_id'])) {
                    $is_found = $db->where('type',PT_Secure($_POST['category_id']))->where('lang_key',PT_Secure($_POST['sub_category_id']))->getValue(T_LANGS,'COUNT(*)');
                    if ($is_found > 0) {
                        $sub_category = PT_Secure($_POST['sub_category_id']);
                $continents_list = array();
                if (!empty($_POST['continents-list'])) {
                    foreach ($_POST['continents-list'] as $key => $value) {
                        if (in_array($value, $pt->continents)) {
                            $continents_list[] = $value;
                $data_insert = array(
                    'video_id' => $video_id,
                    'user_id' => $user->id,
                    'title' => PT_Secure($_POST['title']),
                    'description' => PT_Secure($_POST['description']),
                    'tags' => PT_Secure($_POST['tags']),
                    'duration' => $duration,
                    'video_location' => '',
                    'category_id' => $category_id,
                    'thumbnail' => $thumbnail,
                    'time' => time(),
                    'registered' => date('Y') . '/' . intval(date('m')),
                    'featured' => $featured,
                    'converted' => '2',
                    'size' => $filesize,
                    'privacy' => $video_privacy,
                    'age_restriction' => $age_restriction,
                    'sub_category' => $sub_category,
                    'geo_blocking' => (!empty($continents_list) ? json_encode($continents_list) : '')
                if (!empty($_POST['set_p_v']) && is_numeric($_POST['set_p_v']) && $_POST['set_p_v'] > 0) {
                    $data_insert['sell_video'] = PT_Secure($_POST['set_p_v']);
                if ( ($pt->config->approve_videos == 'on' && !PT_IsAdmin()) || ($pt->config->auto_approve_ == 'no' && $pt->config->sell_videos_system == 'on' && !PT_IsAdmin() && !empty($data_insert['sell_video'])) ) {
                    $data_insert['approved'] = 0;
            // ******************************
            $insert      = $db->insert(T_VIDEOS, $data_insert);
            if ($insert) {
                $delete_files = array();
                if (!empty($_SESSION['ffempg_uploads'])) {
                    if (is_array($_SESSION['ffempg_uploads'])) {
                        foreach ($_SESSION['ffempg_uploads'] as $key => $file) {
                            if ($thumbnail != $file) {
                                $delete_files[] = $file;
                if (!empty($delete_files)) {
                    foreach ($delete_files as $key => $file2) {
                if (isset($_SESSION['ffempg_uploads'])) {
                $data = array(
                    'status' => 200,
                    'video_id' => $video_id,
                    'link' => PT_Link("watch/$video_id")
                header("Content-Encoding: none");
                header("Connection: close");
                header('Content-Type: application/json');
                echo json_encode($data);
                $size = ob_get_length();
                header("Content-Length: $size");
                if (is_callable('fastcgi_finish_request')) {
                if ($pt->config->queue_count > 0) {
                    $process_queue = $db->getValue(T_QUEUE,'video_id',$pt->config->queue_count);
                if ( (count($process_queue) < $pt->config->queue_count  && !in_array($video_id, $process_queue)) ||  $pt->config->queue_count == 0) {
                    if ($pt->config->queue_count > 0) {
                        $db->insert(T_QUEUE, array('video_id' => $insert,
                                       'video_res' => $video_res,
                                       'processing' => 2));
                    $ffmpeg_b                   = $pt->config->ffmpeg_binary_file;
                    $filepath                   = explode('.', $_POST['video-location'])[0];
                    $time                       = time();
                    $full_dir                   = str_replace('ajax', '/', __DIR__);
                    $video_output_full_path_240 = $full_dir . $filepath . "_240p_converted.mp4";
                    $video_output_full_path_360 = $full_dir . $filepath . "_360p_converted.mp4";
                    $video_output_full_path_480 = $full_dir . $filepath . "_480p_converted.mp4";
                    $video_output_full_path_720 = $full_dir . $filepath . "_720p_converted.mp4";
                    $video_output_full_path_1080 = $full_dir . $filepath . "_1080p_converted.mp4";
                    $video_output_full_path_2048 = $full_dir . $filepath . "_2048p_converted.mp4";
                    $video_output_full_path_4096 = $full_dir . $filepath . "_4096p_converted.mp4";
                    $video_file_full_path       = $full_dir . $_POST['video-location'];
                    $watermark_image_full_path = "watermark.png";
                    // demo Video
                    $video_time = '';
                    $demo_video = '';
                    if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && !empty($data_insert['sell_video'])) {
                        $have_demo = false;
                        if (!empty($duration_file['playtime_seconds']) && $duration_file['playtime_seconds'] > 0) {
                            $video_time = round((10 * round($duration_file['playtime_seconds'],0)) / 100,0);
                            $video_time = '-t '.$video_time.'  -async 1';
                            $have_demo = true;
                    // demo Video
    				$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -filter_complex "scale=640:-2, scale=640:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_240.' 2>&1';
    				$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);
                    $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_240p_converted.mp4");
                    $db->where('id', $insert);
                    $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                        'converted' => 1,
                        '240p' => 1,
                        'video_location' => $filepath . "_240p_converted.mp4"
                    if ($pt->config->queue_count > 0) {
                    if ($video_res >= 3840) {
    				$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -filter_complex "scale=640:-2, scale=640:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_4096.' 2>&1';
    				$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);
                        $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_4096p_converted.mp4");
                        $db->where('id', $insert);
                        $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                            '4096p' => 1
                        // demo Video
                        if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && empty($demo_video) && $have_demo == true) {
                            $demo_video = substr($filepath, 0,strpos($filepath, '_video') - 10).sha1(time()). "_video_4096p_demo.mp4";
                            $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b $video_time -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=3840:-2 -crf 26 ".$full_dir . $demo_video." 2>&1");
                            $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($demo_video);
                            $db->where('id', $insert);
                            $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                                'demo' => $demo_video
                        // demo Video
                    if ($video_res >= 2048) {
    					$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -filter_complex "scale=640:-2, scale=640:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_2048.' 2>&1';
    					$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);
                        $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_2048p_converted.mp4");
                        $db->where('id', $insert);
                        $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                            '2048p' => 1
                        // demo Video
                        if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && empty($demo_video) && $have_demo == true) {
                            $demo_video = substr($filepath, 0,strpos($filepath, '_video') - 10).sha1(time()) . "_video_2048p_demo.mp4";
                            $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b $video_time -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=2048:-2 -crf 26 ".$full_dir . $demo_video." 2>&1");
                            $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($demo_video);
                            $db->where('id', $insert);
                            $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                                'demo' => $demo_video
                        // demo Video
                    if ($video_res >= 1920 || $video_res == 0) {
    				$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -filter_complex "scale=640:-2, scale=640:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_1080.' 2>&1';
    				$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);
                        $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_1080p_converted.mp4");
                        $db->where('id', $insert);
                        $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                            '1080p' => 1
                        // demo Video
                        if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && empty($demo_video) && $have_demo == true) {
                            $demo_video = substr($filepath, 0,strpos($filepath, '_video') - 10).sha1(time()) . "_video_1080p_demo.mp4";
                            $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b $video_time -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=1920:-2 -crf 26 ".$full_dir . $demo_video." 2>&1");
                            $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($demo_video);
                            $db->where('id', $insert);
                            $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                                'demo' => $demo_video
                        // demo Video
                    if ($video_res >= 1280 || $video_res == 0) {
    				$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -filter_complex "scale=640:-2, scale=640:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_720.' 2>&1';
    				$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);
                        // demo Video
                        if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && empty($demo_video) && $have_demo == true) {
                            $demo_video = substr($filepath, 0,strpos($filepath, '_video') - 10).sha1(time()) . "_video_720p_demo.mp4";
                            $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b $video_time -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=1280:-2 -crf 26 ".$full_dir . $demo_video." 2>&1");
                            $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($demo_video);
                            $db->where('id', $insert);
                            $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                                'demo' => $demo_video
                        // demo Video
                    if ($video_res >= 854 || $video_res == 0) {
    					$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -filter_complex "scale=640:-2, scale=640:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_480.' 2>&1';
    					$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);
                        $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_480p_converted.mp4");
                        $db->where('id', $insert);
                        $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                            '480p' => 1
                        // demo Video
                        if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && empty($demo_video) && $have_demo == true) {
                            $demo_video = substr($filepath, 0,strpos($filepath, '_video') - 10).sha1(time()) . "_video_480p_demo.mp4";
                            $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b $video_time -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=854:-2 -crf 26 ".$full_dir . $demo_video." 2>&1");
                            $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($demo_video);
                            $db->where('id', $insert);
                            $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                                'demo' => $demo_video
                        // demo Video
                    if ($video_res >= 640 || $video_res == 0) {
    				$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -filter_complex "scale=640:-2, scale=640:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_360.' 2>&1';
    				$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);
                       $upload_s3                  = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_360p_converted.mp4");
                        $db->where('id', $insert);
                        $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                            '360p' => 1,
                        // demo Video
                        if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && empty($demo_video) && $have_demo == true) {
                            $demo_video = substr($filepath, 0,strpos($filepath, '_video') - 10).sha1(time()) . "_video_360p_demo.mp4";
                            $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b $video_time -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=640:-2 -crf 26 ".$full_dir . $demo_video." 2>&1");
                            $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($demo_video);
                            $db->where('id', $insert);
                            $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                                'demo' => $demo_video
                        // demo Video
                    // demo Video
                    if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && empty($demo_video) && $have_demo == true) {
                        $demo_video = substr($filepath, 0,strpos($filepath, '_video') - 10).sha1(time()) . "_video_240p_demo.mp4";
                        $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b $video_time -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=426:-2 -crf 26 ".$full_dir . $demo_video." 2>&1");
                        $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($demo_video);
                        $db->where('id', $insert);
                        $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                            'demo' => $demo_video
                    // demo Video
                    if (file_exists($_POST['video-location'])) {
                    $_SESSION['uploads'] = array();
                    $db->insert(T_QUEUE, array('video_id' => $insert,
                                       'video_res' => $video_res,
                                       'processing' => 0));
                    $db->where('id', $insert);
                    $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                        'video_location' => $_POST['video-location']
        } else {
            $data = array(
                'status' => 400,
                'message' => $error_icon . $error


    any additional assistance is welcomed


  19. Thanks for your reply.

    I've added a large image, and apparently my current ffmpeg code isn't currently capable of "scaling it down to fit the video dimensions appropriately".

    I look forward to any guidance on how to ffmpeg code assistance with scaling the image down to fit the video dimensions appropriately

  20. I had a similar posting regarding positioning of a 2nd watermark on an uploaded video. I have resoled that successfully - thanks again for the help.

    Now, the watermarks look clear/sharp on a small screen, but when the screen is enlarged the images don't seem as sharp/clear.  What is the trick? Solution? Is it to have a large image to begin with? The watermark.png currently is 98px w by 16px h. Here is a portion of the file code:


    $watermark_image_full_path = "watermark.png";
                    // demo Video
                    $video_time = '';
                    $demo_video = '';
                    if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && !empty($data_insert['sell_video'])) {
                        $have_demo = false;
                        if (!empty($duration_file['playtime_seconds']) && $duration_file['playtime_seconds'] > 0) {
                            $video_time = round((10 * round($duration_file['playtime_seconds'],0)) / 100,0);
                            $video_time = '-t '.$video_time.'  -async 1';
                            $have_demo = true;
                    // demo Video
    	$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -filter_complex "scale=640:-2, scale=640:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_240.' 2>&1';
    	$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);
                    $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_240p_converted.mp4");
                    $db->where('id', $insert);
                    $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                        'converted' => 1,
                        '240p' => 1,
                        'video_location' => $filepath . "_240p_converted.mp4"
                    if ($pt->config->queue_count > 0) {
                    if ($video_res >= 3840) {
    	$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -filter_complex "scale=640:-2, scale=640:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_4096.' 2>&1';
    	$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);
                        $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_4096p_converted.mp4");
                        $db->where('id', $insert);
                        $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                            '4096p' => 1
                        // demo Video
                        if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && empty($demo_video) && $have_demo == true) {
                            $demo_video = substr($filepath, 0,strpos($filepath, '_video') - 10).sha1(time()). "_video_4096p_demo.mp4";
                            $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b $video_time -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=3840:-2 -crf 26 ".$full_dir . $demo_video." 2>&1");
                            $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($demo_video);
                            $db->where('id', $insert);
                            $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                                'demo' => $demo_video
                        // demo Video
                    if ($video_res >= 2048) {
    	$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -filter_complex "scale=640:-2, scale=640:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_2048.' 2>&1';
    	$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);
                        $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_2048p_converted.mp4");
                        $db->where('id', $insert);
                        $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                            '2048p' => 1
                        // demo Video
                        if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && empty($demo_video) && $have_demo == true) {
                            $demo_video = substr($filepath, 0,strpos($filepath, '_video') - 10).sha1(time()) . "_video_2048p_demo.mp4";
                            $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b $video_time -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=2048:-2 -crf 26 ".$full_dir . $demo_video." 2>&1");
                            $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($demo_video);
                            $db->where('id', $insert);
                            $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                                'demo' => $demo_video
                        // demo Video
                    if ($video_res >= 1920 || $video_res == 0) {
    	$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -filter_complex "scale=640:-2, scale=640:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_1080.' 2>&1';
    	$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);

    any assistance is appreciated

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