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  1. Adamhumbug's post in Getting Name of Array was marked as the answer   
    foreach ($data as $cards) { $cards = json_decode($data['cards'], true); $count = sizeof($cards); $out = ''; if ($count == 4) { $size = "col-xl-3 col-md-6"; } else if ($count == 3) { $size = "col-xl-4 col-md-4"; } else if ($count == 2) { $size = "col-xl-6 col-md-6"; } else if ($count == 1) { $size = "col-12"; } foreach ($cards as $cardName => $cardDetails) { $icon_code = $icons[$cardDetails['Icon']]; $out .= "<div class='$size mb-3'> <div class='card editHeroCard' data-card='$cardName'> <div class='card-body'> <div class='text-center card-title'> <i class='$icon_code fa-2xl'></i> </div> <div class='card-text text-center my-3 fw-bold'>$cardDetails[Name]</div> <div class='card-text text-center'>$cardDetails[Paragraph]</div> </div> </div> <div class='handle text-center'>GRAB</div> </div>"; }  
  2. Adamhumbug's post in MariaDb JSON Joining Tables was marked as the answer   
    moving it above the for each does work - thank you x1000 for this.  I dont think i would have ever got to this.
    This is the complete working function:
    function getHeroCardsByPortalId($pdo) { $res = $pdo->query("SELECT code, id FROM icon"); $icons = array_column($res->fetchAll(), 'code', 'id'); //avoiding the need to join the tables $sql = "SELECT json_extract(portal_content_json, '$.\"Portal Content\".\"Pages\".\"Home\".\"Hero\".\"Hero Cards\"') as cards FROM portal_content where portal_attachment_id = :portalId"; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute([ ':portalId' => $_GET['portalId'] ]); $data = $stmt->fetch(); if (!$data) { return "<div class='col-12'>No hero cards available!</div>"; } foreach ($data as $cards => $row) { $cards = json_decode($row, true); $count = sizeof($cards); $out = ''; if ($count == 4) { $size = "col-xl-3 col-md-6"; } else if ($count == 3) { $size = "col-xl-4 col-md-4"; } else if ($count == 2) { $size = "col-xl-6 col-md-6"; } else if ($count == 1) { $size = "col-12"; } usort($cards, fn ($a, $b) => $a['Order'] <=> $b['Order']); foreach ($cards as $card) { $icon_code = $icons[$card['Icon']]; $out .= "<div class='$size mb-3'> <div class='card editHeroCard' data-order-number='$card[Order]'> <div class='card-body'> <div class='text-center card-title'> <i class='$icon_code fa-2xl'></i> </div> <div class='card-text text-center my-3 fw-bold'>$card[Name]</div> <div class='card-text text-center'>$card[Paragraph]</div> </div> </div> <div class='handle text-center'>GRAB</div> </div>"; } } return $out; }  
  3. Adamhumbug's post in Modal Launching Without Content was marked as the answer   
    turn out the show modal needed to be in the success of the ajax - makes perfect sense..
    function generateFormModal($formId) { console.log($formId) $.ajax({ type: 'post', data: { 'ajax': 'generateFormModal', 'formId': $formId }, success: function(resp) { $('#createNewFormModal').html(resp) $('#createNewFormModal').modal('show') } }) }  
  4. Adamhumbug's post in UPDATE - JOIN on WHERE clause was marked as the answer   
    I knew i was close:
    UPDATE quote_items qi inner join items i on qi.item_id = i.id set qi.discounted_price = qi.amount_charged_each * .5, qi.discount_percentage = .5 where qi.quote_id = 89 and i.discountable = 1  
  5. Adamhumbug's post in Returning HTML not running PHP function was marked as the answer   
    fixed with
    ".selectAllItemsBySection()." Thanks Barry for that pointer.
  6. Adamhumbug's post in Break a document onto another page was marked as the answer   
    In the end i created a script that did what i wanted.
    $('.section').each(function() { var $el = $(this); var bottom = $el.position().top + $el.outerHeight(true); if (bottom > 950) { $('#pageContent2').append($el) } }) It grabs any element that appears below the page end and moved it into the next page.
    I am very sure this is a hack and not the cleanest solution, but it does do what i need.
    As always, i am greatful for your feedback and pointers.
  7. Adamhumbug's post in Simple Clone Row was marked as the answer   
    HI Both,
    Thanks for your info here - before seeing your replies, i wrote the following which seems to do what i want but as you said, it copies all of the content with it.
    I will have a look at cleaning this up and will post the new version once finalized.
    i=0; function myF() { console.log(i) var chunk = document.getElementById('newMenuItemLine'+i); var clone = chunk.cloneNode(true); i++; chunk.setAttribute("id", "newMenuItemLine" +i); document.getElementById('wrapper').appendChild(clone); }  
  8. Adamhumbug's post in Load more content button JS and PHP was marked as the answer   
    i went this route in the end and didnt bother with data attributes.
    function getMoreNews(limit, offset){ $.ajax({ type: 'post', data: {"ajax" : 'one', "offset" : offset, "limit" : limit}, success: function(resp){ offset = offset + 1 limit = limit + 1 $('.moreNews').append(resp + "<div class='btn btn-secondary w-100 text-center loadMoreNewsTrigger mb-3' onclick='getMoreNews(1,"+offset+");' data-limit='1' data-offset="+offset+">-- Load More News --</div>") } }) };  
  9. Adamhumbug's post in Inserting Array into MySQL was marked as the answer   
    Turns out that i have solved this one myself also, the issue was that i was passing a string in the array and not integers.  When i changed the data type to 'is' rather than 'ii' the insert worked.
  10. Adamhumbug's post in AJAX Success returning whole page html was marked as the answer   
    Turned out to be a miss-capitalised bit of data
    createNewgame should have been createNewGame
    Sorry all.
    Thanks for looking anyway.
  11. Adamhumbug's post in Html function call on keyup - get keycode from input was marked as the answer   
    I am sorry all, as is always the case i have answered by own question shortly after posting.
    function barCodeVal(e){ var code = e.keyCode; console.log(e.keyCode); } thanks anyway, i am sure i will be back.
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