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Posts posted by Robinson

  1. 2 hours ago, requinix said:

    1. There is a syntax error in what you posted for project_status_app.php. What's your real code?
    2. Don't use the session to shuffle short-lived data between pages like this. You already have a (weird) mechanism to give data to another file. Use that for the pidForApproval too.

    By "a (weird) mechanism ", I assume you mean these lines:

    function includeFile($file,$variable) {    
     $var = $variable;     

    Could get rid of this line and the pidForApproval can get passed into the included file automatically? Is it advisable? Thanks.

  2. First let me explain my code.
    It comprises of three php files.

    • inc_fn_header_and_menu.php,  contains the HTML and CSS header details and it initializes the session via session_start();


    • This  is later included in project_status.php] .


    • In project_status.php] , I have included another file project_status_app.php which contains a HTML form.


     include 'inc_fn_header_and_menu.php';
    function includeFile($file,$variable) {
        $var = $variable;
    if (isset($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id']!="") {
        $pid    = $_GET['id'];
        $_SESSION['pidForApproval'] = $_GET['id'];
        $query = 'SELECT * FROM `profile` WHERE pid ='.'\''.$pid.'\'';
        $result=mysqli_query($db,$queryToRetrievePP) or die("There are no records to display ... \n" . mysqli_error());
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $status = $row['status'];
    ...........some PHP and HTML code.......
    	<div id="customerPurchaseApprovalForm">
      $discountApprovalStatus = "Granted";
      if ($discountApprovalStatus == "Granted") {  
      } else {

    In project_status_app.php I am attempting to retrieve pidForApproval from the $_SESSION array.

            // put your code here  UPDATE `pp` SET `customer_purchase_remarks` = 'hahaha' WHERE `pp`.`id` = 207;
            if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
                include '../../inc/fastlogin.php';      
                $sql = "UPDATE pp SET customer_purchase_remarks ='{$_POST['remarkstxt']}' WHERE pp.pid='{$_SESSION['pidForApproval']}'"; 
                $result = mysqli_query ( $fastdb, $sql ) ;
                if (mysqli_affected_rows($fastdb) != 1) { 
                   $_SESSION['err_cpa_rmks'] = "<p>Error while updating WHERE id='{$_SESSION['pidForApproval']}'</p>";
                    //echo "<p>Error while updating WHERE id='{$_POST['pidForApproval']}'</p>".mysqli_error($fastdb);                 
                } else { 
                    $_SESSION['suc_cpa_rmks'] = "<p>Records was updated successfully.</p>";
                    //echo "Records was updated successfully."; 
                header ("location: project_status.php?id="$_SESSION['pidForApproval']);

    When I load  project_status.php,  project_status_app.php is supposed to display the form. Once the user fills in the form the and the submit button has been pressed, the UPDATE statement is supposed to run and then it is supposed to navigate back to project_status.php?id=FA142. But the update is failing and the when the project_status.php is loaded back, the url looks like this http://localhost/fast/project_status.php?id= . The id is empty. It is supposed to be something like this http://localhost/fast/project_status.php?id=FA142. With the id being populated at the 

    header ("location: project_status.php?id=".$_SESSION['pidForApproval']);

    I suspected that my $_SESSION['pidForApproval'] is not being populated in project_status.php but I echoed back $_SESSION['pidForApproval'] in that file itself and I can see it is being populated. Hence, I suspect that the $_SESSION['pidForApproval'] is not being passed to project_status_app.php. I have already attempted to include session_start(); clause in project_status_app.php but that gives an error, stating that the session has already started, in inc_fn_header_and_menu.php. Can someone help me as to why the $_SESSION['pidForApproval'] is not being passed on to the project_status_app.php file. Thank you.

  3. I had set this value into the super global $_SESSION in the first file, file_1.php:

    //there is some code here
    $_SESSION['salesorder'] = 'are---io';
    //remaining code, includes a form.

    When the submit button is clicked, the form is submitted to file_2.php 

    //some code over here
    if (isset($_POST['sales']) && $_POST['sales'] != ""){
        $sales = sanitize_input(trim($_POST['sales']));	
        $_SESSION['salesorder'] = $sales;
    	$host  = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    	$uri   = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '/\\');
    	$extra = 'processSO_helper_sd.php';
    	header("Location: http://$host$uri/$extra?so=".$sales);
    //Begin display
     include 'inc_fn_header_and_menu.php';
    //some code over here

    which will redirect to processSO_helper_sd.php

    // Initialize session
        $SD_ID = $_SESSION['salesorder'];
        $result = $db->query($sql);
    	$row = $result->fetch_assoc();
    	$rowcount =$row['row_count'];*/
    	$result = $tmonedb->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM document WHERE SD_ID = $SD_ID")->fetch_array();
    	$rowcount = $result[0];
    //remaining code

    My problem is that I cannot access the 

    $_SESSION['salesorder'] in the last file processSO_helper_sd.php although I have set it twice previously. 

    I could not add session_start(); in the file_2.php  because that was already added in  'inc_fn_header_and_menu.php'; 

    Can someone help me with this? Thank you. Please tell me if you need any additional information.

  4. Thank you Barand, 

    I have tried out your suggestion and it has worked. However, I have one question, it is about these lines:

     } else {
            return $years_arr;

    How is it that it manages to print $years_arr but it doesn't return the $years_arr. Also, can you point me to some resources(books, websites) that teach about Recursion in PHP, they are hard to come by and most books, at least the ones I obtained, delve on the subject very briefly. And, no, this is not an entry into a competition :)), it is a small portion of a bigger program.

  5. Dear all, 

    Kindly help with this code I have written, it is not returning the array I created. It is a very small script but I have been looking for a very long time but I couldn't see why it went wrong.

    $duration = 2;
    $month =date('n', strtotime($start));
    $year =date('Y', strtotime($start));
    $mon = 12-$month+1;
    $remainingMonth = $duration*12;
    $years_arr = array("$year");
    $residue_arr = array("$remainingMonth");
    $years_arr = process($remainingMonth,$year,$mon,$years_arr,$residue_arr);
    print_r($years_arr); //<output
    function process($remainingMonth,$year,$mon,$years_arr,$residue_arr){
        $residue = $remainingMonth - $mon;//$D$18-D20
        if($residue != 0){
            $new_year = $year+1;
            array_push($years_arr, $new_year);
            array_push($residue_arr, $residue);
            if($residue > 12 ){
                $mon = 12;
            } else {
                $mon = $residue;
            echo "<br>";
        } else {
            return $years_arr;
    }//end of process(..)

    The objective is to add a year to the $years_arr array and then print it put, yet I notice that nothing get's printed out. Please assist, if you need more info from my side, please do ask. Thank you very much in advance.

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