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  1. Should it be remembering the number even if it goes through Javascript? All right, that's a good point. May I ask where does the name Poisonous Administrator come from?
  2. I have tried using the above SQL in PHP, but I'm not getting anything displayed on the page and I don't have a error message coming through. However, when I tried the query in PHP myAdmin and it provides the correct result. I agree with you "it doesn't work', isn't very helpful, but when I don't know the error message. What else can I say? I need to know the article number for each comment, so PHP doesn't just add all the comments in each blog post. The $articlenummer is coming from a session as the class Comments is in a separate file and wouldn't remember the article (blogpost) number without it. // PARAM $pid : post ID // $name : name // $message : comment message // $rid : reply id
  3. Hi, I am working on adding comments to my blog. When I enter the SQL information for selecting the comments from the DB it works on the PHP MYADMIN, but when I run in PHP, It doesn't work and I receive no error messages. I know this is along post, but I am really stuck and don't know what to do from here. This part isn't working: $articlenummer= $_SESSION['nummer']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM `comments` LEFT JOIN `artikelen` ON comments.nummer= artikelen.nummer where artikelen.nummer = $articlenummer ORDER BY artikelen.nummer"; Here is the HTML: echo(' <!-- GIVE YOUR PAGE OR PRODUCT A POST ID --> <input type="hidden" id="post_id" value="999"/> <!-- CREATE A CONTAINER TO LOAD COMMENTS --> <div id="comments"></div>'); echo(' <!-- CREATE A CONTAINER TO LOAD COMMENTS --> <div id="comments"></div> <!-- CREATE A CONTAINER TO LOAD REPLY DOCKET --> <div id="reply-main"></div>'); } PHP code <?php ob_start(); session_start(); class Comments { /* [HELPER DATABASE FUNCTIONS] */ protected $pdo = null; protected $stmt = null; public $error = ""; public $lastID = null; function __construct() { // __construct() : connect to the database // PARAM : DB_HOST, DB_CHARSET, DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD // ATTEMPT CONNECT try { $str = "mysql:host=" . DB_HOST . ";charset=" . DB_CHARSET; if (defined('DB_NAME')) { $str .= ";dbname=" . DB_NAME; } $this->pdo = new PDO( $str, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, [ PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION, PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => false ] ); return true; } // ERROR - DO SOMETHING HERE // THROW ERROR MESSAGE OR SOMETHING catch (Exception $ex) { print_r($ex); die(); } } function __destruct() { // __destruct() : close connection when done if ($this->stmt !== null) { $this->stmt = null; } if ($this->pdo !== null) { $this->pdo = null; } } function start() { // start() : auto-commit off $this->pdo->beginTransaction(); } function end($commit = 1) { // end() : commit or roll back? if ($commit) { $this->pdo->commit(); } else { $this->pdo->rollBack(); } } function exec($sql, $data = null) { // exec() : run insert, replace, update, delete query // PARAM $sql : SQL query // $data : array of data try { $this->stmt = $this->pdo->prepare($sql); $this->stmt->execute($data); $this->lastID = $this->pdo->lastInsertId(); } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->error = $ex; return false; } $this->stmt = null; return true; } function fetch($sql, $cond = null, $key = null, $value = null) { // fetch() : perform select query // PARAM $sql : SQL query // $cond : array of conditions // $key : sort in this $key=>data order, optional // $value : $key must be provided, sort in $key=>$value order $result = false; try { $this->stmt = $this->pdo->prepare($sql); $this->stmt->execute($cond); if (isset($key)) { $result = array(); if (isset($value)) { while ($row = $this->stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NAMED)) { $result[$row[$key]] = $row[$value]; } } else { while ($row = $this->stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NAMED)) { $result[$row[$key]] = $row; } } } else { $result = $this->stmt->fetchAll(); } } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->error = $ex; return false; } $this->stmt = null; return $result; } /* [COMMENTS FUNCTIONS] */ function get($pid = 0) { // get() : get all comments for the given post // PARAM $pid : post ID $articlenummer= $_SESSION['nummer']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM `comments` LEFT JOIN `artikelen` ON comments.nummer= artikelen.nummer where artikelen.nummer = $articlenummer ORDER BY artikelen.nummer"; echo("this is".$sql); $this->stmt = $this->pdo->prepare($sql); $this->stmt->execute([$pid]); $comments = []; while ($row = $this->stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NAMED)) { if (is_numeric($row['reply_id'])) { $comments[$row['reply_id']]['reply'][$row['comment_id']] = $row; } else { $comments[$row['comment_id']] = $row; } } return count($comments) > 0 ? $comments : false; } function add($pid, $name, $message, $rid, $articlenummer) { // add() : add new comment // PARAM $pid : post ID // $name : name // $message : comment message // $rid : reply id $fields = "`post_id`, `name`, `message`, `nummer`"; $values = "?, ?, ?, ?"; // Clean out HTML tags, prevent XSS $message = str_replace("<", "&lt;", $message); $message = str_replace(">", "&gt;", $message); $cond = [$pid, $name, $message, $articlenummer]; if (is_numeric($rid)) { $fields .= ", `reply_id`"; $values .= ", ?"; $cond[] = $rid; } $sql = "INSERT INTO `comments` ($fields) VALUES ($values);"; echo($sql); return $this->exec($sql, $cond); } function edit($cid, $name, $message) { // edit() : update a comment // PARAM $cid : comment id // $name : name // $message : comment message $sql = "UPDATE `comments` SET `name`=?, `message`=?, nummer=? WHERE `comment_id`=?;"; // Clean out HTML tags, prevent XSS $message = str_replace("<", "&lt;", $message); $message = str_replace(">", "&gt;", $message); return $this->exec($sql, [$name, $message, $cid]); } function delete($cid) { // delete() : delete a comment // PARAM $cid : comment ID $this->start(); $pass = $this->exec("DELETE FROM `comments` WHERE `comment_id`=?;", [$cid]); if ($pass) { $pass = $this->exec("DELETE FROM `comments` WHERE `reply_id`=?;", [$cid]); } $this->end($pass); return $pass; } } ?> Javascript var comments = { ajax: function (opt) { // ajax() : do AJAX request // PARAM opt : AJAX options // APPEND FORM DATA var data = new FormData(); for (var key in opt.data) { data.append(key, opt.data[key]); } // INIT AJAX var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('POST', "2c-ajax-comments.php", true); // WHEN THE PROCESS IS COMPLETE xhr.onload = function () { if (typeof (opt.load) == "function") { opt.load(this.response); } }; // SEND xhr.send(data); }, load: function () { // load() : load comments comments.ajax({ data: { req: "show", post_id: document.getElementById("post_id").value }, load: function (res) { document.getElementById("comments").innerHTML = res; } }); }, reply: function (cid, rid) { // reply() : load reply docket // PARAM cid : comment ID // rid : reply ID comments.ajax({ data: { req: "reply", reply_id: rid }, load: function (res) { document.getElementById("reply-" + cid).innerHTML = res; } }); }, add: function (el) { // add() : add a new reply // PARAM el : reference to reply form // DATA var data = { req: "add", post_id: document.getElementById("post_id").value, name: el.querySelector('input[name="name"]').value, message: el.querySelector('textarea[name="message"]').value }; var replyID = el.querySelector('input[name="reply_id"]').value; if (replyID != "") { data['reply_id'] = replyID; } // AJAX comments.ajax({ data: data, load: function (res) { if (res == "OK") { // Clear comments el.querySelector('input[name="name"]').value = ""; el.querySelector('textarea[name="message"]').value = ""; // Refresh comments comments.load(); } else { alert("ERROR"); } } }); return false; } }; // INIT - LOAD COMMENTS + REPLY DOCKET window.addEventListener("load", function () { comments.load(); comments.reply("main", ""); });
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