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  1. PLEASE HELP - PLEASE HELP HOW TO MAKE THIS RUN FOR PHP+ <?php // This is our base class for publishing plugins! if ( ! class_exists ( "Publish" )) { require "../includes/config.php"; class Publish { var $sql; function Publish ( $sql ) { // get the database handle $this->sql = $sql; } function getInfo () { $details = array (); $details [ 'name' ] = $this->getName (); $details [ 'javascript' ] = $this->getJavaScript (); return $details; } /* return an array containing all property data */ function getPropertyData () { global $propertystatus_table; global $propertylocations_table; global $propertytypes_table; global $propertyfeatures_table; global $features_table; global $property_table; // firstly let's get the various info to make this job easier on MySQL<5 $status = array (); $status_data = $this->sql->execute ( "SELECT id, propertystatus FROM " . $propertystatus_table, SQL_RETURN_ASSOC ); for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof ( $status_data ); ++$i ) { $status [ $status_data [ $i ] [ "id" ] ] = $status_data [ $i ] [ "propertystatus" ]; } $location = array (); $loc_data = $this->sql->execute ( "SELECT id, propertylocation FROM " . $propertylocations_table, SQL_RETURN_ASSOC ); for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof ( $loc_data ); ++$i ) { $location [ $loc_data [ $i ] [ "id" ] ] = $loc_data [ $i ] [ "propertylocation" ]; } $type = array (); $type_data = $this->sql->execute ( "SELECT id, propertytype FROM " . $propertytypes_table, SQL_RETURN_ASSOC ); for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof ( $type_data ); ++$i ) { $type [ $type_data [ $i ] [ "id" ] ] = $type_data [ $i ] [ "propertytype" ]; } // get all property data $data = $this->sql->execute ( "SELECT * FROM " . $property_table, SQL_RETURN_ASSOC ); // now go through and fill in the status, type and location data for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof ( $data ); ++$i ) { // populate features information $data [ $i ] [ 'propertyfeatures' ] = array (); $features = $this->sql->execute ( "SELECT description FROM " . $features_table . " INNER JOIN " . $propertyfeatures_table . " ON (id=feature_id) WHERE property_id=" . $data [ $i ] [ "id" ], SQL_RETURN_ASSOC ); for ( $f = 0; $f < sizeof ( $features ); ++$f ) { error_log ( "Adding " . $features [ $f ] [ "description" ] . " to the feature list for property." ); $data [ $i ] [ 'propertyfeatures' ] [] = $features [ $f ] [ "description" ]; } $data [ $i ] [ 'propertytype_text' ] = $type [ $data [ $i ] [ 'propertytype' ] ]; $data [ $i ] [ 'propertylocation_text' ] = $location [ $data [ $i ] [ 'propertylocation' ] ]; $data [ $i ] [ 'propertystatus_text' ] = $status [ $data [ $i ] [ 'propertystatus' ] ]; } $fulldata [ 'data' ] = $data; $fields = array ( 'id', 'agentref', 'propertyoption', 'propertyref', 'propertytype', 'propertytype_text', 'propertyprice', 'propertybedrooms', 'propertybathrooms', 'propertyyearbuilt', 'propertylivingarea', 'propertyplotsize', 'propertyaddress', 'propertylocation', 'propertylocation_text', 'propertypostcode', 'propertycountry', 'shortdescription', 'longdescription', 'propertystatus', 'propertystatus_text', 'propertyphoto1', 'propertyphoto2', 'propertyphoto3', 'propertyphoto4', 'propertyphoto5', 'propertyphoto6', 'propertyphoto7', 'propertyphoto8', 'propertyphoto9', 'propertyphoto10', 'pdf', 'propertyviews', 'propertyshow', 'featuredproperty', 'propertyowner', 'dateadded' ); $fulldata [ 'fields' ] = $fields; return $fulldata; } // these must be overridden function getName () {} function getJavaScript () {} function constructForm () {} function processForm ( $formdata, &$message ) { $fulldata = $this->getPropertyData (); $data = $fulldata [ 'data' ]; $fields = $fulldata [ 'fields' ]; header ( "Content-Type: text/tab-separated-values" ); header ( "Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=export.tsv" ); $rows = array (); for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof ( $data ); ++$i ) { $vals = array (); foreach ( $fields as $field ) { array_push ( $vals, preg_replace ( "/[\t\n\r]/", " ", $data [ $i ] [ $field ] ) ); } array_push ( $rows, implode ( "\t", $vals ) ); } print implode ( "\n", $rows ); exit (); } } } ?>
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