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Everything posted by frontEndCoder

  1. That makes sense. I will try that logic Thank you kicken.
  2. I have this array of items in my php file. $items = array( array("id" => 100,"categorypath" => "level1/powders", "product" => "Mens powder"), array("id" => 200,"categorypath" => "level1/oils/sunflower", "product" => "XYZ oil"), array("id" => 300,"categorypath" => "level1/eatable/vegetables", "product" => "carrot"), array("id" => 400,"categorypath" => "level1/oils/sunflower", "product" => "ABC oil"), array("id" => 500,"categorypath" => "level1/eatable/fruits", "product" => "mango"), array("id" => 600,"categorypath" => "level1/eatable/vegetables", "product" => "spinach"), array("id" => 700,"categorypath" => "level2/baby items/toys", "product" => "puzzle block"), array("id" => 800,"categorypath" => "level2/baby items/toys", "product" => "trucks and cars"), array("id" => 900,"categorypath" => "level2/baby items/clothes", "product" => "shirts"), array("id" => 1000,"categorypath" => "level1/powders", "product" => "Womens powder"), array("id" => 1100,"categorypath" => "level1/oils/groundnut", "product" => "GN oil"), ); Using the above array I am trying to generate a JSON file that will have the following structure: { "category":[ { "categoryName":"level1", "category":[ { "categoryName":"powders", "products":[ { "id":"100", "path":"level1/powders", "prodname":"Mens powder" }, { "id":"1000", "path":"level1/powders", "prodname":"Womens powder" } ] }, { "categoryName":"oils", "category":[ { "categoryName":"sunflower", "products":[ { "id":"200", "path":"level1/oils/sunflower", "prodname":"XYZ oil" }, { "id":"400", "path":"level1/oils/sunflower", "prodname":"ABC oil" } ] }, { "categoryName":"groundnut", "products":[ { "id":"1100", "path":"level1/oils/groundnut", "prodname":"GN oil" } ] } ] }, { "categoryName":"eatable", "category":[ { "categoryName":"vegetables", "products":[ { "id":"300", "path":"level1/eatable/vegetables", "prodname":"carrot" }, { "id":"600", "path":"level1/eatable/vegetables", "prodname":"spinach" } ] }, { "categoryName":"fruits", "products":[ { "id":"500", "path":"level1/eatable/fruits", "prodname":"mango" } ] } ] } }, { "categoryName":"level2", "category":[ { "categoryName":"baby items", "category":[ { "categoryName":"toys", "products":[ { "id":"700", "path":"level2/baby items/toys", "prodname":"puzzle blocks" }, { "id":"800", "path":"level2/baby items/toys", "prodname":"trucks and cars" } ] }, { "categoryName":"clothes", "products":[ { "id":"900", "path":"level2/baby items/clothes", "prodname":"shirts" } ] } ] } ] } Not being an expert in php, I have somehow managed to reach thus far in my code, but can not quite arrive at the correct logic. Having trouble with handling associative arrays and objects in php. (Javascripting is much easier I feel) So far I have managed to fix all the errors/warning in my code. Here is my full php code: $items = array( array("id" => 100,"categorypath" => "level1/powders", "product" => "Mens powder"), array("id" => 200,"categorypath" => "level1/oils/sunflower", "product" => "XYZ oil"), array("id" => 300,"categorypath" => "level1/eatable/vegetables", "product" => "carrot"), array("id" => 400,"categorypath" => "level1/oils/sunflower", "product" => "ABC oil"), array("id" => 500,"categorypath" => "level1/eatable/fruits", "product" => "mango"), array("id" => 600,"categorypath" => "level1/eatable/vegetables", "product" => "spinach"), array("id" => 700,"categorypath" => "level2/baby items/toys", "product" => "puzzle block"), array("id" => 800,"categorypath" => "level2/baby items/toys", "product" => "trucks and cars"), array("id" => 900,"categorypath" => "level2/baby items/clothes", "product" => "shirts"), array("id" => 1000,"categorypath" => "level1/powders", "product" => "Womens powder"), array("id" => 1100,"categorypath" => "level1/oils/groundnut", "product" => "GN oil"), ); $jsonStruct = array(); function jsonCreateStruct(){ GLOBAL $items; for($c=0; $c<count($items); $c++){ $categ = $items[$c]["categorypath"]; insertJson($categ, $items[$c]); } } function insertJson($catg, $itm){ GLOBAL $jsonStruct; $exp = explode("/",$catg); print_r("\n\n\n $catg \n"); if(count($exp) == 1){ print_r("Level 1 \n"); if(!isset($jsonStruct[0])){ $jsonStruct[0]["categoryName"] = $exp[0]; $jsonStruct[0]["products"] = array($itm); print_r("\nCreated:: $exp[0]"); }else{ $notFound = true; for($j=0; $j<count($jsonStruct); $j++){ $catgName = $jsonStruct[$j]["categoryName"]; print_r("\nFound: $catgName"); if($catgName == $exp[0]){ $notFound = false; if($jsonStruct[$j]["products"]){ array_push($jsonStruct[$j]["products"],array($itm)); }else{ $jsonStruct[$j]["products"] = array(); array_push($jsonStruct[$j]["products"],array($itm)); } } } if($notFound){ print_r("\nNotFound\n"); array_push($jsonStruct,array("categoryName"=> $exp[0], "products" => array($itm))); } } } if(count($exp) == 2){ print_r("Level 2 \n"); if(!isset($jsonStruct[0])){ $jsonStruct[0]["categoryName"] = $exp[0]; $jsonStruct[0]["categorypath"] = array("categoryName" => $exp[1], "products" => array($itm)); print_r("\nCreated:: $exp[0] / $exp[1]"); }else{ $notFound1 = true; $notFound2 = true; $indexLevel = null; for($j=0; $j<count($jsonStruct); $j++){ $catgName1 = $jsonStruct[$j]["categoryName"]; print_r("\nFound: $catgName1"); if($catgName1 == $exp[0]){ $notFound1 = false; $indexLevel = $j; if(isset($jsonStruct[$j]["categorypath"])){ $level1 = $jsonStruct[$j]["categorypath"]; for($m=0; $m<count($level1); $m++){ if(isset($level1[$m]["categoryName"])){ $catgName2 = $level1[$m]["categoryName"]; print_r("\nFound: $catgName2"); if($catgName2 == $exp[1]){ $notFound2 = false; if($level1[$m]["products"]){ array_push($jsonStruct[$j]["categorypath"][$m]["products"],array($itm)); }else{ $jsonStruct[$j]["categorypath"][$m]["products"] = array(); array_push($jsonStruct[$j]["categorypath"][$m]["products"],array($itm)); } } } } } } } if($notFound1){ print_r("\nNotFound1\n"); array_push($jsonStruct,array("categoryName"=> $exp[0], "categorypath" => array("categoryName" => $exp[1],"products" => array($itm)))); }else if($notFound2){ print_r("\nNotFound2\n"); // $jsonStruct[$indexLevel]["categorypath"] = array("categoryName"=> $exp[1], "products" => array($itm)); $jsonStruct[$indexLevel]["categorypath"] = array(); array_push($jsonStruct[$indexLevel]["categorypath"], array("categoryName"=> $exp[1], "products" => array($itm))); } } } if(count($exp) == 3){ print_r("Level 3 \n"); if(!isset($jsonStruct[0])){ $jsonStruct[0]["categoryName"] = $exp[0]; $jsonStruct[0]["categorypath"] = array("categoryName" => $exp[1], "categorypath" => array("categoryName" => $exp[2], "products" => array($itm))); print_r("\nCreated:: $exp[0] / $exp[1] / $exp[2]"); }else{ $notFound1 = true; $notFound2 = true; $notFound3 = true; $indexLevel1 = null; $indexLevel2 = null; for($j=0; $j<count($jsonStruct); $j++){ $catgName1 = $jsonStruct[$j]["categoryName"]; print_r("\nFound: $catgName1"); if($catgName1 == $exp[0]){ $notFound1 = false; $indexLevel1 = $j; if(isset($jsonStruct[$j]["categorypath"])){ $level2 = $jsonStruct[$j]["categorypath"]; for($m=0; $m<count($level2); $m++){ if(isset($level2[$m]["categoryName"])){ $catgName2 = $level2[$m]["categoryName"]; print_r("\nFound: $catgName2"); if($catgName2 == $exp[1]){ $notFound2 = false; $indexLevel2 = $m; if(isset($level2[$m]["categorypath"])){ $level3 = $level2[$m]["categorypath"]; for($n=0; $n<count($level3); $n++){ //print_r($level3["categoryName"]); if(isset($level3["categoryName"])){ $catgName3 = $level3["categoryName"]; print_r("\ncatgName3: ". $catgName3); if($catgName3 == $exp[2]){ $notFound3 = false; if($level3["products"]){ print_r("\npushing into array\n"); array_push($jsonStruct[$j]["categorypath"][$m]["categorypath"]["products"],array($itm)); }else{ print_r("\ncreate new and pushing into array\n"); $jsonStruct[$j]["categorypath"][$m]["categorypath"][$n]["products"] = array(); array_push($jsonStruct[$j]["categorypath"][$m]["categorypath"]["products"],array($itm)); } } } } } } } } } } } if($notFound1){ print_r("\nNotFound1\n"); array_push($jsonStruct, array("categoryName"=> $exp[0], "categorypath" => array("categoryName" => $exp[1],"products" => array($itm)))); }else if($notFound2){ print_r("\nNotFound2\n"); if(!$jsonStruct[$indexLevel1]["categorypath"]){ $jsonStruct[$indexLevel1]["categorypath"] = array(); } array_push($jsonStruct[$indexLevel1]["categorypath"], array("categoryName"=> $exp[1], "categorypath" => array("categoryName" => $exp[2], "products" => array($itm)))); }else if($notFound3){ print_r("\nNotFound3\n"); //$jsonStruct[$indexLevel1]["categorypath"][$indexLevel2]["categorypath"] = array("categoryName"=> $exp[2], "products" => array($itm)); if(!$jsonStruct[$indexLevel1]["categorypath"][$indexLevel2]["categorypath"]){ $jsonStruct[$indexLevel1]["categorypath"][$indexLevel2]["categorypath"] = array(); } array_push($jsonStruct[$indexLevel1]["categorypath"][$indexLevel2]["categorypath"], array("categoryName"=> $exp[2], "products" => array($itm))); } } } } jsonCreateStruct(); print_r("----------------------------------------"); print_r($jsonStruct); // echo json_encode($jsonStruct); I have now reached a point where I desperately need help from experts.
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