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Everything posted by elecho

  1. Thank you Mac_gyver, When I view source from Edge. I got the following response: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="cut_date" VALUE="2020-10-15" SIZE="10" onBlur="dp_dateFormat='yyyy-mm-dd';magicDate(this)" onFocus="if (this.className != 'error') this.select()" onClick="g_Calendar.show(event,'cut_date', 'yyyy-mm-dd')" READONLY> But when I click the date, it shows an Error: "Input field "cut_date" does not exist. Do you think that it is the problem of INPUT parameter setting or the datepicker script setting?
  2. Hi! I have an order program that worked for a long time in old version of IE. It works fine with other browsers such as chrome and safari. However, it does not work for the date picker for these browsers. I have the following script: </SELECT><BR> <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="cut_date" VALUE="<? echo htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($cut_date), ENT_QUOTES, 'BIG5'); ?>" SIZE="10" onBlur="dp_dateFormat='yyyy-mm-dd';magicDate(this)" onFocus="if (this.className != 'error') this.select()" onClick="g_Calendar.show(event,'cut_date', 'yyyy-mm-dd')" READONLY> </FORM> <? For IE, it works fine. For the other browsers, it return with Error: input field "cut_date" does not exist. What is the problem? How can I solve this problem? Many thanks! Top
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