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Posts posted by gabby25

  1. New to PHP, I wrote a shortcode to use in WP that outputs a nav bar with some icons. One will link to a url, one to a pop up plugin (through a class), and one a phone number. The shortcode will then look like this [footer-btn url="link here "]Name of Icon Here[/footer-btn] Right now when I put the short codes into word press, I get duplicates of the URL ones.

    function footer_btn_function($atts, $content){
      extract( shortcode_atts(
    	'class' => '',
    	'phone' => '',
    	'url' => ''
        ), $atts )
    		'<a class="text-link" href='.$class.'><img class="popmake-73310 footer-btn mobile" src="'.get_template_directory_uri().'/images/faq-mobile-white.png">'.$content.'</a>';
    		$output .= '<a class="text-link" href="tel:'.$phone.'" target="_blank"><img class="footer-btn mobile" src="'.get_template_directory_uri().'/images/phone-mobile-white.png">'.$content.'</a>';
    		$output .= '<a class="text-link" href="tel:'.$url.'" target="_blank"><img class="footer-btn mobile" src="'.get_template_directory_uri().'/images/vacation-rentals-mobile-white.png">'.$content.'</a>';
    		$output .= '<a class="text-link" href="tel:'.$url.'" target="_blank"><img class="footer-btn mobile" src="'.get_template_directory_uri().'/images/chat-mobile-white.png">'.$content.'</a>';
      return $output;


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