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Everything posted by JordanC

  1. That was from memory of how the array is structured, not an output. Just tried a few more things trying to access the raw data, with poor results: $test_orderDetails = ''; foreach ($orders as $order){ $dec_order = var_dump(json_decode($order)); $order_d = ''; foreach ($dec_order as $order_element){ $order_d .= $order_element . ' - '; } $test_orderDetails .= '- ' . $order_d . '|||'; } $test_printr = ''; foreach ($orders as $order){ $p_order = print_r($order); $test_printr .= $p_order . '/n'; } $test_ordersPr = print_r($orders); To get this: Test_orderDetails: - |||- ||| Test_printr: 1/n1/n Test_ordersPr: 1 When this code: $orderDetails = ''; foreach ($orders as $order){ $order_d = ''; foreach ($order as $order_element){ $order_d .= $order_element . ' - '; } $orderDetails .= '- ' . $order_d . '|||'; } Outputs this: Commande: - feux d'artifice - 1 - |||- vis 3/4 - 1 - |||
  2. Sure! Here's 3 tests I added to the code (the submitted form contained 2 arrays/order-elements): $test_raw = ''; foreach ($orders as $order){ $test_raw .= $order . '/n'; } $test_json = ''; foreach ($orders as $order){ $json_dec = var_dump(json_decode($order)); $test_json .= $json_dec . '/n'; } $test_json_2 = ''; $dec_orders = var_dump(json_decode($orders)); foreach ($dec_orders as $dec_order){ $test_json_2 .= $dec_order . '/n'; } And here's the output: Test_raw: Array/nArray/n Test_json: /n/n Test_json_2:
  3. Thanks a lot! With some tinkering it worked, except for one small detail: I doubled the 'foreach' loop since it is an array in an array, like this: $orderDetails = ''; foreach ($orders as $order){ $order_d = ''; foreach ($order as $order_element){ $order_d .= $order_element . ' / '; } $orderDetails .= '- ' . $order_d . '<br>'; } and the outcome is: Nom: Jordan Courriel: --- Téléphone: 555-5555 Commande: - feux d'artifice / 1 / 3546 / <br>- ampoule 100w / 1 / 3456 / <br> Commentaires: Réception: cueillette Paiement: comptant Small problem is, whichever I use, '/n' or '<br>', it just shows up as plain text... I've tried using 'var_dump(json_decode($variable));' on my variables, but then nothing shows at all in the output message. I've read the 'json_decode' link twice and tried a bunch of stuff within the loop, but must be missing something. Your reply was right on, though, I'll mark it as the solution!
  4. Hi! My question is probably simple but I've been scratching my head for hours now... I'm pretty new to php. I have an online form for orders; when submitted, an email is sent to the shop manager containing the info the client has filled in. So I pass all the info in the code below, but I can't manage to echo the array containing the order's items/qty/item_code. (I'm using Wordpress, Oxygen Builder, Metabox and Code Snippets, if that helps). Here's the code (used as a Code Snippet): add_action( 'rwmb_frontend_after_process', function( $config, $post_id ) { if ( 'command-form' !== $config['id'] ) { return; } $name = rwmb_meta( 'name', '', $post_id ); $email = rwmb_meta( 'email', '', $post_id ); $phone = rwmb_meta( 'phone', '', $post_id ); $orders = rwmb_meta( 'order', '', $post_id ); */ ---> this is the array I wish to show the elements from (array --> [0]:{item:"item", qty:"qty", code:"code"]}, [1]:{}, etc...} */ $comments = rwmb_meta( 'comments', '', $post_id ); $reception = rwmb_meta( 'reception', '', $post_id ); $destination = rwmb_meta( 'destination', '', $post_id ); $payment = rwmb_meta( 'payment', '', $post_id ); $body = "Vous avez reçu une nouvelle commande en ligne! Nom: $name Courriel: $email Téléphone: $phone Commande: */ ---> this is where I want it displayed, but since it is within $body = " ", I can't seem to be able to use foreach( ) or even print_r( )... */ Commentaires: $comments Réception: $reception Paiement: $payment"; $headers = ['Content-type: text/html', "Reply-To: $email"]; wp_mail( 'address@domain.com', 'Nouvelle commande en ligne', $body ); }, 10, 2 ); Help with this would be greatly appreciated! Please let me know if any details are missing. Thanks in advance! Jordan
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