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Everything posted by Oran223

  1. Hi ... I have a database that hold the images in a strange way and to import them I need to clear the extra data sitting around them. The meta_value is as follows : [{"id":"31768","imageurl":"https://sampledomain.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/904002d0f93c473a98f586302ccbd67d_ful.jpg"},{"id":"31766","imageurl":"https://sampledomain.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/5720254985644cb9a6679e258b74a202_ful.jpg"},{"id":"31767","imageurl":"https://sampledomain.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/155aa9070ad6404586a50e865be43a17_ful.jpg"},{"id":"31765","imageurl":"https://sampledomain.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/10ba1f392a7b401087e6d1ede995057b_ful.jpg"}] but I need it as this (simply the image url separated by a comma) .... https://sampledomain.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/904002d0f93c473a98f586302ccbd67d_ful.jpg,https://sampledomain.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/5720254985644cb9a6679e258b74a202_ful.jpg,https://sampledomain.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/155aa9070ad6404586a50e865be43a17_ful.jpg, https://sampledomain.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/10ba1f392a7b401087e6d1ede995057b_ful.jpg Using wildcards is there a way to be able clean/remove the unwanted data??? I have had a go but my knowledge of MySQL is not that advanced. Many thanks in advance.
  2. Oh sorry - less haste more speed ... was running out the door when I read it. Don't worry - you have helped me out more than enough so far I will see if I can work it out for myself from this and the last.
  3. Postcodes will only ever fall in one regions - so the former.
  4. Last Question - Promise 😉 Is there a way to regulate the t.region_id to not duplicate - currently I get 3 GU 3 RH 4 SW 5 CR 5 KT 5 SM 5 TW - but ideally don't need the duplicated 3's & 5's? I have tried looking it up but cannot find anything easily. , GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT t.region_id, ' ', t.postcode ORDER BY region_id, postcode SEPARATOR ' ' ) as postcodes Thanks in advance.
  5. I was following your guidance of - close previous div ?? As needed to close the div once all the postcodes were in. <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-3 2 DL 3 NE 4 BA ">
  6. Hah! Sorry it is not much but this is a personal project I am helping some friends on which is now getting in the way fo the day job so your assistance has been very much appreciated. Most of the coding is logical and I get/understand .... but there are some elements that I cannot even find it books such as '$output .= <<<MEMBER' ..... why the period and why the <<<MEMBER bit too! 😉 (not asking for a response - just venting at my inabilities!)
  7. Superb - many thanks once again! I guessed that there may have been a better way ...... still have much to learn! I learn so much more deconstructing than reading - so the above gives me a lot to play with. Have just sent you some money to buy yourself a few tipples! 😉
  8. Hi Barand ... Many thanks - below is my go at interpretation of that although I cannot get that working?? prev_town = "" foreach ($res as $r) { if ($r['town'] != $prev_town) { if ($prev_town != "") { echo '">'; } echo '<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-3'; echo ' ' . $r['id'] . ' ' . $r['postcode'] . ''; $prev_town = $town; } echo "<h3>" . $r['name'] . '</h3>'; echo "<p>" . $r['email'] . '<br/>'; echo "" . $r['phone'] . '</p>'; } echo '</div>'
  9. Hi .... So my learning journey continues - Am working on a slightly different configuration to group the postcode towns to a member but as CSS classes to make it a sortable DIV - but I am wondering if there is a way to reference the content of the next row. For example: In the last few lines you will see I am trying to close the div based upon if the name in the next record ($next_name) .... is it even possible to reference the next row or do I need to tackle this in another way? Basically - trying to our something similar to the following for each person: <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-3 **ID & Postcodes of all towns covered**> (ie <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-3 2 DL 3 NE 4 BA"> <h3>John Doe</h3> <p>email & Telephone</p> </div> $res = $db->query("SELECT t.region_id , r.region , t.town , t.id , t.postcode , concat(m.first_name, ' ', m.last_name) as name , m.email , m.phone , c.value as phone2 FROM hfwji_towns t JOIN hfwji_members_towns mt ON t.id = mt.town_id JOIN hfwji_regions r ON t.region_id = r.id JOIN hfwji_swpm_members_tbl m USING (member_id) LEFT JOIN hfwji_swpm_form_builder_custom c ON m.member_id = c.user_id AND c.field_id = 33 WHERE m.first_name IS NOT NULL ORDER BY last_name "); // // PROCESS THE QUERY RESULTS // $prev_id = ''; $prev_name = ''; $output = ''; foreach ($res as $r) { if ($r['name'] != $prev_name) { // new name value? $output .= '<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-3 '; } if ($r['id'] != $prev_id) { // different town id? $output .= "{$r['id']} {$r['postcode']} "; $prev_id = $r['id']; } if ($r['name'] != $prev_name) { $output .= '">'; } if ($r['name'] != $prev_name) { $output .= "<h3>{$r['name']}</h3> <p>{$r['email']}<br>{$r['phone']}</p>"; $prev_name = $r['name']; } if ($r['name'] != $next_name) { $output .= "</div>"; } } ?>
  10. Will do. Your knowledge of the final table in your workings out .... is that from experience or is there a piece of software/website that will help? Although have ordered a book to help! 🙂
  11. I did not get an error just a white page??
  12. Thanks - I did think that was it and replaced it with my database name but it was not happy. Once again - many thanks for you assistance.
  13. Once again - Many thanks .... am enjoying the steep learning curve and hope I can get this working. Quick question - Understand most of it .... but what is $db = pdoConnect('josen'); ... what is the Josen in brackets ????
  14. Updated ... I fear I am missing something large at the for each results line??? <?php $servername = "xxxxx"; $username = "xxxx"; $password = "xxxxxx"; $database = "xxxxxx"; // Create connection $mysqli = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $database); // Check connection if ($mysqli->connect_error) { die("Connection failed: " . $mysqli->connect_error); } $query = "SELECT t.town , t.postcode , concat(m.first_name, ' ', m.last_name) as name , m.email , m.phone , c.value as phone2 FROM hfwji_towns t LEFT JOIN hfwji_members_towns mt ON t.id = mt.town_id LEFT JOIN hfwji_swpm_members_tbl m USING (member_id) LEFT JOIN hfwji_swpm_form_builder_custom c ON m.member_id = c.user_id AND c.field_id = 33 WHERE m.first_name IS NOT NULL ORDER BY town, name"; $result = $mysqli->query($query); ?> <?php $prev_town = ""; foreach ($result) { if ($town != $prev_town) { echo '<b>' .$town. ' (' .$postcode. ')</b><br>'; $prev_town = $town; } echo '<p><b>' .$name. '<br>'; echo '' .$email. '<br>'; echo '' .$phone. '<br>'; echo '' .$phone2. '<br></p>'; } ?>
  15. Am I close ..... ??? <?php $servername = "xxxxx"; $username = "xxxx"; $password = "xxxxxx"; $database = "xxxxxx"; // Create connection $mysqli = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $database); // Check connection if ($mysqli->connect_error) { die("Connection failed: " . $mysqli->connect_error); } $sql = "SELECT t.town , t.postcode , concat(m.first_name, ' ', m.last_name) as name , m.email , m.phone , c.value as phone2 FROM hfwji_towns t LEFT JOIN hfwji_members_towns mt ON t.id = mt.town_id LEFT JOIN hfwji_swpm_members_tbl m USING (member_id) LEFT JOIN hfwji_swpm_form_builder_custom c ON m.member_id = c.user_id AND c.field_id = 33 WHERE m.first_name IS NOT NULL ORDER BY town, name"; $results = $query($sql); ?> <?php $prev_town = ""; foreach ($results) { if ($town != $prev_town) { echo "<h3>" .$town. ' (' .$postcode. ')</h3>'; $prev_town = $town; } echo '<p><b>' .$name. '<br>'; echo '' .$email. '<br>'; echo '' .$phone. '<br>'; echo '' .$phone2. '<br></p>'; } ?>
  16. Morning Barand ... Cannot believe your comprehensive response, to which I am VERY grateful and as I have already said, my mind is not good with databases the basics of SQL is now much much clearer and nowhere near as daunting to a newbie. However, I am sort of lost as to how this all pulls together on the physical page - clearly I still have some work to do and will order a book and spend some more time reading when I get some. I tried to look through your tutorials and the sample code (namely the student table at the base of your JOINS page) for some pointers but have to admit I am lost. I think I MAY (?) be able to get the basic process working but I am not sure how the actual query needs to be wrapped/properly coded on the page?? Therefore - not wishing to waste your excellent work are there any further pointers you can provide please to help me learn.
  17. Wowsers - superb many thanks. Will take a look tomorrow and see if I can get that working. Thanks a million!
  18. Have started looking at 'JOINS' as Barand suggests and sort of understand those - except I don't where the user will have a number of towns listed.
  19. Yes - A member may have multiple towns. Essentially what I am trying to list is all the towns covered, by whom and listed as one single region_id. Hope the below helps. hfwji_members_towns - For each member listed on his profile he selects from a long list of towns that he/she covers. hfwji_towns - Each town has a postcode, name and a region - ie Andover (SP) - South West - A user can have any number of multiple towns. hfwji_swpm_form_builder_custom - Part of the membership sign-up form has some custom fields which contain the telephone number.
  20. Not sure if this helps or hinders ... these are the tables structures.
  21. Hi Barand ... Thanks for the response - seems I have much to learn. I am a creative designer at heart my small brain is not good when it comes to databases etc. It seems it may not be as simple a fix as I thought. I'll see if I can work out the table structures and post them shortly. Wish me luck! 😉
  22. Hi .... Trying to learn but am stuck now .... have the following : $query = "SELECT * FROM hfwji_towns where region_id = 12"; $result = $mysqli->query($query); $towns = $result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC); foreach ($towns as $town) { $town_id = $town['id']; $query = "SELECT * FROM hfwji_members_towns where town_id = $town_id"; $result = $mysqli->query($query); $town_members = $result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC); if (!empty($town_members)) { echo '<h3 style="margin-bottom:0">' . $town['town'] . ' (' . $town['postcode'] . ')</h3>'; foreach ($town_members as $tm) { $member_id = $tm['member_id']; $query = "SELECT * FROM hfwji_swpm_members_tbl where member_id = $member_id"; $result = $mysqli->query($query); $member = $result->fetch_assoc(); if(empty($member)) continue; $query = "SELECT * FROM hfwji_swpm_form_builder_custom where field_id = 33 AND user_id = $member_id"; $result = $mysqli->query($query); $custom_field = $result->fetch_assoc(); $second_phone = !empty($custom_field) ? $custom_field['value'] : ''; echo "<strong>" . $member['first_name'] . " " . $member['last_name'] . '</strong><br>'; echo "" . $member['email'] . '<br>'; echo "" . $member['phone'] . '<br><br>'; } echo ''; } } This works but I get a list of the towns as follows : Bedlington (NE) name email address mobile number Bishop Auckland (DL) Blaydon-on-Tyne (NE) name email address mobile number However, where Bishop Auckland does not have any members I dont want to output the Town name which I think this has something to do with if (!empty($town_members)). How do I output to only echo the H3 (the town and postcode) only when it has $town_members - as not all towns have members in the database?? Appreciate any help I can get. Thanks in advance.
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