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  1. Hello all members, I want to ask about PHP Native Sorry I'm new to PHP, I created an input form using Edit Text and Combobox But failed in saving the following is the code that I use The problem is I can't get the id from the combobox and it always fails to save it, :( function save_upload(){ extract($_POST); // var_dump($_FILES); $data = " title ='$title' "; $data .= ", description ='".htmlentities(str_replace("'","’",$description))."' "; $data .= ", user_id ='{$_SESSION['login_id']}' "; $data .= ", file_json ='".json_encode($fname)."' "; $data = " DocType_id ='$combodoctype' "; $data = " Dept_ID ='$combo4' "; if(empty($id)){ $save = $this->db->query("INSERT INTO documents set $data "); }else{ $save = $this->db->query("UPDATE documents set $data where id = $id"); } if($save){ return 1; } } admin_class.txt ajax.txt newdocument.txt
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