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  1. I have a list of 728 players shown in the webpage picture that was previously posted - the value of the Button is the Players' Name so the Javascript function grabs that value when posting it to the Listbox on the right - once populated the listbox is processed to create team database entries previously it didn't post the Name Values to the Listbox however i figured it out seeing how each button needed a unique name and id and also had to create a unique Event Listener for the JavaScript to work fiddle link is as follows and i edited the code to work in my script a bit - pictures of the code is posted below.... https://jsfiddle.net/a04ust13/1/ Everything works now - by posting in here and writing down everything made me realize what was wrong
  2. the following is the basic code i'm using however when i transfer it to my php file with a few edits to work with php variables the code stops working https://jsfiddle.net/a04ust13/ Not sure what the problem is any help would be appreciated Thanks Nick
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