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Everything posted by Sunnyisles

  1. I just need to echo class-variacion from this url https://mercados.ambito.com//dolar/informal/variacion Thanks
  2. PHP <> is OK What I am not getting right is this If yo go to this url https://mercados.ambito.com//dolar/informal/variacion you will see this key: class-variacion It has a Hyphen so it does not work $var=$dolar->class-variacion; <?php echo ($var); ?>
  3. Hi Can someone help me with this code? <?php //DOLLAR// $json_dolar=llamar_api("https://mercados.ambito.com//dolar/informal/variacion"); $dolar=$json_dolar; $compra=$dolar->compra; $venta=$dolar->venta; $variacion=$dolar->variacion; $fecha=$dolar->fecha; $var2=$dolar->class-variacion; ?> This is OK <?php echo ($compra); ?> This is Not, probably 'cause de Hyphen <?php echo ($class-variacion); ?> Thanks
  4. Yo are right, thanks! $json_nba=llamar_api("http://data.nba.com/data/10s/prod/v1/2021/teams/1610612748/schedule.json"); $nextgame=$json_nba->league->lastStandardGamePlayedIndex+1; $game=$json_nba->league->standard[$nextgame]->gameUrlCode; $time=$json_nba->league->standard[$nextgame]->startTimeEastern; <?php echo "$game[6]$game[7]/$game[4]$game[5] $game[9]$game[10]$game[11] - $game[12]$game[13]$game[14]";?>
  5. Hi, can someone please help me to simplify this? Thanks $time=$json_nba->league->standard[$nextgame]->startTimeEastern; $string = $game; <?php echo $string[6]; echo $string[7];?>/<?php echo $string[4]; echo $string[5];?> <?php echo $string[9]; echo $string[10]; echo $string[11];?>-<?php echo $string[12]; echo $string[13]; echo $string[14];?>
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