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  1. @ginerjm For error handling - would you suggest that I use "throw" so: .... //CHANGE TO THIS if (sizeof($err) > 0) { // --- remove: echo implode("\n", $err); throw new Exception(implode("\n", $err)); } //And ... } else { // --- remove: echo "Invalid username and/or password"; throw new Exception("Invalid username and/or password."); } } else { // --- remove: echo "Invalid username and/or password"; throw new Exception("Invalid username and/or password."); }
  2. I'm still learning PHP, so bear with me... I have a login system here, and I would like any input on what I need to update to make this more secure. I've been reading a lot of information about how I need to prevent SQL injection and XSS attacks, but I have yet to see some real-world examples on how to accomplish that. the "dbcfg.php" file is my database config file - it defines the DSN, DBUSER, and DBPASS. <?php require_once ("dbcfg.php"); //Retrieve the EMAIL and PASSWORD entries from the user via POST $email = filter_var($_POST["email"], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); $password = htmlspecialchars($_POST["password"]); //Create an empty ERRORS array $err = array(); //If the EMAIL variable is null or empty then throw an error if (!isset($email) || strlen($email) == 0 || $email == null) { array_push($err, " - 'Email Address' cannot be empty."); } //If the PASSWORD variable is null or empty then throw an error if (!isset($password) || strlen($password) == 0 || $password == null) { array_push($err, " - 'Password' cannot be empty."); } //If the array has values, then return the errors back to the user if (sizeof($err) > 0) { echo implode("<br>", $err); } //Else - TRY to check the user's credentials with what is in the database else { try { $pdo = new PDO(DSN,DBUSER,DBPASS); $sql = "SELECT ID, FNAME, LNAME, EMAIL, PWORD FROM users WHERE (EMAIL=:email AND IS_INACTIVE = 0) LIMIT 0, 1;"; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute([":email" => $email]); $results = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (sizeof($results) > 0) { $obj = $results[0]; if (password_verify($password, $obj["PWORD"])) { session_start(); $_SESSION['user_id'] = $obj["ID"]; $_SESSION['user_firstname'] = $obj["FNAME"]; $_SESSION['user_lastname'] = $obj["LNAME"]; $_SESSION['user_email'] = $email; echo "success"; } else { echo "Invalid username and/or password"; } } else { echo "Invalid username and/or password"; } } catch (PDOException $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); die("Could not connect to the database:" . $e->getMessage()); } } ?>
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