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Everything posted by Bramdon3000

  1. I was inspired by this tutorial: https://www.onlyxcodes.com/2018/12/multi-user-role-based-login-in-php-with-mysql-pdo.html
  2. Deepest apologies, Going from REQUEST TO GET solved the problem with the warning so thank you. Furthermore, I think I might have a better understanding of where my issue of the login system not working comes from. But I will like to confilm is there anything wrong here? The code I'm trying to set up is $select_stmt=$db->prepare("SELECT username,email FROM masterlogin WHERE username=:uname OR email=:uemail"); Finally I will give you guys the full code. Sorry for not showing you it and I send more in enough comment (run out of space)
  3. When I get to my login system I get the errors: Warning: Undefined array key "txt_email" in C:\Users\brand\OneDrive\Desktop\XAMAPP\htdocs\Water Tower 2000\index.php on line 70 Warning: Undefined array key "txt_password" in C:\Users\brand\OneDrive\Desktop\XAMAPP\htdocs\Water Tower 2000\index.php on line 72 Warning: Undefined array key "txt_role" in C:\Users\brand\OneDrive\Desktop\XAMAPP\htdocs\Water Tower 2000\index.php on line 74 So I changed the $email = $_REQUEST ["txt_email"]; to $email = $_COOKIE ["txt_email"]; And this got rid of the error, but when I tried to log on it didn't go to the next page, instead get stayed in the login page. Basically, my multi user login system doesn't work. What can I do? Full Code:
  4. Error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected token "else" in C:\Users\brand\OneDrive\Desktop\XAMAPP\htdocs\Water Tower 2000\index.php on line 139 <?php require_once 'connection.php'; session_start (); if(isset ($_SESSION["admin_login"])) { header ("location:admin/admin_home.php"); } if(isset ($_SESSION["parent_login"])) { header ("location:parent/parent_home.php"); } if(isset ($_SESSION["swimmer_login"])) { header ("location:swimmer/swimmer_home.php"); } if (isset ($_REQUEST['btn_login'])) { $email = $_REQUEST ["txt_email"]; $password = $_REQUEST ["txt_password"]; $email = $_REQUEST ["txt_role"]; if(empty($email)){ $errorMsg[]="please enter yout water tower email"; } else if(empty($password)){ $errorMsg[]="please enter yout water tower email"; } else if(empty($role)){ $errorMsg[]="please enter yout water tower email"; } else if($email AND $password AND $role){ try{ $select_stmt=$db->prepare("SELECT email,password,role FROM masterlogin WHERE email=:uemail AND password=:upassword AND role=:urole"); $select_stmt->bindParam(":uemail",$email); $select_stmt->bindParam(":upassword",$password); $select_stmt->bindParam(":uemail",$role); $select_stmt->excute(); while ($row=$select_stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){ $dbemail =$row["email"]; $dbpassword =$row["password"]; $dbrole =$row["role"]; } if($email!=null AND $password!=null AND $role!=null){ if($select_stmt->rowCount()>0){ if ($email!==$dbemail AND $password==$dbpassword AND $role==$dbrole){ switch($dbrole) { case "admin": $_SESSION ["admin_login"]=$email; $loginMsg="Admin...Your in Water Tower..."; header("refresh:3;admin/admin_home.php"); break; case "parent": $_SESSION["parent_login"]=$email; $loginMsg="Parent...Welcome To Water Tower..."; header("refresh:3;parent/parent_home.php"); break; case "swimmer": $_SESSION ["swimmer_login"]=$email; $loginMsg="Fellow swimmer...Your in Water Tower..."; header("refresh:3;swimmer/swimmer_home.php"); break; default: $errorMsg[]="Sorry but either the email/password/role is wrong"; } } else { $errorMsg="Sorry but either the email/password/role is wrong"; } else { $errorMsg="Sorry but either the email/password/role is wrong"; } } else{ $errorMsg="Sorry but either the email/password/role is wrong"; } } } catch (PDOException $e){ $e->getMassage(); } } else { $errorMsg="Sorry but either the email/password/role is wrong"; } } ?>
  5. <?php $con=mysql_connect ("localhost","root",""); if(!$db) { echo "Unable to establish connection".mysql_error(); } $db=mysql_select_db ("Water Tower 2000 r",$con); if(!$db){ echo "Database not found".mysql_error(); } if (isset ($_POST ['submit'])) { $username = $_POST ['username']; $password = $_POST ['pwd']; $query="select * from login where username= '$username' and password= '$password' and type='$type'"; $result=mysql_query($query); while($row=mysql_fecth_array($result)){ if($row['username']==$username && $row ['password']==$password && $row['type']==' Admin'){ header ("Location:admin.html"); }else($row['username']==$username && $row ['password']==$password && $row['type']==' Parent') { header ("Location:parent.html"); } elseif ($row['username']==$username && $row ['password']==$password && $row['type']==' Swimmer'){ header ("Location:swimmer.html"); } } } ?>
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