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Everything posted by TheTrooper123

  1. Hi all, I have built a basic router for my slug urls to work. However I'm trying to make it so that if a page is created (maybe for a blog) that the router would automatically work without have to hard code it in. This is my current code where I've hard coded the link 'post-one' to work: $request = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; switch ($request) { case '/blog/post-one': $_GET['page_slug'] = 'post-one'; require __DIR__ . '/views/blog/page.php'; break; The below code won't work but hopefully gives an idea what I am trying to acheive where if a new post is created the 'page_slug' is retrieved and the dynamic link is created. Anyone know how something like this could work? $request = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; switch ($request) { case '/blog/'.$_GET['page_slug'].'': $_GET['page_slug'] = $rows["page_slug"]; require __DIR__ . '/views/blog/page.php'; break; Any help most appriciated.
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