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Everything posted by drezzia

  1. Thanks for your help... After spending several hours, I was able to figure where the error lies. All I posted was actually OK but the method for querying db that is inside load_comments() had lil issues. The line `$this->query_custom()` This is how the query_custom() method looks like... function query_custom($sql, $params = "") { $stmt = $this->con->prepare($sql); if (isset($params)) { $stmt->bind_param($params[0], ...$params[1]); } $stmt->execute(); $res = $stmt->get_result(); $row = $res->fetch_assoc(); $count = $res->fetch_row(); return [ "result" => $res, "execute" => $stmt, "row" => $row, "count" => $count, ]; } Since I want to loop through the results with a while loop then I should have left out this line... `$row = $res->fetch_assoc()` and therefore return *$res*. So when I changed it to what I have below, it works as expected. function query_custom($sql, $params = "") { $stmt = $this->con->prepare($sql); if (isset($params)) { $stmt->bind_param($params[0], ...$params[1]); } $stmt->execute(); $res = $stmt->get_result(); return [ "result" => $res, "execute" => $stmt, ]; }
  2. I have two methods in a class. The first is save_comment() It basically just inserts comment into db and then after its successfully another method is called to load some comments and the method is named load_comments() This is the code for better understanding. Unnecessary part had been commented out. function save_comment() { //$this->Functions->debug(); //request token //$token = $this->Functions->clean($_GET["token"]); //check for csrf // $check = $this->Functions->csrf_check($token); /*if ($check === false) { $this->Functions->api_response("Invalid Request!!!", 0, "csrf"); }*/ $pid = $this->Functions->clean($_GET["pid"]); $offset = $this->Functions->clean("", $_GET["offset"], ""); //comment $comment = $this->Functions->clean($_GET["user_comment"]); //check login status /* if (!isset($_SESSION["user"])) { $this->Functions->api_response( "You must login to make comments !!!.", 0, "csrf" ); }*/ //check if comment is less than 5 charcaters. /* if (strlen($comment) < 5) { $this->Functions->api_response( "Your Comment is too short !!!.", 0, "csrf" ); }*/ try { $user = $_SESSION["user"]; $params = ["sss", "?,?,?", [$pid, $user, $comment]]; $save_comment = $this->CustomDB->insert( "comments", "pid,user,comment", $params ); if ($save_comment->affected_rows == 1) { $offset = 0; $data = $this->load_comments($pid, $offset); echo $data;//this returns empty string $this->Functions->api_response( "Thanks!! Your Comment has been submitted 🤗 ", 1, "csrf", $data ); } else { throw new Exception("Something went wrong. Try again!!!"); } } catch (Exception $e) { //try $msg = $e->getMessage(); $this->Functions->api_response($msg, 0, "csrf"); } } //comment() Now the second method is function load_comments($pid, $offset) { $this->Functions->debug(); //get comments so we can update at frontend $params = ["si", [$pid, $offset]]; //fetch comments $fetch = $this->CustomDB->query_custom( "SELECT * FROM comments WHERE pid=? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10 OFFSET?", $params ); $fetch = $fetch["result"]; $html = ""; //$html; while ($row = $fetch->fetch_assoc()) { $name = $row["user"]; $comment = $row["comment"]; $html .= '<div class="columns is-mobile display"><div style="border-radius:30px 30px 30px 30px;" class="column is-full box"><p class="subtitle is-6 mb-3"><em>' . $comment . '</em></p><span class="bold ml-2">' . $name . "</span></div></div><br>"; } return $html; } I can't really figure why it shouldn't work as expected
  3. Yeah thanks. I later solved it . At the beginning of the function I added this line below const self = this; So this.show_price(); becomes self.show_price();
  4. I am calling a method from another method in the same class but its showing undefined function. class Store { show_price() { alert("Well done , dude!!!"); } //another method fast_selling() { //works here // this.show_price(); let obj = {"0":"zero","1":"one"} let data; let index = 0; let html =""; $("#more").click(function () { let el = $(this); const more = (index) => { for (let i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { data = obj[index]; if (data === undefined && i > 1) { continue; } //condition 1 if (data === undefined && i === 1) { //change page number to 1 el.find(".pageNo").html(1); //index of first element of page 1 index = 0; //remove conteent of htmlm html = ""; //re run loop more(index); return; } //condition index++; } //for loop //display product $("#fs-wrap").html(html); return true; }; //end more() //run function to load more let load = more(index); if (load == true) { //update page el.find(".pageNo").text(next_page); } //doesnt work here this.show_price(); }); } } //class store const store = new Store(); store.fast_selling() Now when I want to use the fast_selling, all works fine except that I can't access that show_price() method. But when I call it at the first code after fast_selling() method it works. I get an error that states that the show_price method is undefined.
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