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  1. Hi gizmola, Thanks for the response. I changed the code in the .php file with your modifications. Unfortunately, this is what the email looks like with those edits: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Tyler, Your order has shipped. Tracking number : <a href=\"https://www.fedex.com/fedextrack/?trknbr=277530011950\">277530011950</a>" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I attached the complete document as a TXT file. email-netsuite-trackingno-received.txt
  2. I’m trying to get the tracking link added to a WooCommerce email and I think I have incorrect syntax. Would appreciate some help. Here is the section in question: <?php /* translators: %s Order date */ printf(esc_html__( 'Tracking number : echo " <a href=\\"https://www.fedex.com/fedextrack/?trknbr=%2$s\\">%2$s</a>";', 'woocommerce' ), esc_html($shipping_carrier), esc_html( $ups_trackingno ) ); ?> It's outputting this on the email message: Tracking number : echo " <a href=\"https://www.fedex.com/fedextrack/?trknbr=277442046164\">277442046164</a>"; I want it to output this on the email (with the number being the link): Tracking number: 277442046164
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