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  1. Hi Everyone. So i have found this code shown below: (credit to https://www.tychesoftwares.com/how-to-link-external-products-on-the-shop-page-to-the-product-page-in-woocommerce/) The quesion i need help with is how to modify this code so it only works on certain product categories, at the moment the code is applied to all products sitewide. add_filter( 'woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link', 'ts_link_external_product_page', 16, 3 ); function ts_link_external_product_page( $button, $product, $args ) { $url = $product->add_to_cart_url(); $button_text = $product->add_to_cart_text(); if ( 'external' === $product->get_type() ) { $url = $product->get_permalink(); $button_text = "View Details"; } return sprintf( '<a href="%s" data-quantity="%s" class="%s" %s>%s</a>', esc_url($url), esc_attr( isset( $args['quantity'] ) ? $args['quantity'] : 1 ), esc_attr( isset( $args['class'] ) ? $args['class'] : 'button' ), isset( $args['attributes'] ) ? wc_implode_html_attributes( $args['attributes'] ) : '', esc_html( $button_text) ); } I feel like i need to add a line like "if(is_product_category( array( 'catslugurl', 'anothercatslugurl' ) )){" but can not seem to be able to get it to work. Any help with this would be great. Thank you so much :)
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