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Posts posted by Canman2005

  1. Well no, the order by position should remain, I just wanted to put at the top of the results the rows with dates that have passed in the last 15 days. So if ROW 1 has a date of 2008-09-01 and ROW 2 has a date of 2008-10-25 then ROW 1 would be at the top because its date field passed less than 15 days ago. But then keeping the ORDER BY `position` for the rest of the results.


    If that makes sense? :)

  2. Sure


    My `products` table looks like


    CREATE TABLE `products` (
      `id` int(10) NOT NULL,
      `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
      `position` int(10) NOT NULL,
      `date` date NOT NULL
    INSERT INTO `products` (`id`, `title`, `position`, `date`) VALUES
    (1, 'HotDog', 2, '2008-04-20'),
    (2, 'Burger', 4, '2008-10-24'),
    (3, 'Chips', 1, '2008-10-31'),
    (4, 'Drinks', 3, '2008-10-02');


    My current QUERY looks like


    SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE date <= '2008-10-29' ORDER BY `position` ASC


    which gets me


    1  HotDog  2  2008-04-20

    4 Drinks 3 2008-10-22

    2 Burger 4 2008-10-24


    What I want to do is change the QUERY so that the first rows reurned would be any rows which have  `date` that started 15 days ago.


    Row 4 has a date of 2008-10-22 and row 2 has a date 2008-10-24, therefore those dates passed less than 15 days of todays date (if that make sense), therefore they would appear at the top of the results.


    The end result would look something like


    2 Burger 4 2008-10-24

    4 Drinks 3 2008-10-22

    1  HotDog  2  2008-04-20


    Row 1 has a date of 2008-04-20, therefore it's not within 15 days of todays date, therefore it would just return it's self in a `position` order at the bottom.


    As you will noticed, the order of rows 1 and 4 are in date order showing the one with the closest date to today, at the top.


    Does that make sense?


    Can anyone help?



  3. Hi all


    I have a database with products in it and in each row is a field called "dateadded", in that field I store dates when products were added, such as '2008-08-31'.


    Is there a way to run a QUERY which returns all rows in the database but places at the top, the rows which were added 15 days ago with newest added at top and then the rest of the rows that were added more than 15 days ago ordered by `product_title`


    Is there a way to QUERY that?

  4. Hi all


    Wondering if someone can help.


    I have a few variables, they are


    //weight in grams

    $weight = '600';

    $price = '299.99';


    //weight in kilograms (kg)

    $weight = '45.2';

    $price = '699.21';


    I need to do a calculation to work out the cost per kilogram (kg) for both my grams variables and also the kilogram (kg) variables


    What would be the best way to find out the cost per kilogram (kg)


    Any help would be ace



  5. Hey Canman2005,

    Can you calculate totals if the amount is VARCHAR. Say in a shopping cart.


    I believe so, I have never had any issues with using it, mostly because I have had to take existing large excel databases and don't want to chance messing up any money values, but then im not much of an expert and im sure other suggestions would be better, but personally I would stick with VARCHAR

  6. Hi all


    I wondered if someone can give me some advice.


    Basically I have this little newsletter system, I do a PHP QUERY to return all rows in a newsletter table and then run a PHP mail for each row returned.


    I have started to get a few people signing up and recently I ran my script and my host moaned that I used lots of bandwidth and tied the server up, he suggested I get the script to send out 10 mails every 5 minutes to avoid this happening.


    How could I get my script to just return 5 rows, wait 5 mins and then return another 5 rows and then repeat that again until no more rows are returned.


    Can anyone give some good advice?





  7. Thanks, but that seemed to return incorrect too.


    Here is some sample data


    -----------------The Allergies Products Table ----------------------------


    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `allergies_products` (

      `id` int(4) NOT NULL auto_increment,

      `product_id` int(10) NOT NULL,

      `allergy_id` int(10) NOT NULL,

      PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)



    INSERT INTO `allergies_products` (`id`, `product_id`, `allergy_id`) VALUES

    (5, 1, 13),

    (4, 1, 28),

    (6, 1, 31),

    (7, 2, 30),

    (8, 3, 31);


    -----------------The Products Table ----------------------------



      `id` int(4) NOT NULL auto_increment,

      `category` int(4) NOT NULL default '0',

      `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',

      `image_1` int(4) default NULL,

      `description` text,

      `live` int(1) NOT NULL default '0',

      PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)




    -- Dumping data for table `products`



    INSERT INTO `products` (`id`, `image_1`, `title`, `description`, `price`, `live`, `category`) VALUES

    (1, 15, 'Burger', '', 2.99, 1, 1),

    (2, 12, 'HotDog', '', 2.99, 1, 1),

    (3, 15, 'Sausage Rolls', '', 2.99, 1, 1);




    So as you can see, product ID 1 is listed 3 times in the `allergies_products` table, so with my QUERY, if you selected NOT to rerturn any rows with the value 31 in the `allergy_id` field, then the results would only be


    (7, 2, 30)


    because `allergy_id` 31 is lined to `product_id` 1 and 3, therefore it shouldnt return any rows which have ID 1 or 3 in them.


    Does that make any kind of sense?


    Thanks very much

  8. Hi all


    I really need a hand, im getting into slightly complext QUERIES and really could do with some help.


    Basically I have the following QUERY


    SELECT p.id, p.image_1, p.title, p.description, p.price, p.live , p.category, l.product_id, l.allergy_id FROM products p LEFT JOIN allergies_products l ON (p.id = l.product_id) WHERE p.live = 1 AND p.category = '15' AND l.allergy_id !=17 GROUP BY l.product_id ORDER BY p.title ASC


    This gets all products from a main `products` table, but ignores any rows which are linked in the `allergies_products` table which have a `allergy_id` of 17 (or whatever the variable is)


    inside the table `allergies_products` I store;






    although my QUERY is looking anything without `l.allergy_id !=17` it could be that the same product ID is listed twice in the `allergies_products` table but with different `allergy_id` values.


    How can I get the QUERY to ignore any rows with a `allergy_id` value of 17 (like it currently does), but then also ignore all rows that have the same `product_id` value as the rows don't have an `allergy_id` value of 17.


    Does that make any sense?


    Please can some help me? You're my only hope


    Thanks in advance :'(

  9. Hi all


    I'm using the following script to pull the contents of a page into a SPAN tag


    function ajaxLoader(url,id) {
      if (document.getElementById) {
        var x = (window.ActiveXObject) ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") : new XMLHttpRequest();
      if (x) {
        x.onreadystatechange = function() {
    el = document.getElementById(id);
            el.innerHTML = "";
          if (x.readyState == 4 && x.status == 200) {
            el = document.getElementById(id);
            el.innerHTML = x.responseText;
        x.open("GET", url, true);


    the SPAN is created with


    <span id="myspan"></span>


    and then I do the link to pull in content using


    <a onclick="ajaxLoader('mypage.php','myspan');">


    This works great as a normal text link and in FireFox I don't get any problems using it anywhere.


    The issue I have is using it in a list menu in IE, if I apply the onclick to


    <select name="list" onmousedown="ajaxLoader('mypage.php','myspan');">

    <option value="">Option 1</option>

    <option value="">Option 2</option>



    then it works fine, but if I apply it like


    <select name="list">

    <option onmousedown="ajaxLoader('mypage.php','myspan');" value="">Option 1</option>

    <option onmousedown="ajaxLoader('mypage.php','myspan');" value="">Option 2</option>



    then it refuses to work.


    Any ideas why issues in IE?


    Help :(





  10. Hi all


    Really really need someones help.


    I am having an issue puttrng a QUERY togther.


    Let me firstly explain my tables, I have two tables called "products" and also "linked_products", I have put a brief export below





    ID    TITLE

    1    chips

    2    burgers

    3    drinks






    1    2                  3

    2    2                  4

    3    1                  3



    So as you can see, there is a field called "PRODUCT_ID" in the table called "linked_products", that field refers to the ID field held in "products" table.


    As you will also see, row 2 in the "products" table (burgers) is listed twice in the "linked_products" table assigned to "TYPE" 3 and 4.


    Product ID 1 (chips) is assigned to "TYPE" 6 in the "linked_products" table.


    You will notice that ID 3 of the "products" table (drinks) is now listed in the "linked_products" table at all.


    What I need to do is run a QUERY which gets all rows from the "products" table excluding any rows which are listed under the "PRODUCT_ID" field in the "linked_products" that have a "TYPE" equaling 3 for example, not returning any with "TYPE" defined as 3 would just return ROW 3 (drinks), this is because ROW 3 (drinks) does not appear in the "linked_products" table with a value of 3.


    If we were to do it again but asking for any which have a "TYPE" as 4, then it would return just ROW 1 (chips) and 3 (drinks) this is because ROW 1 and ROW 3 of the "products" table don't have a value of 4 under the "TYPE" field in the "linked_products" table, only ROW 2 has a field value of 4.


    Tried to explain this the best I can, if anyone can help, that would be fantastic as im hitting my head harder ansd harder lol





  11. Hi all


    I have a very simple QUERY, looks like


    $sql = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `area` = '99'";
    $show = @mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die(mysql_error());
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($show))		
    print $row['fullname'];
    print "<br>";


    This returns a list like












    How is it possible to insert the word "NEXT" after every 4th row returned, so the above output would look like














    Any help would be great





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