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Everything posted by JunWei

  1. After reading your reply, and looking at the console, I finally understood what you mean. You are right. I was getting the id from Button. I needed to get from the Select Menu. <select id="selectYearDD"> function submitYear(sno) { var cusid=sno; var yearSelDD=document.getElementById("selectYearDD"); var yearSel = yearSelDD.options[yearSelDD.selectedIndex].value; Tyvm
  2. Is this the right way? Haha, still not working 😭 ... ?> <table><tr><td> <form method="post"> <select> <?php // Iterating through the YearArray() foreach($YearArray as $item){ echo "<option value='$item'>$item</option>"; } ?> </select> <?php echo "<input type=\"button\" value=\"Select Year\" id=\"selectYear\" class=\"send\" onClick=\"javascript:submitYear($cusid)\"/>" ?> </form> </td></tr></table> <br/> <?php ...
  3. Hi all, Here is a brief description of what I want to do (please see attached image): https://ibb.co/QpmvZ60 1) User click "View" 2) User select "Year" 3) Show all records of that "Year" I have 2 php files: A) order_view.php This php shows up to step 2. B) order_view_ByYear.php At step 3 after user clicks "Select Year", use ajax to display the records at the bottom. ------------------------- A) order_view.php <script type="text/javascript"> function submitYear(sno) { var cusid=sno; var yearSelDD=document.getElementById("selectYear"); var yearSel = yearSelDD.options[yearSelDD.selectedIndex].value; alert("cusid = " + cusid + " yearSel = " + yearSel); $.ajax({ type:'POST', url:'order_view_ByYear.php', data:{ cusid:cusid, yearSel:yearSel, wrapper:"testing" }, //If successful, which part of webpage to change? success: function(result) { $('#showOrders').html(result); } }); } </script> ... Some Codes ... //============================== Display that User's Orders using ajax ============================== $sql2 = $mysqli->query("select * from orders where customerid='$cusid' ORDER BY orderid DESC"); if ($sql2->num_rows > 0) { while ($row2 = $sql2->fetch_assoc()) { // Populate the YearArray() DropDownList $rowYear = date('Y', strtotime($row2["date"])); if($YearToAdd != $rowYear) { $YearToAdd = $rowYear; array_push($YearArray, $YearToAdd); } } } ?> <table><tr><td> <form method="post"> <select> <?php // Iterating through the YearArray() foreach($YearArray as $item){ echo "<option value='$item'>$item</option>"; } ?> </select> <input type="button" value="Select Year" id="selectYear" class="send" onClick="javascript:submitYear($cusid)"/> </form> </td></tr></table> <br/> <?php echo "<div id=\"showOrders\">Select Year</div>"; ... Some Codes ... B) order_view_ByYear.php <?php error_reporting(0); include "../database_connection.php"; $cusid = $_POST['cusid']; $YrSelect = $_POST['yearSel']; //Testing echo "CustID = ". $cusid . " Year = " . $YrSelect; ... However nothing happened when I click the "Select Year" button. No alert, nothing. Can someone guide me where I did wrongly in the code? Much Appreciated.
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