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Everything posted by noidea

  1. ok i think using joshs code i figured it out function SplitQuery($this_query, $to_search) { $searchTerms = explode(" ", $this_query); $allMatched = 1; foreach ($searchTerms as $searchTerm) { if ( preg_match('/'.$searchTerm.'/i',$to_search) == false ) { $allMatched = 0; } } return $allMatched; } so while looping through my files i just need to do if(SplitQuery($this_query, $to_search) == 1) { $data_to_display[] = $news_headline."|".$news_content; //This will collect only data that contains words typed in $this_query } cheers for helpin, i just cant believe something so simple has to be so complex lol
  2. from my understanding, as im using a while loop i need to create a function based on the code that josh posted and thats my problem lol - i dont understand the logic behind it as it was not explained - im grateful for the help but its only useful if it explains how it helps I get i need to break each word up the user entered but then i dont know what do to next to check that ALL the words (needles) exist in a given haystack
  3. yeah i get the foo and bar thing lol I just dont understand how the code helps my scinario (posted above) or how to inplemtent it.. i have tried but i dont get the results i need Im still getting the results based on "or" so if "foo" or "bar" then results where found but i dont need that I need AND so if "foo" and "bar" exists then boom! job done! I cant believe i cant even find a simple solution for this
  4. Hi thanks for helpig but i really dont understand your code... I have tried putting the users entered search words in an array which works but for me this basically does the same as the "or" it outputs results $text_to_search if 'foo' or 'bar' are found where i only want it to out put if both words exists Also what do the '~' operators mean? im sure its my fault its not working as im trying to get it to work within my script ... im basically having to loop through files while this is goin on example: function SplitQuery($this_query) //Function to return each search word pipe operator for "or" for preg_match { $all_words = explode(" ", $this_query); foreach($all_words as $val => $word) { $return = $return . $word."|"; } $to_return = trim($return, "|"); return $to_return; // Will return "each|keyword|seperated" } $query = $_POST['q']; //Users posted search words $search_str = SplitQuery($query); //Get each search word from phrase $news_path = "news"; // Folder where files are stored $dir = opendir($news_path); //Open news Folder while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $release_file = trim($file); $file_path = $news_path."/".$file; if(!is_dir($file_path)) //Make sure file is not a sub dir { $file_contents = file_get_contents($file_path); //Get the contents of each file $explode_parts = explode("|",$file_contents); //Put contents in array $news_headline = $explode_parts[1]); //News Headline $news_content = $explode_parts[2]); //News Main Content if(preg_match("/$search_str/i", $news_headline." ".$news_content)) //Search to see if user { $search_data[] = $news_headline."|".$news_content."|"; } } } } closedir($dir); //Close Dir the above works but only on an OR basis where i need to check to see if ALL entered words are in section of text Sorry im not very good at explaining myself well lloll
  5. hi thanks for the reply This wont work for my needs as the amount of words enterd will vary... imagine a search scenario where the user can enter multiple words
  6. hay there How can i check for say 2 or more words in a string... Now I know this checks for 2 words on a "OR" basis if(preg_match("/$findthis|$this/i", $text_to_search)) { //do something } So this ill check to see if the $text_to_search contains either $findthis or $this but i need it to check with the "and" operator - so for example.. search $text_to_search for $findthis and $this how can i do this? many thanks
  7. Sorry but if by "proper database" you mean a SQL database, I have never worked with one so i have no idea about how they work It is something I may look into in the future
  8. the pagination links ive already got for the code above.. my main problem is getting the results out in the table thanks
  9. i really stuck lol, been tryin to work it out all night lol I just dont even know where to start with the table and how to create the dynamic columns If you could help id be very grateful, oh master lol
  10. DOHH!! so sorry lol The question is i guess, how can this be done.. im really stuck on this cheers
  11. Hi I have a list of youtube videos in a flat file database. I would like to print a thumbnail of these videos out to the end user in a table. The results need to have pagination as well as a dynamic table so i can display say 3 rows and 3 columns per page. The column amount will also need to be adjustable in case i wish to change the columns from 3 to 4 for example: $video_file_data[]; //This is the array in which all video info will be stored $start = $_REQUEST['start']; //pagination setting $videos_per_page = 9; //Show 9 Vids per page $table_colums = 3; //Amount of columns needed to display results per page $num = count ($video_file_data); //Number of lines in data array $max_pages = @ceil($num / $videos_per_page); //Maximum number of Pages $cur = @ceil($start / $videos_per_page)+1; for($i=$start;$i<min($num,($start+$videos_per_page)+0);$i++) { list($date_added, $video_title, $youtube_url) = explode('|', trim($video_file_data[$i])); // <--- Table needs to go } The info stored in $video_file_data[] would look something like this: date 1."|".title 1."|".youtube url 1 date 2."|".title 2."|".youtube url 2 date 3."|".title 3."|".youtube url 3 date 4."|".title 4."|".youtube url 4 Many thanks for the help
  12. There are thousands of ways to get your site noticed many believe in banner or traffic exchanges but these are not that successful and many obsolete. If i was you i would concentrate and put your energy into SEO (Search Engine Optimization) No matter what you do to advertise your site - if you dont have the basics correct then your wasting your time! The most popular form of advertising at the moment is Link Exchanging - Basically getting website to link to your site but preferably those with a high page ranking If you can master SEO you wont need any promotional gimmicks ... savvy!
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