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Posts posted by AV1611

  1. Ah, that makes sense about no x handle


    I run an america's army server, for example.  It's not up all the time.  I want to create a way to start it up via a web page. (I can do it via ssh, but don't like giving ssh out to people...)


    The command is "/path/to/file/server-bin -some -switches"


    via ssh I use "&" so I can close the session and leave the server running.  I don't need to be able to kill the server, but may change my mind on that...



  2. No, that won't work.  If you do




    it doesn't start an xterm on the server. (it doesn't show up in "top".)


    The program I want to run is not xterm, but it will do for this discussion.


    I think apache user is not allow to start local processes, so there's a mod that webmin uses or something.


    If I do


    echo $e


    it works.

  3. I've seen this question before, but never gotten a good answer to it:


    I want to start a problem on my linux box via my personal web site.  I know it's possible with PHP because I use webmin to start and stop programs all the time. 


    I know it's more than a simple string, as I have to log to the local machine etc.


    Can someone point me in the right direction or a howto or tutorial or something?




  4. Why does this center an image in firefox but not in IE6? In IE6 is is of the left instead? Is it because it's in a <td>?




    <body style="margin-top: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; background-image: url(topgrad.jpg); background-repeat: repeat-x; "><table align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td>


    <div style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 478px;"><img src="topbanner.jpg" alt="" /></div>

  5. I am baffled by this...


    I have a form with two boxes.  The PHP processor I send it to triggers on whichever field is set.  I could do this different, but this should work.




    The second input button does nothing.  zero. zilch. you click it, it shows that the mouse clicks it, but it does nothing.  I am baffled.


    The first button works fine.




    New Part Number:  

    <form name="sform" method="POST" action="tekparteditor2.php">

    <input type="text" SIZE="20" name="ADDPARTNO" />

    <input type="submit" name="submit" value=" ADD PROVIDED NUMBER " />



    Part Number Series:  

    <form name="aform" method="POST" action="tekparteditor2.php">

    <input type="text" SIZE="20" name="SERIESPARTNO" />

    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="    ADD SERIES NUMBER    " />



  6. Servers should not have a gui, period. It just opens up more security wholes. The less software on a server the better.


    Chances are if your looking for an easy distribution to run a web host on then you are not ready to run a web host. Sorry, but its not just a straight forward task. When you have clients relying on uptime, your best to know what you are doing.


    I just can't agree with you... Linux GUI's take into account security, which is why we use Linux to begin with.  There are some functions that are made easier and save labor as a result.  That depends on what you are doing, but I may have lost sight of the original question.  If you are selling webspace and no more, I agree with you.  If you are managing multiple websites in conjunctions with other services (as I do) then I disagree.  I host a dozen websites, offer some VoIP services, a Gameserver, and anything else that makes my customers happy.  I cater to a local population.  Again, I may have lost the original question. 


    I DO however disagree with the notion that if you can't do commandline you can't do linux.  I view it as a major reason why it still struggles for acceptance outside the server farm.  I cut my teeth on DOS 2.3 and Novel.  I still uses DOS when I work, so I simply had to learn bash and it's all kinda the same to me. The new kids have never heard of Novel, and didn't know what one did before Windows 2000 server.  I think it's valid to use a GUI to get them productive. 


    One last thought: Without a GUI Linux is of no use to the end user.  Until we get the end user to use it for it's desktop, we will have to write purely arbitrary, standardless code to make websites work on IE7, et. al.  W3C is nice, but I have several sites that pass W3C clean as a whistle and are a garbled mess on IE7.  Until M$ feels ANY competition from the end user (as in GUI Desktop for Linux) we will have wonderful servers that have no real standard.  The problem is much deeper, but I won't go on.


    Bottom Line:

    Use the GUI, that's what it's for, but dont' forget to do your homework.  The GUI only does a fraction of what the tiger under the hood can do.

  7. I don't think that would help as I am trying to be w3c for the site.  Dunno why I bother sometimes, cause w3c doesn't mean it will work on IE7 of course, as m$ uses whatever arbitrary flipping standard they feel like using... GRRRRR!

  8. That article doesn't discuss what I asked.


    How do you copy a file from a client machine to a remote webdav share?


    as I stated before,


    cp file1 file2 doesn't work, as both files are relative to the remote server


    I want to copy /home/file.txt from the client machine to file.txt on the webdav server.


    if I do

    cp /home/file.txt file.txt


    it tried to do

    cp {remoteserveraddress}/home/file.txt {remoteserveraddress}/file.txt



  9. I set up a folder with webdav on my F7 LAMP Server.

    I can log in and manipulate files with cadaver no problem. Authentication was a snap.


    How/Is there a way to copy files form client to webdav share directly?


    I can do

    dav:/webdav/> cp file1 file2

    and it works, but how can I copy from client filesystem to webdav share?



  10. Thank you.


    You said that it is possible, however.


    I only need this because I am trying to pull in some code as part of an include, and w3c doesn't allow me to introduce new css other than inline once the <body> is open.  this small script is going to be used on a ton of sites, so inline would save a lot of work, otherwise I have to drop a class= then add that class to the css of each site I use the include on


    Back to the question:

    How would I do it inline?



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