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Posts posted by AV1611

  1. Are you using CUPS? If not, you should be. :) CUPS has always worked for me right off the bat, with a little trial-and-error with the print drivers. It's just a matter of enabling printer sharing on the computer it's connected to, and enabling the use of shared printers on the other computers.


    Yea, but I hoped to do it the other way... I guess I'll do CUPS instead.


    Thanks for always being there Ney...

  2. Well, the only way I can seem to get passive to work is like this:


    -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 1024:65536 --sport 1024:65535 -j ACCEPT


    The ports won't accept connection, so that's good, but Doesn't that mean they will open for other connections, not just FTP? 


    I'm confused...

  3. I hate printers


    I have an HP that works great with linux.


    I have two public IP's.


    Computer A has the HP on it.  It prints fine


    I went to computer B and told it to look for a tcp printer on the IP for computer A and if found it. 


    I printed from computer B and it "seemed" to work, but the printer on computer A never printed it.


    Um, What am I missing???

  4. ACCEPT    tcp  --  anywhere            anywhere            tcp dpt:ftp state NEW

    ACCEPT    all  --  anywhere            anywhere            state ESTABLISHED

    ACCEPT    all  --  anywhere            anywhere            state RELATED


    I thought these would allow a carte blanche for anything related to and established ftp (port 21) connection.  I guess I oversimplified too much?


    what about:


    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --sport 1024: --dport 1024: -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

    iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 1024: --dport 1024: -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT


    I thinks its the same as above except only applied to sport and dport above 1024? Is that correct?




  5. used only when you plan to take advantage of controversy.

    That is a great statement, and helps me. 


    My RestoringTheTruth site does exactly that. I see now that This site uses that edge,but it doesn't work for the content here, where it helps in the other site.


    I will rethink the site, and maybe just keep it a blog for now.


    One parting though, I've heard this stated several times, and I think it's an unfair statement:


    Being Pro anything doesn't necessarily imply Anti anything else.  My Site was design to target the Christian Home Schoolers -  Which is a small niche.  That does not mean it bashes anything.  Sever took it that way, and I do not think that's fair.




    I never asked anyone to critique Drupal nor the theme I chose for it.  I used a theme, modded is a little, and called it good.  I pointed this out very clearly in my original post.  I never would have imagined the hostility it caused.  I am glad I posted, I learned a lot... whether I agree with all the lessons or not. 


    I will call this project done and come back when I get a fresh idea.




  6. having said that then, it's a poor idea. I hope it works for you - so good luck with it - but you did ask for opinions on the idea, and feedback here seems perfectly above board, fair comment, and exactly what you asked for.


    i understand your point about people being particular, by aiming at a certain group in a particular way. a BETTER model, IMO, would be to build a reputable network of sites and drop a more subtle "christian" link/banner (eg, "Part of the blah blah network) in the footer. Your site would then have the "stamp of approval", but would also not alienate other groups; but the way it comes across at the moment is all wrong and could be taken as discriminatory, even if that's not your intention.


    Looks nice and clean though - as for the comments previously about using Drupal, I couldn't disagree more. Drupal needs some hard work and plenty of learning to get it to play ball, unlike more conventional CMS's, so good job there.


    Redbull, thank you for making my day.  That is the first objective suggestion that I've gotten on this.  I am not sure how to implement it, however.


    I have a string of sites, but I don't get any hits.  I will list them here, in the hopes that someone will help me to generate some hits.







    The last of these is a clan gaming website, trinasworld is my daughters blogsite, restoringthetruth is my blog/Bible reference site, and the top is my Linux Noob site. 


    Here is the question to ALL that have posted:


    If I drop the "Christian" targeting, will anyone care about yet anothe Linux Noob Howto website?


    Please help, I'm not good at this part of the business.


    Thank you, and sorry if I overreacted.

  7. Well, I'll start a new thread, some idiot hijacked my thread and got it locked.


    Critique on Idea, not really this site layout...

    « on: October 11, 2007, 11:41:49 PM »


    I had this idea for a site.  I'm not really looking for a critique on the design so much as the idea.  I am just using Drupal with a theme.


    The site is targeted at the GNU/Linux novice... specifically the Christian Homeschoolers, and the like.  It is meant to be an eclectic help site, combining Blog entries, articles, links and a forum to post questions on how to use linux.  The target may include people who didn't realize that Linux didn't even exist.  I have written a few articles for effect.


    Thanks for any input.




    As is my custom, I forgot the link Tongue


    Do you have something against people who aren't Christian?


    And did you even make that? It looks to me like Drupal or something. I'm pretty sure this section is for websites that YOU made, not for downloading vBulletin/Drupal/IPB/whatever and putting a theme on it (that you didn't even make).


    First, let me respond to the quote above.  If you read my first post, you will see that I stated the fact that I was looking for constructive critisizm on the idea, not the site.  The fact that it's drupal (which I think I've themes quite nicely BTW) is irrelevant to conversation.


    Do you have something against people who aren't Christian?

    When and where did I ever imply that?  Bringing up Christianity sure seems to have brought a lot of stereotypical views of my character.  So much for tolerance...


    As for the rest of you.  I posted here exactly for this reason.  Let me explain what I am trying to do.  There a a zillion Linux Noob sites out there (I know, I've visited them all many times in the past 2 years as I have tried to learn Linux)


    What I am trying to do is reach a group of people (PLEASE, Let's not makes this a philosophical argument over who's view are right or wrong) that tend to avoid Linux because of the nerve that it touched both in this thread and in the original thread I started.  I AM NOT TRYING TO PERSUADE ANYONE TO AGREE/DISAGREE WITH CHRISTIANITY.  What I am trying to do is come up with a way to get the segment of people interested, and I my idea is to make an environment in which they will feel non-threatened.  My fear is that if I don't put up the wall of Christianity, they will not bother, as the "Homeschool" folks that I'm trying to reach are very particular.  You might say it's bad business, It's not business in my case (As my wife reminds my daily, most of my work doesn't generate much $$$ j/k)  It's about trying to read that target audience.  What I need is not hostility towards the idea, but suggestions on how to make the idea more palatable without losing site of the target I'm trying to reach.


    I hope this will help in what I'm looking for, and bleed off the pressure that I never intended to create with this thread to begin with.


    Thank you.

  8. Didn't know where else to post this...


    Below is the output of iptables -L


    I can only connect to my ftp if I disable passive.  I thought I had the state stuff right, but it doesn't work.  Can anyone help?


    Chain INPUT (policy DROP)

    target    prot opt source              destination

    ACCEPT    all  --  anywhere            anywhere

    ACCEPT    tcp  --  anywhere            anywhere            tcp flags:ACK/ACK

    DROP      all  --  c-68-37-0-0.hsd1.de.comcast.net/16  anywhere

    DROP      all  --  ip68-106-0-0.ph.ph.cox.net/16  anywhere

    DROP      all  --  host-72-51-204-225.newwavecomm.net  anywhere

    DROP      all  --  BASE-ADDRESS.MCAST.NET/4  anywhere

    ACCEPT    tcp  --  anywhere            anywhere            tcp dpt:ftp state N


    ACCEPT    all  --  anywhere            anywhere            state ESTABLISHED

    ACCEPT    all  --  anywhere            anywhere            state RELATED

    ACCEPT    udp  --  anywhere            anywhere            udp spt:domain dpts


    ACCEPT    icmp --  anywhere            anywhere            icmp echo-reply

    ACCEPT    icmp --  anywhere            anywhere            icmp destination-un


    ACCEPT    icmp --  anywhere            anywhere            icmp source-quench

    ACCEPT    icmp --  anywhere            anywhere            icmp time-exceeded

    ACCEPT    icmp --  anywhere            anywhere            icmp parameter-prob


    ACCEPT    tcp  --  anywhere            anywhere            tcp dpt:ssh

    ACCEPT    tcp  --  anywhere            anywhere            tcp dpt:auth

    ACCEPT    tcp  --  anywhere            anywhere            tcp dpt:ftp

    ACCEPT    tcp  --  anywhere            anywhere            tcp dpt:ssh

    ACCEPT    tcp  --  anywhere            anywhere            tcp dpt:smtp

    ACCEPT    tcp  --  anywhere            anywhere            tcp dpt:domain

    ACCEPT    tcp  --  anywhere            anywhere            tcp dpt:http

    ACCEPT    tcp  --  anywhere            anywhere            tcp dpt:hosts2-ns

    ACCEPT    tcp  --  anywhere            anywhere            tcp dpt:pop3

    ACCEPT    tcp  --  anywhere            anywhere            tcp dpt:https

    ACCEPT    tcp  --  anywhere            anywhere            tcp dpt:ndmp

    ACCEPT    tcp  --  anywhere            anywhere            tcp dpt:mysql

    ACCEPT    tcp  --  anywhere            anywhere            tcp dpt:imap

    ACCEPT    tcp  --  anywhere            anywhere            tcp dpts:20025:2004                                            8

    ACCEPT    tcp  --  anywhere            anywhere            tcp dpt:14200

    ACCEPT    udp  --  anywhere            anywhere            udp dpt:8767

    ACCEPT    udp  --  anywhere            anywhere            udp dpt:8777

    ACCEPT    udp  --  anywhere            anywhere            udp dpts:xmsg:h323g                                            atedisc

    ACCEPT    udp  --  anywhere            anywhere            udp dpt:27900

    DROP      all  --  anywhere            anywhere


    Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)

    target    prot opt source              destination


    Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)

    target    prot opt source              destination


  9. Well, I'll start a new thread, some idiot hijacked my thread and got it locked.


    Critique on Idea, not really this site layout...

    « on: October 11, 2007, 11:41:49 PM »


    I had this idea for a site.  I'm not really looking for a critique on the design so much as the idea.  I am just using Drupal with a theme.


    The site is targeted at the GNU/Linux novice... specifically the Christian Homeschoolers, and the like.  It is meant to be an eclectic help site, combining Blog entries, articles, links and a forum to post questions on how to use linux.  The target may include people who didn't realize that Linux didn't even exist.  I have written a few articles for effect.


    Thanks for any input.




    As is my custom, I forgot the link Tongue


  10. I have a simple <table> that is 100% width of page, and 20px high.


    I have it in a <div>


    I need to make the table to REMAIN top, and when you scroll down the page, the page "scrolls" under the div/table, so it appears to be stationary.


    I've played with float: top but that doesn't seem to be what I want...


    Suggestions? Thanks.



  11. Because of the very tone that your post takes. 


    You dislike non-believers eating your bandwidth?


    If that is all you can glean from the site, then you answer you own question.  That is an absurdity, and discredits the very nature of the forum on which it is posted. 


    There are some that won't use Linux because they are used to "old fashioned" courtesies, whereas the "perceptions" of many Linux users is that of a "Jolt cola guzzling Hacker". 


    I know that this is unfair, but it's truly how some view Linux users. 


    I want to target someone who is timid, socially.  I want it to a level that even the most novice user can find a use and be inspired by the OS that has inspired me to reach great heights of achievement. 


    There is no anti-heathen rhetoric as you imply, nor does one have to be a "Christian" to find the site useful.  I simply wanted to create an environment what a "Christian" would not feel alienated.   


    It says in the bible to use KDE, not Gnome?

    If you read the articles, I think you will find that I suggest that the transition from windows to KDE is easier that windows to Gnome.  That was certainly true in my case.  I do not bash Gnome at all.  I want them to string together a series of small victories, thus creating another Linux Convert. 

  12. I was gonna post a link, but found it didn't validate, so decided it was best to do that first :P


    With this doc type:

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"



    why is this not valid???


    <INPUT type="button" VALUE="Back" onClick="history.go(-1);return true;">


    I simply want a button that take the person to the other page/domain from which they came from (which is on a different server)


  13. I had this idea for a site.  I'm not really looking for a critique on the design so much as the idea.  I am just using Drupal with a theme.


    The site is targeted at the GNU/Linux novice... specifically the Christian Homeschoolers, and the like.  It is meant to be an eclectic help site, combining Blog entries, articles, links and a forum to post questions on how to use linux.  The target may include people who didn't realize that Linux didn't even exist.  I have written a few articles for effect.


    Thanks for any input.




    As is my custom, I forgot the link :P


  14. Sorry for double post


    TSV solves part of the problem but when you use .xls extension with tsv, if column has only numbers xls assumes it to be a number.  we have part numbers like 0900.120 so tsv -> with .xls extension displays 900.12 in excel when opened.  If I could put "0900.120" in the tsv, the it would be ok, but then if there is a " in the string, or \ for that matter, I'm screwed again.

  15. I guess I can't explain myself good enough.


    I have no way to predict what the string is, as I am dealing with a parsed text document.  I know how to do this manually, as you did above with concanation.  <sp?>  What I need is for the script to do this automatically.  I am dealing with csv/tsv file parsing between platforms.

  16. I THINK this is the right place, as I'm trying to write a PHP script...




    I have a server farm in my home office. 

    server A.

    this is a content filter.  All internet comes into this linux box, and using squid/dansguardian, it is the main internet feed for my house. 


    server B.

    this is my LAMP server.  it is NOT part of my LAN above.


    here is what I am trying to do.


    When a web request comes in from a LAN client, it goes through the content filter and either displays the site if ok or bounces to a blocked page I wrote that has all the info about the request available to it.


    What I did was add a small password field and submit button so I can add administrator bypass functionality to the blocked page.


    My approach so far has been to do


    file_get_contents() in a request to a script on server B, which is not filtered.


    this brings up the page fine. 


    For example, let's say google.com was blocked.  The bypass sends this: http://myserver/bypass.php?url=http://www.google.com&pw=whatever


    However, I can't click any links on the googe page, as I am still in a "blocked" domain.  I need someone to at least help me see the concept of how to do this.  I tried an IFrame, but the problem is the same... each subsequent request is blocked as a local request on my LAN, so it is filtered.  I guess what I need is to keep the requests on the "bypass" server (server B), and only display the content back to the LAN client.  If this can't be done in just PHP lemme know, as I only know some PHP... but I think it can be. 

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