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Posts posted by AV1611

  1. Hey, long time Thope! Hi!




    Yea, I copied them over and had to make sure I chmod them to the new user name (ISPConfig has a prefix)

    i.e. web14_username on the old system might be web8_username on the new one cause I didn't recreate them in order, etc.


    but after that all went well.




  2. Well... hope this is the right place for this question :P




    My old LAMP server (FC6) needed to be replaced as it is out of the update cycle and had lot's of "issues".


    I ran many virt's via ispconfig.


    I have built the new server and have everything including the virt's sites.


    One question:


    How do I migrate the old maildir mail from the old postfix machine to the corresponding user on the new machine?




  3. This doesn't work if you use in in the <head><style> section:

    <!--[if IE]>

    div.menus {

    margin-top: 13px;




    How can I change the padding to



    I want to margin-top to be 12px unless it's IE, then I want it 13px instead, cause M$ can't add :P


    I tried it inline:


    <div class="whatever" <!--[if IE]-->style="margin-top: 13px;"<!--[endif]-->>


    but then it just echo's the tag like text.


    So, the question really is, how do I set the margin-top of an element to 12 unless it's IE, then I want 13 instead?

  4. Well,


    Good question.


    Currently I host several domains, so the to would always be a designated local user, but what if the account wanted the mail send to for example name@gmail.com?


    I guess that the issue...


    I guess as long as I hard code the to: then the from doesn't matter?


    I just have been overreacting since I got exploited last year... I have worked VERY hard to keep my server off the spam lists and have done a good job... I just don't wanna risk it.

  5. Mail forms and Backscatter


    I currently do not allow mailforms on my server that allow the form to ender a TO or FROM as I have been backscatter exploited in the past.


    I also don't allow open relay and never will.


    That means the from is always static (system@mydomain.com)




    How can I ensure that the TO on the form only contains a SINGLE to?  And how do I keep robots from just bouncing off it?



  6. I'd try:


    chmod 644 /etc/mail/local-host-names

    chmod 644 /etc/mail/trusted-users




    P.S. I use postfix which I much prefer over sendmail.



    I did

    2.  [root@host etc]# chmod u=rwx,g=,o= /etc/mail/trusted-users

    [root@host etc]# chmod u=rwx,g=,o= /etc/mail/local-host-names


    would have thought that was the solution... but I guess postfix it is.

    I love postfix, but this server is my development server, not my hosting one...  so I didn't wanna do that but oh well...


    you would think that yum via livna it woulda just worked. go figure.


  7. sendmail not starting


    decided to install sendmail on my fedora 9 so I can use a mail form.


    here's what I did:


    1. yum install sendmail sendmail-cf


    [root@host etc]# service sendmail start

    Starting sendmail: 451 4.0.0 /etc/mail/sendmail.cf: line 91: fileclass: cannot open '/etc/mail/local-host-names': World writable directory

    451 4.0.0 /etc/mail/sendmail.cf: line 598: fileclass: cannot open '/etc/mail/trusted-users': World writable directory



    2.  [root@host etc]# chmod u=rwx,g=,o= /etc/mail/trusted-users

    [root@host etc]# chmod u=rwx,g=,o= /etc/mail/local-host-names


    [root@host etc]# service sendmail start

    Starting sendmail: 451 4.0.0 /etc/mail/sendmail.cf: line 91: fileclass: cannot open '/etc/mail/local-host-names': World writable directory

    451 4.0.0 /etc/mail/sendmail.cf: line 598: fileclass: cannot open '/etc/mail/trusted-users': World writable directory





    [root@host mail]# ls -la

    total 208

    drwxr-xr-x   2 root root  4096 2008-09-19 12:06 .

    drwxr-xr-x 137 root root 12288 2008-09-19 12:06 ..

    -rw-r--r--   1 root root   469 2008-03-29 05:27 access

    -rw-r-----   1 root root 12288 2008-09-19 12:06 access.db

    -rw-r--r--   1 root root   233 2008-03-29 05:27 domaintable

    -rw-r-----   1 root root 12288 2008-09-19 12:06 domaintable.db

    -r--r--r--   1 root root  5584 2008-03-29 05:27 helpfile

    -rwx------   1 root root    64 2008-03-29 05:27 local-host-names

    -rw-r--r--   1 root root   997 2008-03-29 05:27 mailertable

    -rw-r-----   1 root root 12288 2008-09-19 12:06 mailertable.db

    -rw-r--r--   1 root root  1048 2008-03-29 05:27 Makefile

    -rw-r--r--   1 root root 58624 2008-03-29 05:27 sendmail.cf

    -rw-r--r--   1 root root  7205 2008-03-29 05:27 sendmail.mc

    -r--r--r--   1 root root 41706 2008-03-29 05:27 submit.cf

    -rw-r--r--   1 root root   941 2008-03-29 05:27 submit.mc

    -rwx------   1 root root   127 2008-03-29 05:27 trusted-users

    -rw-r--r--   1 root root  1847 2008-03-29 05:27 virtusertable

    -rw-r-----   1 root root 12288 2008-09-19 12:06 virtusertable.db

    [root@host mail]#


    As you can see the error message is not true. those files are certainly NOT world writeable.







    Just know that it can be spoofed


    I know that but I am creating my own logging like statcounter and I knew all the stuff except that one... I'm not really using it for security as much as general knowledge. thanks.


  9. I have a site that extends beyond the bottom of the page forcing scrollbars, except on one page... which causes that irritating shift of the site.


    can I force scrollbars (vertical only) (all browsers) or do I need to pad that page with <br />'s?



  10. As I'm clicking on the left menu, from top to bottom, once I get to "Irrigation...", the address on top of that menu, the line spacing or something spreads, causing the whole menu to shift down.


    The top menu look much better than before.

    which browser? I don't see it in ff3 or ie6.1...

  11. ok


    This will be my last bump of this...


    I have gotten about 80% of the site done.


    I have most of the left side menu items done, none of the top ones though.


    Can ya'll click a few and see if the site seems ...appropriate... cosmetics, etc...


    Also, look at the training schedule/calendar...


    lemme know...



  12. I know ZERO js so I can't help you.  My suggestion was a php-only solution... by a clause that simply changes the class on the cell based on if the link says short or long cells.  Or by truncating the info vs. not truncating so you don't need to change the css.



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