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Posts posted by AV1611

  1. Ok, I give up.


    The array $data... how does the calendar match the events for the months?


    I don't know what the table fields are...


    And I don't know where you are matching whatever table field to the numeric day of the month..



  2. Yea... I found it here:


    changeTextColor('2008-09-04','adom')"... et al.


    I have no database yet but if I did does it display the data in the cell or pop it up or what's normal. Is the site you made publicly viewable? I'd love to see it.




  3. Hey a million thanks.


    I can understand it well.. I find it hard to get all the "this month starts on what day" stuff... you did that. Thanks.  I can handle the rest, and I can write a form the end user can use to manage his events. 


    I own you one  :)

  4. Before I go out and design one from scratch  :P does anyone have a suggestion or snippets for a simple calendar that I can display on a page?  I need to display a monthly training calendar.  I can design or use a backend as needed.  I simply want a calendar to show up on a page with events... I don't even care if the events are clickable.


    Just thought I'd ask before I go and reinvent the wheel...

  5. if(isset($_GET['EXPAND'])){


    text wrap





    td.class{don't text wrap}



    in your CSS section




    in the sql row return just display the first 10 characters and ... or whatever


    you gotta count the string length so it only adds the ... if needed


    but display the cell in an href as above then clause the whole string instead if it's set

  6. Just because you tweaked IE to do what you want doesn't mean IE is right... Firefox almost always is right and IE is almost always wrong.


    Having looked at your source I'd say Firefox is right on this one.


    <input name="text_file" type="file" class="text" id="text_file" size="20" /><br />


    You need to set the size with CSS.  different systems have different fonts, etc.  and that form box will be different all over the place.



  7. <ol>

    <li>item 1</li>


      <li>subitem 1</li>


    <li>item 2</li>




    The above seems to be invalid by w3c standardss.


    I want this:


    1. asdf

    2. asdf

      A. asdf

      B. adf

    3. asdf




    What is the correct syntax?



  8. I have worked with several forums and blog apps and I know which I like and don't.


    My question isn't one of preference, but rather of practicality.


    I am doing a web design and need to backend a support forum.  I am looking for "legal" solutions.  I am most comfortable with SMF, but I don't know how far I can "sell" a site with it?


    Perhaps another forum?




    At a minimum I need it to do rss feeds and be custom theamable to somewhat resemble the look and feel of the rest of the website. Oh, and I need to be able to sell the "configured" site legally...

  9. That's why graphic designers get paid nicely


    who gets paid more, a graphic designer or web programmer?


    at the high end the programmer does but at the low end the designer does.


    I can do anything graphic and can create anything I can see... but I am no artist... so I can't think up a logo or banner to save my life...

  10. 1024x768 on this monitor and I have to scroll to the right.  Want a screenshot?


    Also, CSS didn't start with tables, what are you talking about?  CSS is versatile with everything, and tables are the same as everything else.  They should be used for tabular data though, not layouts.

    Um... table layout is deprecated ... and you have a LOT of problems with multi-browser compatibility that you don't have with DIV's.


    I used to use tables but took the time to learn how to div... and I found it is in fact better... had more versatile too.


    Only use tables for layout when it's the only option...

    Tables are for displaying tabular data... they were never designed for layout.  td is short for table data th is short for table header etc... see? :D


  11. The content makes the bizarreness of color use work IMO...


    Red is the HARDEST COLOR to make a background with... but you seemed to have pulled it off in this case.


    I do however find that backgrounds that changes per page make me feel like I'm leaving the site to go to another site... maybe that's just me... but I try to not do it unless it subtle. 


    The extra space on the left within a list is padding, if using an unordered list for example, set ul {padding:0} will get rid of it.


    Oh... that's why I was trying: li {padding:0} :blush:




    I moved the site centered as someone suggested, and I added a background. Comments anyone? Also, the first 3 menu items on the left menu are done so you can tell me how it looks with different content.. Just keep in mind I'm converting a site, not designing from scratch :P




  13. I have not really looked at IE yet :(


    I find it depressing that I can build a site 100% W3C compliant only to find out that the site looks bad in ie ... won't go there :P


    I added a background and moved the site to center. wadda ya think? I hope it help make the site at least a little less drab...


    (I'm trying to figure out how to balance widescreen and standard monitor widths... centered looks better on standard, but left looks better on wide IMO)


    Also, I do all my work in linux with gimp, gedit, and Firefox.  I don't even like to startup M$ stuff on my clean virus free network :D


    ...but alas I will have to go look... ug...

  14. you are over using the <p> and <div> tags. why don't you create the menu items using a list instead. The address for example, why are you putting each line in a <p>? That's all I see mainly, p and div everywhere.


    When I do a list, maybe I'm dumb but I can't get the left to not "indent" and I ran out of room.  I had it that way at first. I'm curious... does it hurt aside from it doesn't look good?


    if you want to easily validate css and html, get the firefox add-on firebug, those features are within the Tools menu

    didn't know that. thanks.


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