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Posts posted by drums

  1. I created a new dB that is simpler with 13 fields but there must be a conflict because I get no errors or data.

    So I make a query for each of the 5 data entry spots on the page. Do I need to close it or something? I can't figure what else the problem could be...

    $query = mysql_query("select * from xlsdata where spot='1st'") or die("SQL error: " . mysql_error());if (FALSE === ($record = mysql_fetch_array($query))){    
    <h2><?php echo $record['date-event']; ?></h2>
    <p><?php echo $record['beginning']; ?>
    <?php if(!empty($record['bullet1'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet1']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet2'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet2']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet3'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet3']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet4'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet4']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet5'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet5']."</li>"; ?> 
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet6'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet6']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet7'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet7']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet8'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet8']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet9'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet9']."</li>"; ?>
    <?php echo $record['end']; ?></p>
    $query = mysql_query("select * from xlsdata where spot='2nd'") or die("SQL error: " . mysql_error());if (FALSE === ($record = mysql_fetch_array($query))){    
    <h2><?php echo $record['date-event']; ?></h2>
    <p><?php echo $record['beginning']; ?>
    <?php if(!empty($record['bullet1'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet1']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet2'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet2']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet3'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet3']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet4'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet4']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet5'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet5']."</li>"; ?> 
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet6'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet6']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet7'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet7']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet8'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet8']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet9'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet9']."</li>"; ?>
    <?php echo $record['end']; ?></p>
    $query = mysql_query("select * from xlsdata where spot='3rd'") or die("SQL error: " . mysql_error());if (FALSE === ($record = mysql_fetch_array($query))){    
    ?> ... to spot='5th'


  2. Sorry if this is a repeat because the first didn't like the CSV attachment but when I switched it it said I aleready posted but didn't see it...

    This is hard to explain so please bear with me. I have a program that updates a dB with a CSV file so all the data is imported in a straight line or row of the CSV file. Called thusly:

    $query = mysql_query("select * from xlsdata where page='calendar'") or die("SQL error: " . mysql_error());if (FALSE === ($record = mysql_fetch_array($query))){    
    } ?> 

    I then display the data this way (only showing 2 of 5):

    <h2><?php echo $record['header1']; ?></h2>
    <p><?php echo $record['para1']; ?>
    <?php if(!empty($record['bullet1'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet1']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet1-2'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet1-2']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet1-3'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet1-3']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet1-4'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet1-4']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet1-5'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet1-5']."</li>"; ?> 
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet1-6'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet1-6']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet1-7'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet1-7']."</li>"; ?>
    <?php echo $record['para1-end']; ?></p>
    <h2><?php echo $record['header2']; ?></h2>
    <p><?php echo $record['para2']; ?>
    <?php if(!empty($record['bullet2'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet2']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet2-2'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet2-2']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet2-3'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet2-3']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet2-4'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet2-4']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet2-5'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet2-5']."</li>"; ?> 
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet2-6'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet2-6']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet2-7'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet2-7']."</li>"; ?>
    <?php echo $record['para2-end']; ?></p>

    This has worked fine as usually I make each row a page and call them that way. This time however, I just have one page that I'm updating (5 areas with 10 cells for each) and I want to make it easier for the user to fill out the spreadsheet. So I would rather that each row is one of 5 data entry points on that page. So I want the data pulled by row and column going down instead of across the same row (each header cell is uniquely named).

    So in case I'm not being followed, I've attached the CSV file (as PDF because it won't allow a csv upload) so you can visualize (Row 1 is the header with A1 being the identifier, A2 data1, A3=data2 and so on to A11), then I repeat that 4 times in the same row for all the data entry cells.

    Instead I would like the header row to be just the identifier and the 10 header cells and then have the rows below the header row the 5 different entry points on the page (1st - 5th). This way it is a little more visible appealing to the user filling out this spreadsheet and since they are going to be moving things up (each event on the page has a date starting in its header) by deleting the data in the first row then moving all the others up and making a new one in the 5th row.


    So I was thinking I could use AND but I don't think it will know where to put the data unless it fills top down until the EOF by nature.

    $query = mysql_query("select * from xlsdata where placement='1st' AND placement='2nd' AND placement='3rd' AND placement='4th' AND placement='5th'") or die("SQL error: " . mysql_error());if (FALSE === ($record = mysql_fetch_array($query))){    

    So if I went this way would I have to have the query at each spot in the doc like this:

    $query = mysql_query("select * from xlsdata where placement='1st'") or die("SQL error: " . mysql_error());if (FALSE === ($record = mysql_fetch_array($query))){    
    } ?> 


    $query = mysql_query("select * from xlsdata where placement='1st'") or die("SQL error: " . mysql_error());if (FALSE === ($record = mysql_fetch_array($query))){    
    } ?> 

    Then the data grab:

    <h2><?php echo $record['header1']; ?></h2>
    <p><?php echo $record['para1']; ?>
    <?php if(!empty($record['bullet1'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet1']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet1-2'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet1-2']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet1-3'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet1-3']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet1-4'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet1-4']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet1-5'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet1-5']."</li>"; ?> 
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet1-6'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet1-6']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet1-7'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet1-7']."</li>"; ?>
    <?php echo $record['para1-end']; ?></p>

    Then for the next position and so on:

    $query = mysql_query("select * from xlsdata where placement='2nd'") or die("SQL error: " . mysql_error());if (FALSE === ($record = mysql_fetch_array($query))){    
    } ?> 

    Then the data grab:

    <h2><?php echo $record['header1']; ?></h2>
    <p><?php echo $record['para1']; ?>
    <?php if(!empty($record['bullet1'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet1']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet1-2'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet1-2']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet1-3'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet1-3']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet1-4'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet1-4']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet1-5'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet1-5']."</li>"; ?> 
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet1-6'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet1-6']."</li>"; ?>
        <?php if(!empty($record['bullet1-7'])) echo "<li>".$record['bullet1-7']."</li>"; ?>
    <?php echo $record['para1-end']; ?></p>

    So assuming you are following what I'm trying to do, does anyone know how to accomplish this?


    Thanks in advance for your time/help.



    [attachment deleted by admin]

  3. I have some code I bought a few years ago that allows my clients to update content on their site using an Excel spreadsheet. Well this particular application sometimes has line items so I need to come up with a way to do this since it didn't like the fact I put the tags in the echo statement.

    <?php echo <h2> $record['header1']; </h2> ?>
    <?php echo <p> $record['para1']; </p> ?>
    <blockquote><?php echo <li> $record['bullet1']; </li> ?>
              <li><?php echo $record['bullet1-2']; </li> ?>
                <?php echo <li> $record['bullet1-3']; </li> ?>
                <?php echo <li> $record['bullet1-4']; </li> ?>
                <?php echo <li> $record['bullet1-5']; </li> ?>
                <?php echo <li> $record['bullet1-6']; </li> ?>
                <?php echo <li> $record['bullet1-7']; </li> ?>
    <?php echo <p> $record['para1-end']; </p> ?> 

    So I took them out but I'm stuck with having bullet points when I don't want them.

    <h2><?php echo $record['header1']; ?></h2>
    <p><?php echo $record['para1']; ?></p>
    <blockquote><li><?php echo $record['bullet1']; ?></li>
              <li><?php echo $record['bullet1-2']; ?></li>
                <li><?php echo $record['bullet1-3']; ?></li>
                <li><?php echo $record['bullet1-4']; ?></li>
                <li><?php echo $record['bullet1-5']; ?></li>
                <li><?php echo $record['bullet1-6']; ?></li>
                <li><?php echo $record['bullet1-7']; ?></li>
    <p><?php echo $record['para1-end']; ?></p> 


    Can someone help me add the condition where if there is no data the bullet point doesn't display?

    (please ignore my non-compliant code using blockquote instead of UL)


    Thanks very much for your time!

  4. I have posted this question elsewhere and have not gottn the help to get this working.

    I hired someone to do this for a client and I'm now trying to apply it to another site for populating a calendar. Basically it's a MySQL dB that reads the data from an excel (csv) spreadsheet. I am not getting any errors (except in MySQL it says I don't have an index) but no data is going through. The php is being parsed through html.


    The csv file has a header row of date, month, Day1-31 and 2 notes fields.

    Yet nothing displays


    Does anyone have any ideas what I'm doing wrong?


    dB is here: http://1leachfamily.com/cabin.csv file

    And you can see it's going in by looking here:http://1leachfamily.com/xls/view.php

    <?php $page_title = "Cayucos Cabin Calendar ";
    mysql_connect("localhost","xxx","xxx") or die("Error Connecting to server ".mysql_error());
    mysql_select_db("xxx") or die("Error Connecting to db : ".mysql_error());
    <HTML lang="en-us">
    <TITLE><?php echo $page_title ?> ~ August</TITLE>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us">
    <meta http-equiv="Expires" content="never">
    JavaScript must be enabled on your web browser to navigate this web site.
    $query=mysql_query("select * from xlsdata where year='2007' and month='August'");
    $yearname = $record['year'];
    $monthname = $record['month'];
    $day1name = $record['day1'];
    $day2name = $record['day2'];
    $day3name = $record['day3'];
    $day4name = $record['day4'];
    $day5name = $record['day5'];
    $day6name = $record['day6'];
    $day7name = $record['day7'];
    $day8name = $record['day8'];
    $day9name = $record['day9'];
    $day10name = $record['day10'];
    $day11name = $record['day11'];
    $day12name = $record['day12'];
    $day13name = $record['day13'];
    $day14name = $record['day14'];
    $day15name = $record['day15'];
    $day16name = $record['day16'];
    $day17name = $record['day17'];
    $day18name = $record['day18'];
    $day19name = $record['day19'];
    $day20name = $record['day20'];
    $day21name = $record['day21'];
    $day22name = $record['day22'];
    $day23name = $record['day23'];
    $day24name = $record['day24'];
    $day25name = $record['day25'];
    $day26name = $record['day26'];
    $day27name = $record['day27'];
    $day28name = $record['day28'];
    $day29name = $record['day29'];
    $day30name = $record['day30'];
    $day31name = $record['day31'];
    $note1name = $record['note1'];
    $note2name = $record['note2'];
    <BODY background="images/baseball_bg.jpg" bgproperties="fixed" class="grnbars">
    <TABLE align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="740" border="0">
    <TABLE width="10%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" bgcolor="#030165">
    <img src="images/cay_morro_sm.jpg" alt="Cayucos" width="200" height="87" border="0"> 
    <TABLE width="10%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" bgcolor="#030165">
    	<TABLE cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 align="center" width="99%" border="0">
    			<td bgcolor="#EBF0FF" align="center" class="norm_text" nowrap>
    <?=$monthname?> <?=$yearname?> <?=$headingname?>
    <TABLE cellpadding="0" cols="12" align="center" width="75%" border="0">
    		<td align="center" width="50" bgcolor="#030165">
    <a href="10-07cal.htm"><span class="whtcapbg">Oct</span></a>
    		<td align="center" width="50" bgcolor="#030165">
    <a href="11-07cal.htm"><span class="whtcapbg">Nov</span></a>
    		<td align="center" width="50" bgcolor="#030165">
    <a href="12-07cal.htm"><span class="whtcapbg">Dec</span></a>
    		<td align="center" width="50" bgcolor="#030165">
    <a href="1-08cal.htm"><span class="whtcapbg">Jan</span></a>
    		<td align="center" width="50" bgcolor="#030165">
    <a href="2-08cal.htm"><span class="whtcapbg">Feb</span></a>
    		<td align="center" width="50" bgcolor="#030165">
    <a href="3-08cal.htm"><span class="whtcapbg">Mar</span></a>
    		<td align="center" width="50" bgcolor="#030165">
    <a href="4-08cal.htm"><span class="whtcapbg">Apr</span></a>
    		<td align="center" width="50" bgcolor="#030165">
    <a href="5-08cal.htm"><span class="whtcapbg">May</span></a>
    		<td align="center" width="50" bgcolor="#030165">
    <a href="6-08cal.htm"><span class="whtcapbg">Jun</span></a>
    		<td align="center" width="50" bgcolor="#030165">
    <a href="7-08cal.htm"><span class="whtcapbg">July</span></a>
    		<td align="center" width="50" bgcolor="#030165">
    <a href="8-08cal.htm"><span class="whtcapbg">Aug</span></a>
    		<td align="center" width="50" bgcolor="#030165">
    <a href="9-08cal.htm"><span class="whtcapbg">Sep</span></a>
    <!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
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    <!--                  Start the Days of the Week                             -->
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    <TABLE cellpadding='0' cols="7" align='center' width='75%' bgcolor='030165' border='0'>
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    	<td align="center" width="87" class="dblcapbg">THU</td>
    	<td align="center" width="87" class="dblcapbg">FRI</td>
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    		<td width="87" class="reg_text" height="87" bgcolor="#030165">
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    		<td width="87" class="reg_text" height="87" bgcolor="#EBF0FF">
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    		<td width="87" class="reg_text" height="87" bgcolor="#EBF0FF">
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    		<td width="87" class="reg_text" height="87" bgcolor="#EBF0FF">
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    		<td width="87" class="reg_text" height="87" bgcolor="#EBF0FF">
    <!-- THURSDAY -->
    		<td width="87" class="reg_text" height="87" bgcolor="#EBF0FF">
    <!-- FRIDAY -->
    		<td width="87" class="reg_text" height="87" bgcolor="#EBF0FF">
    <!-- SATURDAY -->
    	<tr valign="top">
    		<td width="87" class="reg_text" height="87" bgcolor="#EBF0FF">
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    		<td width="87" class="reg_text" height="87" bgcolor="#EBF0FF">
    <!-- MONDAY -->
    		<td width="87" class="reg_text" height="87" bgcolor="#EBF0FF">
    <!-- TUESDAY -->
    		<td width="87" class="reg_text" height="87" bgcolor="#EBF0FF">
    <!-- WEDNESDAY -->
    		<td width="87" class="reg_text" height="87" bgcolor="#EBF0FF">
    <!-- THURSDAY -->
    		<td width="87" class="reg_text" height="87" bgcolor="#EBF0FF">
    <!-- FRIDAY -->
    		<td width="87" class="reg_text" height="87" bgcolor="#EBF0FF">
    <!-- SATURDAY -->
    	<tr valign="top">
    		<td width="87" class="reg_text" height="87" bgcolor="#EBF0FF">
    <!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
    <!--                                                                                        -->
    <!--                      Start Days of Week 4                                  -->
    <!--                                                                                        -->
    <!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
    <!-- SUNDAY -->
    		<td width="87" class="reg_text" height="87" bgcolor="#EBF0FF">
    <!-- MONDAY -->
    <?=$day20name?>			</td>
    		<td width="87" class="reg_text" height="87" bgcolor="#EBF0FF">
    <!-- TUESDAY -->
    <?=$day21name?>			</td>
    		<td width="87" class="reg_text" height="87" bgcolor="#EBF0FF">
    <!-- WEDNESDAY -->
    <?=$day22name?>			</td>
    		<td width="87" class="reg_text" height="87" bgcolor="#EBF0FF">
    <!-- THURSDAY -->
    		<td width="87" class="reg_text" height="87" bgcolor="#EBF0FF">
    <!-- FRIDAY -->
    <?=$day24name?>			</td>
    		<td width="87" class="reg_text" height="87" bgcolor="#EBF0FF">
    <!-- SATURDAY -->
    <?=$day25name?>			</td>
    	<tr valign="top">
    		<td width="87" class="reg_text" height="87" bgcolor="#EBF0FF">
    <!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
    <!--                                                                                        -->
    <!--                      Start Days of Week 5                                  -->
    <!--                                                                                        -->
    <!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
    <!-- SUNDAY -->
    <?=$day26name?>			</td>
    		<td width="87" class="reg_text" height="87" bgcolor="#EBF0FF">
    <!-- MONDAY -->
    		<td width="87" class="reg_text" height="87" bgcolor="#EBF0FF">
    <!-- TUESDAY -->
    <?=$day28name?>			</td>
    		<td width="87" class="reg_text" height="87" bgcolor="#EBF0FF">
    <!-- WEDNESDAY -->
    <?=$day29name?>			</td>
    		<td width="87" class="reg_text" height="87" bgcolor="#EBF0FF">
    <!-- THURSDAY -->
    <?=$day30name?>			</td>
    		<td width="87" class="reg_text" height="87" bgcolor="#EBF0FF">
    <!-- FRIDAY -->
    		<td width="87" class="reg_text" height="87" >
    <!-- SATURDAY -->
    <script language="JavaScript1.2" src="footerclose.js"></script>


    Any help is greatly appreciated

  5. Didn't have the squiggly brackets:
    $headingname = $record['heading'];
        $titlename = $record['title'];
        $bodyname = $record['body'];
        $imagename = $record['image'];
        $footername = $record['footer'];
    Thanks go to Lycander at LittleBlackDog.com
  6. I have a script that was done for my client on one site and I want to add it to other sites as well. I am able to write to the dB but retrieving the data only brings in one column. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
    $query=mysql_query("select * from xlsdata where date='6/13/2006'");
        $headingname = $record['heading'];
        $titlename = $record['title'];
        $bodyname = $record['body'];
        $imagename = $record['image'];
        $footername = $record['footer'];
    <br><img src="images/<?=$imagename?>" border="0" alt="<?=$imagename?>"><br><strong><?=$footername?>[/code]
    The only thing that shows is the heading.
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