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  1. Hi guys, Just a really simple problem here to do with typecasting, however I don't seem to be able to solve it myself. The background is that i am attempting to access a dynamic XML file from a website for the game EVE Online, the data of which i convert into a SimpleXML object. If I attempt to do a basic addition involving the players attributes and implants: $result = ($characterData->result->attributes->intelligence + $characterData->result->attributeEnhancers->intelligenceBonus->augmentatorValue); They will not add because they are strings - so I then typecast them to integers or floats - and the value of intelligence and augmentatorValue simply becomes 1 - and hence the incorrect values (when they should be 9 and 4, for example) Your help would be greatly appreciated in this matter.
  2. Hi guys, I'm in a little of a dilemma and i am unsure what to do on this one. Basically i have a drag and drop script for an image and what i would like to be able to do is to drop the image onto a div layer and then get the ID of that div layer once i've dropped it. Is this possible and if so could you direct me to some hints? Thanks
  3. yes, there is a problem with your WHERE clause, one of the variables isn't defined or doesn't match anything in the database.
  4. Hey, Not so much as a request for help as a discussion with people on handling security with sessions. At the moment, im setting a session var to 0 or 1 to check if they are logged in (not secure at all) Anyone wanna offer how i can make it more secure? Since i know you can screw with sessions easily. The problem i'm seeing is balancing server load/performance against performing regular MySQL checks to make sure User Session Data is Valid. Any Advice?
  5. I'm not actually sure, i've just changed over to a Plesk Server (8.1.1, using Virtuozzo, so i guess not) and am now having problems (its an older MYSQL Version) its arranged YYYYMMDDHHMMSS (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Seconds) strtotime returns -1, so i guess its telling me to go blow a fish right? I might just do a regular expression match, use some backreferences and re-organise it and just leave it like that, can't be assed to screw around with a timestamp.
  6. Yes, i did know about the date format, but it keeps throwing out the wrong dates I don't think its 2038 quite yet
  7. Hey guys, time for me to be the noob now (as if that ever changed ) How would i go about formatting a timestamp like this from my MYSQL DB: 20070720111445 Into something nice and coherent such as: 20th of July 2007 HH:MM Thank you, Adam
  8. Read this tutorial http://www.phpbuilder.com/columns/rod19990601.php3 Then you will understand what you have to do.
  9. I take it you have included the file and then instantiated a new instance of ticker include("ticker.php"); // just for an example $ticker = new ticker; Then you actually need to run the function you are after. $ticker->update_calc(); // for example.
  10. I'm a nooblet at Classes, does PHPFreak have a tutorial? (Only ever used Classes in Python myself)
  11. Ah, yes, how stupid of me not to spot that, I'll hold my head down in shame now.
  12. No, i took it straight from the comments section on the PHP.net manual reference from wordwrap - I've used it before, so i knew it worked
  13. That is correct wordwrap($reply, 70, "<br />\n"); ^^ exactly the same usage as the function above
  14. Give this function a whirl instead <?php function breakLongWords($str, $maxLength, $char){ $wordEndChars = array(" ", "\n", "\r", "\f", "\v", "\0"); $count = 0; $newStr = ""; $openTag = false; for($i=0; $i<strlen($str); $i++){ $newStr .= $str{$i}; if($str{$i} == "<"){ $openTag = true; continue; } if(($openTag) && ($str{$i} == ">")){ $openTag = false; continue; } if(!$openTag){ if(!in_array($str{$i}, $wordEndChars)){//If not word ending char $count++; if($count==$maxLength){//if current word max length is reached $newStr .= $char;//insert word break char $count = 0; } }else{//Else char is word ending, reset word char count $count = 0; } } }//End for return $newStr; } ?> Use it exactly the same way
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