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Everything posted by chriscloyd

  1. <?php if( $_GET["action"] == "insert" ){ // INSERT ACTION /////////////////////////////////// $name = $_POST['name']; $picture = $_POST['picture']; $rating = $_POST['rating']; $sdesc = $_POST['sdesc']; $ldesc = $_POST['ldesc']; $ocean = $_POST['ocean']; $surfing = $_POST['surfing']; $directions = $_POST['directions']; $sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO beaches (`picture`, `rating`, `name`, `sdesc`, `ldesc`, `ocean`, `surfing`, `directions`) VALUES ('$picture', '$rating','$name', '$sdesc', '$ldesc', '$ocean', '$surfing', '$directions')"); if (!$sql) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); } echo "Beach added to database! - Check to see if it is valid!"; } else ( $_GET["action"] == "add" ){ // ADD ACTION /////////////////////////////////// echo "<b>Beach Administration - Add Beach</b><br>"; echo "<br>"; echo "<br>"; echo "<form action=\"?action=insert\" method=\"post\"> Name:<INPUT TYPE=\"TEXT\" NAME=\"name\" SIZE=30><br> Picture:<INPUT TYPE=\"TEXT\" NAME=\"picture\" SIZE=30><br> Rating:<INPUT TYPE=\"TEXT\" NAME=\"rating\" SIZE=30><br> Short Desc:<TEXTAREA NAME=\"sdesc\" ROWS=10 COLS=30></TEXTAREA><br> Long Desc:<TEXTAREA NAME=\"ldesc\" ROWS=10 COLS=30></TEXTAREA><br> Ocean:<INPUT TYPE=\"TEXT\" NAME=\"ocean\" SIZE=30><br> Surfing Info:<INPUT TYPE=\"TEXT\" NAME=\"surfing\" SIZE=30><br> Directions:<INPUT TYPE=\"TEXT\" NAME=\"directions\" SIZE=30><br> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Add Beach\" /> </p> </form>"; } ?>
  2. here try this <?php if( $_GET["action"] == "insert" ){ // INSERT ACTION /////////////////////////////////// $name = $_POST['name']; $picture = $_POST['picture']; $rating = $_POST['rating']; $sdesc = $_POST['sdesc']; $ldesc = $_POST['ldesc']; $ocean = $_POST['ocean']; $surfing = $_POST['surfing']; $directions = $_POST['directions']; $sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO beaches (picture, rating, name, sdesc, ldesc, ocean, surfing, directions) VALUES ('".$picture."', '".$rating."','".$name."', '".$sdesc."', '".$ldesc."', '".$ocean."', '".$surfing."', '".$directions."')"); if (!$sql) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); } echo "Beach added to database! - Check to see if it is valid!"; } else ( $_GET["action"] == "add" ){ // ADD ACTION /////////////////////////////////// echo "<b>Beach Administration - Add Beach</b><br>"; echo "<br>"; echo "<br>"; echo "<form action=\"?action=insert\" method=\"post\"> Name:<INPUT TYPE=\"TEXT\" NAME=\"name\" SIZE=30><br> Picture:<INPUT TYPE=\"TEXT\" NAME=\"picture\" SIZE=30><br> Rating:<INPUT TYPE=\"TEXT\" NAME=\"rating\" SIZE=30><br> Short Desc:<TEXTAREA NAME=\"sdesc\" ROWS=10 COLS=30></TEXTAREA><br> Long Desc:<TEXTAREA NAME=\"ldesc\" ROWS=10 COLS=30></TEXTAREA><br> Ocean:<INPUT TYPE=\"TEXT\" NAME=\"ocean\" SIZE=30><br> Surfing Info:<INPUT TYPE=\"TEXT\" NAME=\"surfing\" SIZE=30><br> Directions:<INPUT TYPE=\"TEXT\" NAME=\"directions\" SIZE=30><br> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Add Beach\" /> </p> </form>"; } ?>
  3. help I need to make a roster box that shows 3 lines and 3 coloumns of pics of the users rosters when you hover over the image it will show their name below kinda like on www.team3d.com
  4. the script is really easy <?php include("config.php"); $get_Teams = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM teams WHERE division_id = '".$_GET['division_id']."' AND team_confrence = '".$_GET['confrence_id']."' ORDER by `team_wins` DESC, `team_loses` ASC, `team_ties` ASC, `team_roundw` DESC, `team_roundl` ASC, `team_forfeitw` ASC, `team_forfeitl` DESC") or die(mysql_error()); $rank = 0; while ($team_rank = mysql_fetch_array($get_Teams)) { $rank++; $update_rank = mysql_query("UPDATE teams SET team_rank = '".$rank."' WHERE team_id = '".$team_rank['team_id']."'"); if ($update_rank) { echo '-Updated Rank For Team '.$team_rank['team_name'].' From '.$team_rank['team_rank'].' To '.$rank.'<br />'; } else { echo '-Could not update the rank for team '.$team_rank['team_name'].'<br />'; } } ?> I tried it with 700 teams and it didnt timeout
  5. ya if i knew javascript and ajax well i would lol
  6. hmm how would i find info about that and buffering the info?
  7. I have this script that updates teams ranks and what not i had 200 teams and it took forever to load the page is there a way i can add a progress script to show how long it will take? http://www.chaoslegionclan.net/cegl/files/admin_updateranks.php?division_id=1&confrence_id=1
  8. I have a table called teams i need to order them with wins/losses/ties so i have 12 teams Rank Team Name Wins Losses Ties 1 Team 1 8 0 0 2 Team 2 7 0 1 3 Team 3 7 1 0 4 Team 4 6 2 0 Can someone help me figure this out. Can you do mutli ORDER when doing a mysql_query?
  9. how about making it one table and having access column stating if they are admins on clan members
  10. Well content im taking it means news. In the news table you need to make a column called views. Then when someone clicks the link to view the news u need to have a script at the top of that page to update the views for that news. So day you had a link like www.mysite.com/viewnews.php?id=4 then at the top of the page you would do <?php $get_news_views = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `table_name` WHERE news_id = '".$_GET['id']."'") or die(mysql_error()); $news_views = mysql_fetch_array($get_news_views); $views = $news_views['views'] + 1; mysql_query("UPDATE `table_name` SET views = '".$views."' WHERE news_id = '".$_GET['id']."'") or die(mysql_error()); ?>
  11. $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `client` WHERE `username` = '".$_GET['username']."'") or die("SELECT Error: ".mysql_error());
  12. <?php /*reading the data we have just entered */ $connect = mysql_connect("*****","****","****"); if (!$connect) die ("Could Not Connect to the Database"); mysql_select_db("mdb_am663", $connect); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM contacts",$connect); while ($view = mysql_query($result)) { echo 'membership id: '.$view['member_id'].'<br>\n'; echo 'First Name: '.$view['member_id'].'<br>\n' echo 'Last Name: '.$view['surname'].'<br>\n'; echo 'Contact No.: '.$view['contact_no'].'<br>\n'; echo 'House Name/No.: '.$view['housename_no'].'<br>\n'; echo 'Address Line 1: '.$view['address_line1'].'<br>\n'; echo 'Address Line 2: '.$view['address_line2'].'<br>\n'; echo 'Address Line 3: '.$view['address_line3'].'<br>\n'; echo 'City or County: '.$view['city_county'].'<br>\n'; echo 'Postcode: '.$view['postcode'].'<br>\n'; echo 'Email Registered: '.$view['email'].'<br>\n'; echo 'Username Registered: '.$view['username'].'<br>\n'; echo 'Password: '.$view['password'].'<br>\n'; echo nl2br ("\n"); } mysql_close($connect); ?>
  13. Actually now im told it needs to be sorted by wins and losses then points so say if Team 1 ---------- Points 50 Wins 3 Losses 1 Team 2 ---------- Points 40 Wins 4 Losses 0 i would need it to show rank 1 = team 2 rank 2 team 1
  14. There are 5 teams right now All of them test teams I'm working on the ranking portion every time someone enters a match that they just played i need to update everyones rank so i have 5 teams i need to organize them all depending on their points and then set their ranks any idea how to start this?
  15. Hey this is my changepassword script on the site http://www.chaoslegionclan.net/cegl/index.php?page=forgotpassword no matter what i do it does not work it returns as an error saying there is no account and im 100% sure that the username and email address im entering are correct lol <?php session_start(); include("config.php"); $email = $_POST['email']; $username = $_POST['username']; //check email $check_email = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username'"); if ($check_email_address) { $check_email_nums = mysql_num_rows($check_email_address); if ($check_email_nums > 0) { $check_email = mysql_fetch_array($check_email_address); if ($check_email['user_email'] == $email) { $characters = 10; $possible = '23456789bcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxyz'; $code = ''; $i = 0; while ($i < $characters) { $code .= substr($possible, mt_rand(0, strlen($possible)-1), 1); $i++; } $newpass = $code; $password = md5($code); mysql_query("UPDATE users SET user_password = '$newpass' WHERE username = '$username'") or die(mysql_error()); $newpass = generatepassword_forgotpassword(; $encryptedpw = md5($newpass); $to = $email; $subject = "VAL@VALeague.net - New Password"; $message = "You requested a new password Your new password is: $newpass If you need any further help just ask. VAL-Support Staff"; $from = "VAL@VALeague.net"; $headers1 = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers1 .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $headers1 .= "To: ".$to."\r\n"; $headers1 .= "From: ".$from."\r\n"; $headers1 .= "Reply-To: ".$from."\r\n"; mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); header("Location: ../index.php?page=newpass"); } } else { $reasons = '-There is no account with that username.'; header("Location: ../index.php?page=forgotpassword&error=$reasons"); } } else { $reasons = '-There is no account with that username.'; header("Location: ../index.php?page=forgotpassword&error=$reasons"); } ?>
  16. no i do lol now when i do this <?php $name = $_POST['username']; function check_username($username) { $check_username = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username'"); if ($check_username) { $user = mysql_num_rows($check_username); if ($user > 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } } //check username do i do this if (check_username($name)) { //mycode here } else { //header and code here } ?>
  17. when you do a return on a function return false or return true what happens if its false does it go back to the old page for example i wanna check if a user name already exist <?php $name = $_POST['username']; function check_username($username) { $check_username = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username'"); if ($check_username) { $user = mysql_num_rows($check_username); if ($user > 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } } ?> how would i check that say if it returns false i want it to go to a differnet page
  18. Okay my php remember me is not working could someone help me heres the scripts that im running login.php login_form.php check_rememberme.php index.php login.php <?php session_start(); include("config.php"); $username = $_POST['username']; $password = md5($_POST['password']); $check_user = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cegl_users WHERE username = '$username'"); if ($check_user) { $get_num_user = mysql_num_rows($check_user); if ($get_num_user > 0) { $userinfo = mysql_fetch_array($check_user); if ($password == $userinfo['password']) { $_SESSION['cegl_username'] = $username; $_SESSION['cegl_userid'] = $userinfo['user_id']; if (isset($_POST["remember"])) { setcookie("cegl_username", "$username", time() + (60*60*24*30)); setcookie("cegl_password", "$password", time() + (60*60*24*30)); setcookie("cegl_autologin", "yes", time() + (60*60*24*30)); } if ($userinfo['level'] == 'admin') { $get_admin = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cegl_admins WHERE user_id = '".$_SESSION['celg_username']."'"); if ($get_admin) { $admininfo = mysql_fetch_array($get_admin); $_SESSION['cegl_admin'] = 'yes'; $_SESSION['cegl_level'] = $admininfo['type']; } header("Location: ../admin.php"); } header("Location: ../index.php"); } else { $reasonLOGIN = '-Wrong Information'; header("Location: ../index.php?p=login&reasonLOGIN=$reasonLOGIN"); } } else { $reasonLOGIN = '-Wrong Information'; header("Location: ../index.php?p=login&reasonLOGIN=$reasonLOGIN"); } } ?> login_form.php <?php include("config.php"); if(isset($_SESSION['cegl_username'])) { $get_userinfo = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cegl_users WHERE username = '".$_SESSION['celg_username']."' "); $user = mysql_fetch_array($get_userinfo); //get messages $get_messages = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cegl_messages WHERE to_id = '".$user['user_id']."'"); $count_messages = mysql_num_rows($get_messages); echo '<div align="center">Welcome '.$_SESSION['cegl_username'].'<br /> You Have <span class="lostpass"><a href="index.php?p=viewmessages" class="lostpass">('.$count_messages.')</a></span> Messages<br /> <span class="register"><a href="index.php?p=profile" class="register">Profile</a></span> <span class="register"><a href="index.php?p=supportdesk" class="register">Support Desk</a></span> <span class="lostpass"><a href="files/logout.php" class="lostpass">Logout</a></span> '; if (isset($_SESSION['cegl_admin'])) { echo ' <span class="register"><a href="admin.php" class="register">Admin CP</a></span>'; } echo '</div>'; } else { echo '<form name="form1" method="post" action="files/login.php"> <div align="center"> <table width="95%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="39%"><input name="username" type="text" class="loginarea" id="username" value="Username"></td> <td width="40%"><input name="password" type="password" class="loginarea" id="password" value="password"></td> <td width="21%"><input name="Submit" type="submit" class="loginbutton" value="Login"></td> </tr>'; if (isset($_GET['reasonLOGIN'])) { echo '<tr> <td class="white" colspan="2">'.$_GET['reasonLOGIN'].'</td> </tr>'; } echo '<tr> <td align="left"><div align="center" class="style1"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td> <input name="remember" type="checkbox" id="remember" value="rememberme" checked> </td> <td align="left" class="lostpass">Remember</td> </tr> </table> </td> <td colspan="2"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td class="register"><a href="index.php?p=register" class="register">Register</a></td> <td class="lostpass"><a href="index.php?p=lostpass" class="lostpass">Lost Password</a></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table> </div> </form>'; } ?> check_rememberme.php <?php include("config.php"); if (isset($_COOKIE['cegl_autologin'])) { $username = $_POST['cegl_username']; $password = $_POST['cegl_password']; $check_user = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cegl_users WHERE username = '$username'"); if ($check_user) { $get_num_user = mysql_num_rows($check_user); if ($get_num_user > 0) { $userinfo = mysql_fetch_array($check_user); if ($password == $userinfo['password']) { $_SESSION['cegl_username'] = $username; $_SESSION['cegl_userid'] = $userinfo['user_id']; if ($userinfo['level'] == 'admin') { $get_admin = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cegl_admins WHERE user_id = '".$_SESSION['celg_username']."'"); if ($get_admin) { $admininfo = mysql_fetch_array($get_admin); $_SESSION['cegl_admin'] = 'yes'; $_SESSION['cegl_level'] = $admininfo['type']; } } } } } } ?> index.php <?php session_start(); include("files/check_rememberme.php"); ?> <br> <br> <? include("files/check_rememberme.php"); ?>
  19. heres my problem my code its not returning any thing at all here my code to show the search <?php switch($_GET['p']) { case "searchnews": $keyword = $_POST['keyword']; $get_like_news = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cegl_news WHERE username LIKE '%".$keyword."%' AND subject LIKE '%".$keyword."%' AND date LIKE '%".$keyword."%' AND message LIKE '%".$keyword."%'") or die(mysql_error()); ?> <fieldset><legend><strong>Search - Looking For <?php echo $keyword; ?></strong></legend> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="25%" class="teams">News Title</td> <td class="teams">Author</td> <td class="teams">Date</td> <td width="15%" class="teams">Commands</td> </tr> <?php while ($news = mysql_fetch_array($get_like_news)) { ?> <tr> <td width="20%" height="25" class="teams"><?php echo $news['subject']; ?></td> <td width="20%" height="25" class="teams"><div align="left"><?php echo $news['username']; ?></div></td> <td width="20%" height="25" class="teams"><?php echo $news['date']; ?></td> <td width="15%" height="25" class="teams"><form name="form1"> <select name="menu1" onChange="MM_jumpMenu('parent',this,0)"> <option selected>Commands</option> <option value="admin.php?p=editnews&id=<?php echo $news['news_id']; ?>">Edit</option> <option value="admin.php?p=movenews&id=<?php echo $news['news_id']; ?>">Move News</option> <option value="admin.php?p=deletenews&id=<?php echo $news['news_id']; ?>">Delete</option> </select> </form></td> </tr> <? } ?> </table> </fieldset> <?php break; } ?> heres the form that submitting the search <html> <form name="form1" method="post" action="admin.php?p=searchnews"> <table class="teamlinks" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="7%">Search</td> <td width="60%"><input name="keyword" type="text" id="keyword"></td> <td width="33%"><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Search"></td> </tr> </table> </form> </html>
  20. i got this error Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /usr/home/www5965/public_html/CEGL-Work/newsite/adminfiles/viewteams.php on line 12 here all the code <?php //get teams //switch on type switch($_GET['type']) { case "1": $name = $_GET['name'].'%'; $get_teams = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cegl_teams WHERE name LIKE '$name' ORDER BY name ASC"); break; case "2": break; } while ($teams = mysql_fetch_array($get_teams)) { echo $teams['name'].'<br>'; } ?>
  21. i wanna select all the rows in my table starting with A would I do this <?php $get_teams = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cegl_teams WHERE name LIKE 'a' ORDER BY name ASC"); ?>
  22. well heres my problem it goes through the whole script with out any errors until the very end the part where it actually enters the info into the mysql database it wont create it at all heres the actually script http://www.chaoslegionclan.net/CEGL-Work/newsite/index.php?p=register <?php include("config.php"); //check required fileds //username password c_password email c_email $reason = array(); $username = $_POST['Username']; $password = $_POST['Password']; $c_password = $_POST['Confirmation_Password']; $email = trim($_POST['Email']); $c_email = $_POST['Confirmation_Email']; $alias = $_POST['Alias']; if (empty($username)) { $reason[] = '-You did not submit a username.'; } if (empty($password)) { $reason[] = '-You did not submit a password.'; } if (empty($c_password)) { $reason[] = '-You did not submit a confirmation password.'; } if (empty($email)) { $reason[] = '-You did not submit a email address.'; } if (empty($c_email)) { $reason[] = '-You did not submit a confirmation email address.'; } if (!empty($reason)) { $reasons = implode("<br>",$reason); header("Location: ../index.php?p=register&error=".$reasons); } else { //check email if ($email != $c_email) { $reason = "-Your email address's dont match."; header("Location: ../index.php?p=register&error=".$reason); } $check_email = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cegl_users WHERE email = '$email'"); if ($check_email) { $email = mysql_num_rows($check_email); if ($email > 0) { $reason = '-That email address is already in use.'; header("Location: ../index.php?p=register&error=".$reason); } } //check passwords if ($password == $c_password) { $password = md5($password); } else { $reason = '-Your passwords dont match.'; header("Location: ../index.php?p=register&error=".$reason); } //check username $check_username = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cegl_users WHERE username = '$username'"); if ($check_username) { $user = mysql_num_rows($check_username); if ($user > 0) { $reason = '-That username is already in use.'; header("Location: ../index.php?p=register&error=".$reason); } } /*check alias $check_alias = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cegl_users WHERE alias = '$alias'"); if ($check_alias) { $user_alias = mysql_num_rows($check_alias); if ($user_alias > 0) { $reason = '-That Alias is already in use.'; header("Location: ../index.php?p=register&error=".$reason); } } */ //step 2 fields $first_name = $_POST['first_name']; $last_name = $_POST['last_name']; $month = $_POST['month']; $day = $_POST['day']; $year = $_POST['year']; $birthdate = $month.'/'.$day.'/'.$year; $gender = $_POST['gender']; $location = $_POST['location']; $timezone = $_POST['timezone']; $interests = $_POST['interests ']; $occupation = $_POST['occupation']; //step 3 fields $irc_network = $_POST['irc_network']; $irc_channel = $_POST['irc_channel']; $irc_alias = $_POST['irc_alias']; $website = $_POST['website']; $aim = $_POST['aim']; $msn = $_POST['msn']; $yahoo = $_POST['yahoo']; $icq = $_POST['icq']; $xfire = $_POST['xfire']; $skype = $_POST['skype']; //step 4 fields $manufacturer = $_POST['manufacturer']; $cpu = $_POST['cpu']; $ram = $_POST['ram']; $video_card = $_POST['video_card']; $sound_card = $_POST['sound_card']; $monitor = $_POST['monitor']; $mouse = $_POST['mouse']; $mouse_pad = $_POST['mouse_pad']; $key_board = $_POST['key_board']; //step 5 $bio = nl2br($_POST['bio']); $avatar = $_POST['avatar']; $sig = nl2br($_POST['sig']); //step 6 $news_letters = $_POST['news_letters']; $aup = $_POST['aup']; if ($aup != 'Yes') { $reason = '-You must agree to the <a href="http://www.cegl.net/index.php?p=aup">Acceptable Use Policy</a>.'; header("Location: ../index.php?p=register&error=".$reason); } $possible = '23456789bcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxyz'; $code = ''; $i = 0; while ($i < $characters) { $code .= substr($possible, mt_rand(0, strlen($possible)-1), 1); $i++; } //date $join_date = date('m/d/Y'); //email users $to = $email; $subject = "CEGL - Ciraco Electronic Gaming League"; $message = "Welcome $first_name '$alias' $last_name<br> We want to be the first to welcome you. The Ciraco Electronic Gaming League, CEGL, was created in December 2005 when the CEO, Caleb 'ciraco' Harrod, reached the age of 18 and had become fed up with the corruption of other leagues admins.<br> <br> The primary goal of CEGL is to be the first ever free online gaming league to offer its top teams hardware prizes, and to offer pay-2-play leagues with cash prizes for those more hardcore teams and players.<br> <br> Beginning with only Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, CEGL has been able to successfully host its first season and expand into other games such as Counter-Strike Source, Call of Duty2 and Warcraft3 Defense of the Ancients. CEGL was the first free online league to offer its teams a chance to win hardware prizes along with all of the glory of being a season champion..<br> <br> Below is your activation link<br> <a href='http://www.chaoslegionclan.net/CEGL-Work/newsite/index.php?p=activate&code=$code'>Activate Now</a><br> If that link does not work follow the steps below<br> Step 1: Go to www.chaoslegionclane.net/CEGL-Work/newsite/index.php?p=activate<br> <br> Enter The Code: $code<br> into the field then hit submit<br> <br> Thanks CEGL Staff<br> www.cegl.net"; $from = "CEGL-Accounts@cegl.net"; $headers1 = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers1 .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $headers1 .= "To: ".$to."\r\n"; $headers1 .= "From: ".$from."\r\n"; $headers1 .= "Reply-To: ".$from."\r\n"; mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); //process info $create_account = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `cegl_users` (`user_id`, `username`, `alias`, `first_name`, `last_name`, `gender`, `birthdate`, `location`, `timezone`, `interests`, `occupation`, `access_level`, `last_login`, `join_date`, `email`, `irc_server`, `irc_channel`, `irc_alias`, `website`, `aim`, `yahoo`, `msn`, `xfire`, `skype`, `avatar`, `sig`, `biography`, `password`, `manufacturer`, `cpu`, `ram`, `video_card`, `sound_card`, `monitor`, `mouse`, `mouse_pad`, `key_board`, `news_letters`, `code`, `icq`, `bio`, `status`) VALUES (NULL, '$username', '$alias', '$first_name', '$last_name', '$gender', '$birthdate', '$location', '$timezone', '$interests', '$occupation', 'user', 'none', '$join_date', '$email', '$irc_network', '$irc_channel', '$irc_alias', '$website', '$aim', '$yahoo', '$msn', '$xfire', '$skype', '$avatar', '$sig', '$bio', '$password', '$manufacturer', '$cpu', '$ram', '$video_card', '$sound_card', '$monitor', '$mouse', '$mouse_pad', '$key_board', '$news_letters', '$code', '$icq', '$bio','inactive')"); if ($create_acocunt) { header("Location: ../index.php?p=congrats"); } else { $reason = '-This account could be not made try again.'; header("Location: ../index.php?p=register&error=".$reason); } } ?>
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