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Everything posted by chriscloyd

  1. here is this plosable if not how could i do it? [code] <?php <?php $get_staff = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE level = 'admin' AND level = 'staff' AND level = 'sales'"); while ($staff_info = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_staff)) { $id = $staff_info['id']; $name = $staff_info['first'].' '.$staff_info['last']; $email = $staff_info['email']; echo '<tr> <td><div align="center">'.$id.'</div></td> <td><div align="center">'.$name.'</div></td> <td><div align="center">'.$email.'</div></td> <td><div align="center"> <form name="form1" id="form1"> <select name="menu1" onchange="MM_jumpMenu("parent",this,0)"> <option>Commands</option> <option value="staff.php?page=sales&aid='.$id.'">Convert To Sales</option> <option value="staff.php?page=admin&id='.$id.'">Convert To Admin</option> <option value="staff.php?page=staff&id='.$id.'">Convert To Staff</option> <option value="staff.php?page=edit&id='.$id.'">Edit</option> <option value="staff.php?page=delete&id='.$id.'">Delete</option> <option value="staff.php?page=ban&id='.$id.'">Ban</option> </select> </form> </div></td> </tr>'; } ?>[/code]
  2. no i do lol and i solved the problem and yes the passwords are
  3. okay i changed it all to one page lol just bc i wanna get it to work for now but now its just saying wrong info but i check and it is right info [CODE] <?php session_start(); include("config.php"); include("functions.php"); error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('log_errors','1'); ini_set('display_errors','0'); //login $username = $_POST['username']; $password = md5($_POST['password']); if (isset($_POST['username'])){ $users = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username'"); if ($users) { $count_users = mysql_num_rows($users) or die('ERROR: '.mysql_error()); $timendate = date("n/j/Y g:i:s A"); $hostname = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $description = 'Login'; if ($count_users > 0) { $user_info = mysql_fetch_array($users) or die('ERROR: '.mysql_error()); if ($user_info['username'] == $user) { if ($user_info['password'] == $password) { $login = '1'; if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == "www.christophercloyd.com") { $location = "http://www.christophercloyd.com/index.php?page=home"; } else { $location = "http://localhost/index.php?page=home"; } $status = 'Success'; mysql_query("INSERT INTO logs (`ip`,`hostname`,`description`,`timendate`,`status`) VALUES ('$ip','$hostname','$description','$timendate','$status')") or die(mysql_error()); } else { $error = 'Wrong User Info'; if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == "www.christophercloyd.com") { $location = "http://www.christophercloyd.com/index.php?page=home&false=".$error; } else { $location = "http://localhost/index.php?page=home&false=".$error; } $login = '0'; $status = 'Failed'; mysql_query("INSERT INTO logs (`ip`,`hostname`,`description`,`timendate`,`status`) VALUES ('$ip','$hostname','$description','$timendate','$status')") or die(mysql_error()); } } else { $error = 'Wrong User Info'; if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == "www.christophercloyd.com") { $location = "http://www.christophercloyd.com/index.php?page=home&false=".$error; } else { $location = "http://localhost/index.php?page=home&false=".$error; } $login = '0'; $status = 'Failed'; mysql_query("INSERT INTO logs (`ip`,`hostname`,`description`,`timendate`,`status`) VALUES ('$ip','$hostname','$description','$timendate','$status')") or die(mysql_error()); } } else { $error = 'Wrong User Info'; if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == "www.christophercloyd.com") { $location = "http://www.christophercloyd.com/index.php?page=home&false=".$error; } else { $location = "http://localhost/index.php?page=home&false=".$error; } $status = 'Failed'; mysql_query("INSERT INTO logs (`ip`,`hostname`,`description`,`timendate`,`status`) VALUES ('$ip','$hostname','$description','$timendate','$status')") or die(mysql_error()); $login = '0'; } } else { $error = 'No such user!'; if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == "www.christophercloyd.com") { $location = "http://www.christophercloyd.com/index.php?page=home&false=".$error; } else { $location = "http://localhost/index.php?page=home&false=".$error; } $status = 'Failed'; mysql_query("INSERT INTO logs (`ip`,`hostname`,`description`,`timendate`,`status`) VALUES ('$ip','$hostname','$description','$timendate','$status')") or die(mysql_error()); $login = '0'; } if ($login == '1'){ $_SESSION['ccloyd'] = $username; header("Location: ".$location); } else { header("Location: ".$location); } } ?> [/CODE]
  4. i just checked the log file for erros and i have this error [Tue Jan 02 01:34:48 2007] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: login in C:\\xampp\\xampp\\htdocs\\includes\\login.php on line 13, referer: http://localhost/ [Tue Jan 02 01:34:48 2007] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: location in C:\\xampp\\xampp\\htdocs\\includes\\login.php on line 17, referer: http://localhost/
  5. Its not redirecting me anywhere it stays on the login.php page and its not even showing any errors heres my first part of the process login.php [code] <?php session_start(); include("config.php"); include("functions.php"); error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('log_errors','1'); ini_set('display_errors','0'); //login $username = $_POST['username']; $password = md5($_POST['password']); if (isset($_POST['username'])){ login($username,$password); if ($login == '1'){ $_SESSION['ccloyd'] = $username; header("Location: ".$location); } else { header("Location: ".$location); } } ?> [/code] heres my function functions.php [CODE] <?php function login($user,$pass){ $users = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$user'"); if ($users) { $count_users = mysql_num_rows($users) or die('ERROR: '.mysql_error()); $timendate = date("n/j/Y g:i:s A"); $hostname = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $description = 'Login'; if ($count_users > 0) { $user_info = mysql_fetch_array($users) or die('ERROR: '.mysql_error()); if ($user_info['username'] == $user) { if ($user_info['password'] == $pass) { $login = '1'; if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == "www.christophercloyd.com") { $location = "http://www.christophercloyd.com/index.php?page=home"; } else { $location = "http://localhost/index.php?page=home"; } $status = 'Success'; mysql_query("INSERT INTO logs (`ip`,`hostname`,`description`,`timendate`,`status`) VALUES ('$ip','$hostname','$description','$timendate','$status')") or die(mysql_error()); } else { $error = 'Wrong User Info'; if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == "www.christophercloyd.com") { $location = "http://www.christophercloyd.com/index.php?page=home&false=".$error; } else { $location = "http://localhost/index.php?page=home&false=".$error; } $login = '0'; $status = 'Failed'; mysql_query("INSERT INTO logs (`ip`,`hostname`,`description`,`timendate`,`status`) VALUES ('$ip','$hostname','$description','$timendate','$status')") or die(mysql_error()); } } else { $error = 'Wrong User Info'; if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == "www.christophercloyd.com") { $location = "http://www.christophercloyd.com/index.php?page=home&false=".$error; } else { $location = "http://localhost/index.php?page=home&false=".$error; } $login = '0'; $status = 'Failed'; mysql_query("INSERT INTO logs (`ip`,`hostname`,`description`,`timendate`,`status`) VALUES ('$ip','$hostname','$description','$timendate','$status')") or die(mysql_error()); } } else { $error = 'Wrong User Info'; if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == "www.christophercloyd.com") { $location = "http://www.christophercloyd.com/index.php?page=home&false=".$error; } else { $location = "http://localhost/index.php?page=home&false=".$error; } $status = 'Failed'; mysql_query("INSERT INTO logs (`ip`,`hostname`,`description`,`timendate`,`status`) VALUES ('$ip','$hostname','$description','$timendate','$status')") or die(mysql_error()); $login = '0'; } } else { $error = 'Wrong User Info'; if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == "www.christophercloyd.com") { $location = "http://www.christophercloyd.com/index.php?page=home&false=".$error; } else { $location = "http://localhost/index.php?page=home&false=".$error; } $status = 'Failed'; mysql_query("INSERT INTO logs (`ip`,`hostname`,`description`,`timendate`,`status`) VALUES ('$ip','$hostname','$description','$timendate','$status')") or die(mysql_error()); $login = '0'; } if ($login == 1) { return $login; return $location; } else { return $login; return $location; return $error; } } ?> [/CODE]
  6. [CODE] <?php session_start(); include("config.php"); error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('log_errors','1'); ini_set('display_errors','0'); //login $username = $_POST['username']; $password = md5($_POST['password']); $timendate = date("n/j/Y g:i:s A"); if (isset($_POST['username'])){ $get_user = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username'") or die(mysql_error()); $numusers = mysql_num_rows($get_user) or die(mysql_error()); $hostname = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $description = 'Login'; if ($numusers > 0) { $user = mysql_fetch_array($get_user) or die(mysql_error()); if ($username == $user['username']) { //check_passwords now if ($password == $user['password']) { $_SESSION['ccloyd'] == $username; $status = 'Success'; mysql_query("INSERT INTO logs (`ip`,`hostname`,`description`,`timendate`,`status`) VALUES ('$ip','$hostname','$description','$timendate','$status')") or die(mysql_error()); header("Location: ../index.php?page=home"); } else { $error = 'Wrong Login Info.'; $status = 'Failed'; mysql_query("INSERT INTO logs (`ip`,`hostname`,`description`,`timendate`,`status`) VALUES ('$ip','$hostname','$description','$timendate','$status')") or die(mysql_error()); header("Location: ../index.php?false=$error"); } } else { $error = 'Wrong Login Info.'; $status = 'Failed'; mysql_query("INSERT INTO logs (`ip`,`hostname`,`description`,`timendate`,`status`) VALUES ('$ip','$hostname','$description','$timendate','$status')") or die(mysql_error()); header("Location: ../index.php?false=$error"); } } else { $error = 'Wrong Login Info.'; $status = 'Failed'; mysql_query("INSERT INTO logs (`ip`,`hostname`,`description`,`timendate`,`status`) VALUES ('$ip','$hostname','$description','$timendate','$status')") or die(mysql_error()); header("Location: ../index.php?false=$error"); } } ?> [/CODE] i just updated it and its still not redirecting
  7. okay i made my login script and for whatever reason its not returning to any page heres my code [code] <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('log_errors','1'); ini_set('display_errors','0'); session_start(); include("config.php"); //login $username = $_POST['username']; $password = md5($_POST['password']); $timendate = date("n/j/Y g:i:s A"); $get_user = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username'") or die(mysql_error()); $numusers = mysql_num_rows($get_user) or die(mysql_error()); $hostname = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $description = 'Login'; if ($numusers > 0) { $user = mysql_fetch_array($get_user) or die(mysql_error()); if ($username == $user['username']) { //check_passwords now if ($password == $user['password']) { $_SESSION['ccloyd'] == $username; $status = 'Success'; mysql_query("INSERT INTO logs (`ip`,`hostname`,`description`,`timendate`,`status`) VALUES ('$ip','$hostname','$description','$timendate','$status')") or die(mysql_error()); header("Location: ../?page=home"); } else { $error = 'Wrong Login Info.'; $status = 'Failed'; mysql_query("INSERT INTO logs (`ip`,`hostname`,`description`,`timendate`,`status`) VALUES ('$ip','$hostname','$description','$timendate','$status')") or die(mysql_error()); header("Location: ../?false=$error"); } } else { $error = 'Wrong Login Info.'; $status = 'Failed'; mysql_query("INSERT INTO logs (`ip`,`hostname`,`description`,`timendate`,`status`) VALUES ('$ip','$hostname','$description','$timendate','$status')") or die(mysql_error()); header("Location: ../?false=$error"); } } else { $error = 'Wrong Login Info.'; $status = 'Failed'; mysql_query("INSERT INTO logs (`ip`,`hostname`,`description`,`timendate`,`status`) VALUES ('$ip','$hostname','$description','$timendate','$status')") or die(mysql_error()); header("Location: ../?false=$error"); } ?> [/code]
  8. heres my problem im creating a script so a person can not register an account from the same ip or have the same username or same email as any other users so heres the problem i created the script but it seems to just skip right over it even tho im using the same info i already registered with heres my first page [code] <?php session_start(); error_reporting(E_ALL); include("functions.php"); //connect to mysql mysql_connect('*****','******','******'); mysql_select_db('******'); //register begins //define vars $first = $_POST['First_Name']; $last = $_POST['Last_Name']; $username = $_POST['Username']; $password = md5($_POST['Password']); $email = $_POST['Email']; $day = $_POST['day']; $month = $_POST['month']; $year = $_POST['year']; $key = $_POST['key2']; $sc = sha1(md5($_POST['key1'])); $hostname = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; check_mulit($ip,$email,$username); ?> [/code] then heres my function [code] <?php //connect to mysql mysql_connect('*****','******','******'); mysql_select_db('******'); //check multi function check_multi($i,$e,$u) { $check_i = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE ip = '$i'"); $check_e = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = '$e'"); $check_u = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$u'"); $i_status = mysql_num_rows($check_i); $e_status = mysql_num_rows($check_e); $u_status = mysql_num_rows($check_u); if ($i_status > 0) { $error = '-You already have an account on this ip address'; header("Location: ../?page=Register&error=$error"); } if ($e_status > 0){ $error = '-The email address '.$email.' is already registered'; header("Location: ../?page=Register&error=$error"); } if ($u_status > 0){ $error = '-The username '.$username.' is already taken'; header("Location: ../?page=Register&error=$error"); } } ?> [/code]
  9. i can then kill the session right by doing session_destroy('error');
  10. session array so would that be like $_SESSION['errors'] = $errors[] and then on the register page foreach($_SESSION['errors'] as $error) {     echo $error."<br />";   }
  11. okay but im wanting it to redirect to the register page and show the errors }
  12. heres my delima okay I want to check a form and if there is multi errors i want it to show all errors at once heres my code [code] <?php //connect to mysql mysql_connect('localhost','root',''); mysql_select_db('site'); //register begins //define vars $first = $_POST['first']; $last = $_POST['last']; $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; $password2 = $_POST['password2']; $email = $_POST['email']; $email2 = $_POST['email2']; $day = $_POST['day']; $month = $_POST['month']; $year = $_POST['year']; $key = $_SESSION['key']; session_destroy('key'); $sc = $_POST['sc']; $hostname = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]; $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; //check them all if (!$first) { $error = '-You did not supply your First Name'; $complete = 0; } elseif (!$last) { $error = '-You did not supply your Last Name'; $complete = 0; } elseif (!$username) { $error = '-You did not supply a Username'; $complete = 0; } elseif (!$password) { $error = '-You did not supply a Password'; $complete = 0; } elseif (!$password2) { $error = '-You did not supply a Confirmation Password'; $complete = 0; }  elseif (!$email) { $error = '-You did not supply your Email address'; $complete = 0; } elseif (!$email2) { $error = '-You did not supply your Confirmation Email address'; $complete = 0; }  elseif (!$day) { $error = '-You did not supply your Birthday day'; $complete = 0; } elseif (!$month) { $error = '-You did not supply your Birthday month'; $complete = 0; } elseif (!$year) { $error = '-You did not supply your Birthday year'; $complete = 0; } elseif (!$sc) { $error = '-You did not supply the Security Code'; $complete = 0; } if ($complete == 0) { //go back to page and display errors } ?>[/code] at the bottom if $complete == 0 i want it to go back and show all the errors is there a way of showing all the errors at once?
  13. i have a form in php where people do there bdays so say like they choose february i want it to make it drop down the box with only 28 characters can any one help me with this part im not a noob at php i just dont know how to do this
  14. here lol why dont u do this 'href="http://cs-blog.net/file.php?url=$url"';
  15. yes im asking u what ur trying to do wiht line 8
  16. well what r u trying to do with line 8 like the href [CODE] <?php $url = $_GET['url']; if(!isset($url)){ echo "<form method=get><input type=text name=url value=http://><input type=submit value=Go></form>"; }else { $file = file_get_contents("$url"); echo "<form method=get><input type=text name=url value=http://><input type=submit value=Go></form><br><br>"; $replace = "href=' . "http://cs-blog.net/file.php?url=$url" . '"; $file = str_replace('href="',$replace,$file); echo $file; } ?> [/CODE]
  17. Okay i make my links on my page like ?page=services how can i make it so the whole page does not have to reload i just want the section to pop up
  18. this is now what i got /bin/sh: /usr/bin/wget: Permission denied
  19. okay i get this error after the code i ahve right now just ran Status: 404 X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.4 Content-type: text/html No input file specified.
  20. when u say [QUOTE]specify this command in cron[/QUOTE] what do u mean like the command i ahve right now is /usr/bin/php /home/user/public_html/test22/includes/delete_spam.php
  21. you dont have to do '.$row[name].' if ur echo is using "" like echo "<P>$row['name']</P>"; but if u use '' like this echo '<P>'.$row['name'].'</P>';
  22. public_html/test22/includes/delete_spam.php: line 1: ?php: No such file or directory public_html/test22/includes/delete_spam.php: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `"../db.php"' public_html/test22/includes/delete_spam.php: line 2: `include("../db.php");'
  23. i need a php script to run every 10 minutes but then i get an email saying there was an error
  24. lol no if u read what i wrote it goes to the index2.php?page=quote_sent i do know php well enough but the mail is just not sending and i dont know why
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