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Everything posted by chriscloyd

  1. <?php $dbhost = 'localhost'; $dbuser = '***********'; $dbpass = '***********f'; $conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die ('Error connecting to mysql'); $dbname = '**********'; mysql_select_db($dbname); ?>
  2. [code]<?php print "<table border=1 class=list>"; echo("<thead><tr><td><a href=index.php?sortid=0>Site Name</a></td><td><a href=index.php?sortid=1>Editor Rating</a></td><td><a href=index.php?sortid=2>Visitor Rating</a></td><td><a href=index.php?sortid=3>Date Added</a></td><td><a href=index.php?sortid=4>Publisher</a></td></tr></thead><tbody>"); switch ($_GET['sortid']) {   case 0 : $column = 'name'; break;   case 1 : $column = 'editorrating'; break;   case 2 : $column = 'rating'; break;   case 3 : $column = 'dateadded'; break;   case 3 : $column = 'publisher'; break;   default : $column = 'name'; } $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM site ORDER BY $column ASC LIMIT (20, 0"); while ($qry = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { print "<tr>"; print "<td><a href=site.php?id=$qry[id]>$qry[name]</a>" ; date_default_timezone_set("US/Eastern"); list($year, $mon, $day) = explode('-', $qry[4]); $sevenDays = (7 * 24 * 60 * 60); // 604,800 seconds in 7 days $entryTime = strtotime("$year-$mon-$day"); $now = strtotime("now"); if (($now - $entryTime) < $sevenDays) { echo "<img src='images/new.gif'>"; } "</td>"; //Assuming each editorrating correpsonding an image name w/ that rating If ($qry['editorrating'] == "") {$image = '0.png'; } else{ $image = $qry['editorrating'] . '.png'; } //Display user's rating image echo "<td><img src=\"images/{$image}\" /></td>"; //Get User's ID rating and display rating image based on that rating $id = $qry['id']; $qry_rating = mysql_query("SELECT rating FROM site where id='$id'");            list($rating) = mysql_fetch_row($qry_rating); $new_rating2 = (string)$rating; //gets the average rating from the database and put into an image variable $rateA = explode(".", $new_rating2); $rateA[1] = ((int)$rateA[1] <= 49) ? NULL : $rateA[1]; $rateA[1] = ((int)$rateA[1] >= 50 && (int)$rateA[1] <= 99) ? "5" : $rateA[1]; //store rating in image2 variable $image2 = $rateA[0] . $rateA[1] . '.png';     //Display user's rating image2 echo "<td><img src=\"images/{$image2}\" /></td>"; //Display dateadded print "<td>$qry[dateadded]</td>"; //Display publisher print "<td>$qry[publisher]</td>"; print "</tr>"; } print "</tbody></table>"; ?>[/code] i changed ur query to limit between 20 and 0 so if u have 7 it will show all but if u have more than 20 it will only show the top 20
  3. here is the error i have [quote]Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/chris/public_html/login.php on line 11 Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/chris/public_html/login.php on line 12 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/chris/public_html/login.php:11) in /home/chris/public_html/login.php on line 28 [/quote] and this is the code that is there [code]<?php session_start(); include("db.php"); if(!$email || !$password){ $error = "Please Fill Out Both Fields!"; header("Location: index.php?error=".$error.""); } else { $getinfo = mysql_query("SELECT password FROM users WHERE email = '$email'"); $check_admin = mysql_query("SELECT password FROM admins WHERE email = '$email'"); $admin = mysql_fetch_array($check_admin); $user = mysql_fetch_array($getinfo); if($admin == 1){ if(md5($password) == $admin['password']){ $_SESSION['cssadmin'] = $email; } } if($user == 1){ if(md5($password) == $user['password']){ $_SESSION['css'] = $email; header("Location: index.php"); } else { $error = "The Password You Entered Was Incorrect!"; header("Location: index.php?error=".$error.""); } } else { $error = "Their Is No Such Email Registered Here!"; header("Location: index.php?error=".$error.""); } } ?>[/code]
  4. i have a script where i can deny a users application heres the mailing script [code]if(isset($message)){ $message = addslashes(htmlspecialchars($message)); $email = $email; $subject = $subject; $headers1 = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers1 .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $headers1 .= "From: Application@conception-host.com\r\n"; if(!mail('$email','$subject','$message','$headers1')){ echo 'Could Not Send Email, Did not Delete Application'; } else { mysql_query("DELETE FROM app WHERE email='$email'") or die(mysql_error()); echo '<br><br><br>Email Has Been Sent And Application Has Been Deleted'; } } else { echo '<form name="form1" method="post" action="?function=deny">   <table width="332" border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0"> <tr>   <td width="73">Email</td>   <td width="244">'.$_GET['email'].'   <input name="email" type="hidden" id="email" value="'.$_GET['email'].'"></td> </tr> <tr>   <td>Subject</td>   <td>Application Review   <input name="subject" type="hidden" id="subject" value="Application Review"></td> </tr> <tr>   <td valign="top"><p>Message<br>   <span class="var"><strong>Default<br> Message   </strong></span></p>        </td>   <td><textarea name="message" cols="30" rows="5" class="inputs">Application Review ----------------------------------------- To Whom This May Concern, I regret to inform you that you failed your application process.  It might not be that you failed exactly but, we might have filled up that position.  If you would like another chance feel free to send another application but, write more infomation about your self and give more expirence. Application Procceser Conception-Host.com #CHOST</textarea></td> </tr> <tr>   <td>&nbsp;</td>   <td><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Send"></td> </tr>   </table> </form>'; }[/code] but it says the echo that email had been sent but its not sending and i get this wierd error above that message that says /var/chroot/home/content/c/h/r/chriscloyd/dead.letter... Saved message in /var/chroot/home/content/c/h/r/chriscloyd/dead.letter
  5. okay it wont upload the thumbnail and it wont add it into the database help me please
  6. this is my code [code]<?php include("db.php"); if($_FILES["file"]["name"]){ $dir = "pictures/".$_FILES["file"]["name"]; if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], $dir){ $file = $dir; $filename = $file; header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); list($width, $height) = getimagesize($filename); $newwidth = 150; $newheight = 150; $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth, $newheight); $source = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename); imagecopyresized($thumb, $source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newwidth, $newheight, $width, $height); imagejpeg($thumb); $dir2 = "thumbnails/".$_FILES["file"]["name"]; $thumbnail = move_uploaded_file(imagejpeg($thumb), $dir2); $query = "INSERT INTO gallery SET image = '$dir', thumbnail = '$thumbnail'"; $result = mysql_query($query); if($result){ echo "The image has been uploaded"; }else{ echo "There was an error uploading to the database.<br />".mysql_error(); } }else{ echo "There was an error uploading the file"; } } ?> [/code] i get this error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{' in /home/.giro/chriscloyd/idoliztic-designs.com/upload.php on line 7
  7. yes but i dont want it to resize or the image will look messed up
  8. see i dont know how to write the upload script out of all my time php coding i cant do upload scripts i can do any other script just about execpt uploads
  9. I want to be able to upload images into a database a thumbnail of the image also and i want it to how would i go about doing that?
  10. i just dont know why it will work when u go to the actuall page like http://www.aspire-hosting.net/includes/latestthreads.php but not when u go to http://www.aspire-hosting.net I have tried where i just post the code on the index.php file but it still wont show!
  11. look on the normal page http://www.aspire-hosting.net/includes/latestthreads.php it shows it but when u go to http://www.aspire-hosting.net it wont
  12. [code]<?php include("threaddb.php"); $latest = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM thread ORDER BY threadid DESC LIMIT 7") or die(mysql_error()); echo '<table width="193" border="0" bordercolor="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">'; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($latest)){ $title = $row['title']; $threadid = $row['threadid']; echo '<tr> <td width="105"><div align="left">'.$title.'</div></td> <td width="78"><div align="center"><a href="forums/showthread.php?t'.$threadid.'">View</a></div></td> </tr>'; } echo '</table>'; ?>[/code]
  13. i fixed it but now its only showing a one!
  14. ya but i already had it b4 desc thats why.  but now its messing up my whole page [url=http://www.aspire-hosting.net]www.aspire-hosting.net[/url]
  15. i fixed it i took out threadid after desc but now it messes up my whole page :(
  16. ya the error im getting now is You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'threadid LIMIT 7' at line 1 and my mysql_query is mysql_query("SELECT * FROM thread ORDER BY threadid DESC threadid LIMIT 7") or die(mysql_error());
  17. ya i did and it still doesnt lol any other way of doing what im trying to do im trying to get the 7 newest rows by id from threads
  18. i get this error Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/.giro/thegtz/aspire-hosting.net/includes/latestthreads.php on line 5 and my code is [code]<?php include("threaddb.php"); $latest = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM 'thread' ORDER BY date DESC 'threadid' LIMIT '7'"); echo '<table width="193" border="0" bordercolor="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">'; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($latest)){ echo '<tr>     <td width="105"><div align="left">'.$row['title'].'</div></td>     <td width="78"><div align="center"><a href="forums/showthread.php?t'.$row['threadid'].'">View</a></div></td>   </tr>'; } echo '</table>'; ?>[/code] can someone help me fast please
  19. no i had this probably a couple of times it does depend on the php.ini but look make sure u r getting a var for $email like $email = $_POST['email'] or get
  20. ya i cant get it to work but heres the link to it http://www.shawngo.com/xajaxformutil.php
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