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Everything posted by lszanto

  1. From my experience there are little to none, are you trying to build a bot or an msn service? The projects that are around are mostly out of date with the latest MSN protocols so you're best to either write one yourself and learn curl or just google around until you find one that is decent.
  2. Update I now have a tutorial up, so if anybody wants to try the framework out properly you learn how to make a simple todo list. The video can be found at http://vimeo.com/7109614 Again any feedback would be awesome
  3. Well you could do it with javascript but my suggestion is to make it into a form which has method="get" action="result.php?ref=$modelo&accion=var" and then just put the box as an input box in the form with the name 1t1 and it will be submitted on the url as you requested. Does that work for you/answer your question?
  4. Your actionscript 3 syntax is quite poor I'm sorry to say, lack of types and semicolons makes for bad coding in actionscript 3 and will often cause you errors. Anyways for the solution you simply add "_self" as a parameter to navigateToUrl() just like <a> in html. The final solution should look like a1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goWhere1); function goWhere1(evt:MouseEvent):void { var url:String = "inisial.php"; navigateToUrl(new URLRequest(url), "_self")); }
  5. I don't understand what you are asking, can you phrase it more clearly or give a better example? And from the looks of it without really understanding it looks like this is more a javascript problem than php.
  6. I have spent the past few days working on this simple framework in my spare time, to understand exactly what the project is for please read the description on the project page. If you try it out please give any feedback and I apologise that no documentation has been created the code commenting should be fairly explanatory if you know your way around php. Any questions or comments are appreciated. Project page: http://code.google.com/p/lurum/ To moderators - If I have put this in the wrong place I apologise, it seemed to suit better than the beta forum. P.s I am working on a video tutorial on how to make a simple app later tonight, I am thinking about a basic blog app but that seems what everybody does. Is there anything else simple you can suggest? Thanks, Luke
  7. I have looked at my code a fair few times but I can't seem to see anything wrong but I am constantly getting an error, please see if you can spot the error. thanks in advance, Luke The error: An Error Was Encountered Error Number: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'key, entered, ip, date) values(null, 'Some Name', '49998e1b08a5bba53253ced8fa4ca' at line 1 INSERT INTO users(id, username, password, email, country, address, rank, key, entered, ip, date) values(null, 'Some Name', '49998e1b08a5bba53253ced8fa4ca6e234c83150', 'someemail@email.com', 'Argentina', '12 Standup St', 'user', 1075172864, 0, '', 2008-01-14 11:25 AM) Insert statment: //Make query. $sql = "INSERT INTO users(id, username, password, email, country, address, rank, key, entered, ip, date) values(null, '$username', '$password', '$email', '$country', '$address', 'user', $key, 0, '$ip', $date)"; //Run query. $this->db->query($sql);
  8. Thanks, I have been helped alot, is there anybody else that has any ideas for me?
  9. I'm getting a new laptop for my birthday and I just have a few questions about operating systems and security, most of the specs are below but please ask for more info if needed. Specs - HD- 160gb Processor - Intel Core Duo 1.73ghtz Ram - 2gb Os - Windows Vista Questions I'm going to install linux on this computer with a partition, is there anything I need to take into consideration before doing this and what size partition is reccommended? I have ubuntu and kubuntu and am not used to using linux much, which is better to use? If I want to update my version of linux(kubuntu/ubuntu) do I need to format the partition to install the new version or can it be done an easier way? For windows vista what is the best free security that I can get? thanks, Luke
  10. Well they both work for my but below is the links in a different form and I've tested both to be working. Pleasing Pages Pleasing Pages Mirror
  11. Hey, I'm starting a new blog that showcases 'pleasing pages', I have made one post so far and I just wanted to know what people think of the design/writing and constructive criticism would be appreciated. http://lszanto.hosttds.com/wordpress - Full Url. http://yep.it/pages - Short Mirror.
  12. Thanks so much, I was dumb and got the $to and $subject mixed around.
  13. No it displays 'An error has occured, please go <a href=\"http://lszanto.hosttds.com/wordpress/please-us/\" >back</a> and try again.' which is the result of an error in the mail query.
  14. Bump, Does nobody know what the problem is?
  15. Sorry I didn't understand the question, can you post the code that calls the function?
  16. Um I think its cause the echo ""; would return the values as "" because of the brackets specifying the array, you would need to put encase the var with {} e.g $match['ref'] becomes {$match['ref']}, I'm pretty sure this is the problem.
  17. I don't think this is the issue but for the fields in match maybe try putting in single quotes e.g instead of putting $match[refs] try $match['refs']. Are you sure the query pulls data our of the database?
  18. I am working on a site and for some reason the mail function keeps returning false for no reason when all the input is correct and should be sending, the script is below. <?php //If form submitted. if(isset($_POST['name']) && isset($_POST['url']) && empty($_POST['agree'])) { //Get/set vars. $name = $_POST['name']; $url = $_POST['url']; $perms = $_POST['perms']; $subject = "Pleasing Page Submission"; $to = "luke@lszanto.hosttds.com"; $from = "From: <Pleasing Pages>"; //Check for perms. if($perms == "on") { $perms = "You have owners permission."; } else { $perms = "You need to contact the owner and get permission."; } //Make email. $message = "You have recieved a page that has pleased $name\n\nName: $name\nPleasing Page: $url\nPermission: $perms\n\nThanks, Pleasing Pages"; //Make mail var. $mail = mail($subject, $to, $message, $from); //Check if sent. if($mail) { //Sent. echo "$url has been sucessfully submitted."; } else { //Didn't send. echo "An error has occured, please go <a href=\"http://lszanto.hosttds.com/wordpress/please-us/\" >back</a> and try again."; } } else { echo "<script> window.location = 'http://lszanto.hosttds.com'; </script><noscript><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;url=http://lszanto.hosttds.com\" /></noscript>"; } ?>
  19. First thing is if the data is encrypted with sha1() before checked in a query why do I need to escape the string, its not gonna be in the form they entered it but in an encrypted form and if the login works, the login function redirects the user to home.php and if not just leaves the login error but it does the checking inside the function.
  20. I've been working on my own script and I just want to make sure that this login function is secure and can't be hacked by sql injections or other methods, please leave some constructive criticism. Login Function - <?php function login($username, $password) { //Make query. $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username' AND password='$password'"; //Turn query into result and arrays. $result = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql)); //Turn results into arrays. $ruser = $result['username']; $rpass = $result['password']; //Check if they match. if($username == $ruser && $password == $rpass) { //Session time. $_SESSION['username'] = $ruser; $_SESSION['rank'] = $result['rank']; //Redirect. echo "<script> window.location = 'home.php'; </script>"; } else { //Show results. echo "Your login was incorrect, please try again."; } } ?> Call to login function - <?php //If login. if(isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password'])) { //Make password. $letters = str_split($_POST['password']); $first = $letters[0]; $first = sha1($first); $full = $first . sha1($_POST['password']); //Attempt login. login($_POST['username'], $full); } ?>
  21. I'm working on a simple script at the moment and it requires to sort different data into sections and these sections are chosen by there 'list' title, for some reason the sql only loops once so I need to know why its not looping more, if you need more info please ask and thanks in advance. <?php //Make query. $sql = "SELECT * FROM lists"; //Make query into result. $result = mysql_query($sql); //Run query loop. while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { //Get list. $list = $row['title']; //Show list. echo "<br /><h3>$list</h3>"; //Make new query. $sql = "SELECT title, description, price FROM wish_list WHERE list='$list'"; //Make result. $result = mysql_query($sql); //Run result. while($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { //Show each piece of data. echo "<strong>Title:</strong>" . $data['title'] . "<br />"; echo "<strong>Description:</strong>" . $data['description'] . "<br />"; echo "<strong>Price:</strong> $" . $data['price'] . "<br /><br />"; } //Break lines. echo "<br /><br />"; } ?>
  22. Thats the part I've already done, I just need to know how to convert from html links back to the shortened version of home_home.html e.g.
  23. Hey, I've been writing a small script that puts some data sent from a form into a webpage e.g title, header, nav. And in this I have to convert links from this: home_home.html,about_about.html,links_links.html to this: <a href="home.html" >home</a> &nbsp <a href="about.html" >about</a> &nbsp <a href="links.html" >links</a> &nbsp That bit was not to hard to do, but now my problem is I can't convert them back from html into the original link format, does anybody have any ideas? This is how far I got, all it does is counts the amount of links that are in the page. //Explode by .html, counting the links. $linknum = explode(".html", $links); //Count links. $linknum = count($linknum) - 1; If it helps this is the bit that turns them into links. //Explode links, set num var. $links = explode(",", $links); //Run links array exploding them further. foreach($links as $link) { //Explode individual link. $linkparts = explode("_", $link); //Make url. $url .= $linkparts[1] . "_"; //Make link names. $linkos .= $linkparts[0] . "_"; } //Explode links and urls into parts. $urls = explode("_", $url); $links = explode("_", $linkos); //Count the array. $num = count($urls); $num--; //Run loop showing links. for($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { //Show the link. $towrite .= "<a href=\"$urls[$i]\" >$links[$i]</a> &nbsp\n"; } Please help if you can and thanks in advance.
  24. 20 views and no comments? Please if you view just write a quick comment of what you think.
  25. Just a simple blog/personal site I've been working on, please tell me what you think. http://lszanto.hosttds.com - Soon to be a new domain.
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