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Posts posted by n8w

  1. Thanks Barand .. that was a ton of help


    Now I added a varchar field to my illustrator_table called related_illustrators which I plan to store a string of the related illustrator ids




    I want to run a cron job once a day to store these values


    here is my cron job and I know it's super inefficient .. could you take a look at it to help me optimize it? Any help greatly appreciated


    $start ="";
    $start = microtime(TRUE);
    # BEGIN: related illustrators
    $sql = 'UPDATE illustrators_table SET  related_illustrators=""'; //initialize
    $retid = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
    $sql = 'SELECT illustrator_id, COUNT(*) as favorite_count FROM favorites GROUP BY illustrator_id';
    $retid = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
    # check for errors
    if (!$retid) {
    } else {
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($retid)) {
     $illustrator_id = $row[illustrator_id];
     $favorite_count = $row[favorite_count];
      $sql2 = 'SELECT p.illustrator_id, count(*) as favorite_count FROM favorites p
     INNER JOIN (SELECT user_id FROM favorites WHERE illustrator_id = '.$illustrator_id.') as X using (user_id )
     WHERE illustrator_id  <> '.$illustrator_id.' GROUP BY illustrator_id
     ORDER BY favorite_count DESC LIMIT 17';
     $retid2 = mysql_query($sql2) or die(mysql_error());
     while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($retid2)) {
      $related_illustrators .=", ". $row[illustrator_id];
     $sql3 = 'UPDATE illustrators_table SET'
     . ' related_illustrators = "'.$related_illustrators.'"'
     . ' WHERE'
     . ' illustrator_id = "'.$illustrator_id.' " LIMIT 1';
     //$retid3 = mysql_query($sql3) or die(mysql_error());
    $querytime = microtime(TRUE) - $start;
    echo $querytime;

  2. I am trying to figure out the logic / mysql query I need to figure out "related suggestions"


    So for example I have these illustrators http://www.illustrationmundo.com/illustrators.php

    and if you like illustrator A you will probably like illustrator B,D,Z based on a table that contains people's favorite illustrators


    the illustrator favorite table looks like this



    • user_id=the user who is favoriting the illustrator
    • illustrator_id=the illustrator that is being favorited

    So I assume I need to figure out people that like illustrator 12547 usually also likes illustrators 124,125478 and 15429


    I have no idea how to do this .. any help is greatly appreciated

  3. Thanks Awjudd good advice


    I just figured out the problem ... I was missing () on part of the statement



    SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE user_id=1 && c1 LIKE "%jj%" || c2  LIKE "%jj%"  ORDER BY c_timestamp DESC



    SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE user_id=1 && (c1 LIKE "%jj%" || c2 LIKE "%jj%" ) ORDER BY c_timestamp DESC

  4. I am getting some unexpected results  and I think it's because in  my sql statement I am mixing up true when I want it to return just the literal match of user_id that is "1"


    SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE user_id='1'



    right now I think it's selecting everthing if the user_id is not empty .. hence it interprets user_id='1' as being true


    How can I write this so it selects everything from table where the user_id literally is the number 1?



  5. I have a column that has values like


    record 1 = bob,nancy, sally

    record 2 = bob,nancy

    record 3 = nancy, sally


    What I would like to do is replace all instances of nancy with betty so all my records would look like this


    record 1 = bob,betty, sally

    record 2 = bob,betty

    record 3 = betty, sally


    can someone please point me in the right direction of what my sql statement should look like?



  6. I want to walk through the mysql_fetch_array twice


    currently I am just running the same sql statement twice


    $retid = mysql_query( $sql);

    $retid2=mysql_query( $sql);


    Which, I know isn't effecient making two calls to the db when I already have the info


    What is the best way to walk through the result twice?


    similar to

    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($retid)) {

    //my code



    other stuff


    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($retid2)) {

    //my code


  7. Hey Biobob,


    Thanks for replying


    I think I am calling the wrong tables because I am getting a crazy count



    SELECT favorite.letter_id, favorite.user_id, COUNT( favorite.user_id ) AS the_count
    FROM favorite
    LEFT JOIN  `user` ON  `user`.`user_id` =  `favorite`.`user_id` 
    LEFT JOIN  `letter` ON  `letter`.`user_id` =  `letter`.`user_id` 
    WHERE user.user_status =  'active'
    AND letter.letter_visible =1
    GROUP BY user.user_id
    HAVING COUNT( letter.user_id ) >0
    LIMIT 10


    results should be in the 100 range

    letter_id	user_id	the_count
    89	1	40230
    31	3	894
    140	17	1341
    85	23	2235
    104	26	1788
    147	27	9387
    46	30	447
    128	31	894
    104	34	24138
    267	39	447


    Do you see where I am going wrong? Thanks!

  8. I have 3 tables
















    I would like to count how many favorites a user has

    SELECT letter_id,user_id, COUNT(user_id) as the_count FROM favorite GROUP BY user_id


    but now I want to count how many favorites a favorite.user_id has where the user.user_status=active and the letter.letter_visible=1


    The tricky part is favorite.user_id is the person who marked the letter as their favorite not the person who created it

    So I have to find who created it by looking up favorite.letter_id and seeing if their user.user_status=active


    So in plain english I would like to find

    How many favorites a user has where the status of the person who created the letter is active and the status of the letter is visible.


    Thanks for any help!




  9. sorry I am novice at this but


    How do I store it as utf-8

    how many characters should I allow for the varchar? I only need to store one character .. but do I need more characters when I  utf8_encode it?


    so when it goes into the database should my functions look like this?


    putiting into database

    function bad_chars($text){
    $text = trim($text);
    $text = mysql_real_escape_string($text);
           $text = utf8_encode($text);
           return $text;


    pulling out of database and displaying on web page

    function converttohtml($text){
    $text = stripslashes($text);
            $text = utf8_decode($text);
    return $text;





  10. Thanks .. but do you think that is the best way to go about it? Technically I can do this .. but I am not sure if that is the best approach.


    I will the context so it makes more sense


    So i have a site where you can browse different versions of letters

    so if you go to http://www.letterplayground.com/index.php?letter=a

    you will see all the a's people have submitted


    and I am actually storing the letter with a column called letter which is just char(1) but now I realize there is some problem with that approach for example if you want to search for zeros .. the php script see's it as false instead of zero ... so with that problem and foreign language issues my main question is:


    how should I store this 1 character? should I stor it as a hex value, decimal value, etc


    Thanks for your time!

  11. I have a column in my database table where I just I just need to store 1 letter/character 

    example "a","8","c",etc

    I set up the column as char(1)

    but now I realize I have a problem storing characters from foreign languages

    so I think I need to store the character as hex value



    example ú would be c3ba


    is this the best solution?

  12. I want to count how many times words exist in various entires ... so for example if I had these three entries:


    #1 - health, sun, dog, cat

    #2 - health, sun, cloud, rain

    #3 - health, apple, ice cream, cloud


    I would like the the script to return the number of times each word is used

    (3) health

    (2) sun

    (2) cloud

    (1) dog

    (1) cat

    (1) rain


  13. what is the best way to store data in my database if people might be posting info in multiple languages (English, Spanish, etc)?


    should my in and out fucntion look something like this?

    //in- putting data into the database
    function bad_chars($text){
    $text = trim($text);
            $text =   utf8_encode ($text)
    $text = mysql_real_escape_string($text);
    return $text;
    //out - pulling data out of the database
    function converttohtml($text){
    $text = stripslashes($text);
            $text =   utf8_decode ($text)
    return $text;




  14. I would like to delete records from multiple tables... I have this tutorial http://www.electrictoolbox.com/article/mysql/cross-table-delete/ .. but still can't figure out the correct syntax for my scenario


    I want to delete all records with user_id=154 from tables users, illustrators, comments

    *note: each table has a user_id column


    how should I write that?


    DELETE users.*, illustrators.*, comments.*

    FROM users u, illustrators i, comments c

    WHERE ????



  15. I would like to create a tag cloud .. but not from a defined array .... but from a column in a database with many entries within a date range ... it could have 100s of entries


    my table has the following columns

    date, column1, column2, rating



    I basically want to find out which are the most common words in column 1 and column 2


    a row with date might look like this


    record 1

    date:2009-07-16 09:10:33Z

    column1:red, blue, green

    column2: hot, sunny



    record 2

    date:2009-07-15 09:00:13Z

    column1:red, blue

    column2: cold, wet




    what is the best approach to doing this?


    Here is a tutorial I found on tag clouds .. but it's based off a defined array .. I want to base my off my columns that might have hundred of tags and duplicates .. etc


    function createTagCloud($tags)  
        //I pass through an array of tags  
        foreach($tags as $tag)  
            $id = $tag['id']; //the tag id, passed through  
            $name = $tag['tag']; //the tag name, also passed through in the array  
            //using the mysql count command to sum up the tutorials tagged with that id  
            $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalnum FROM tutorials WHERE tags LIKE '%".$id."%' AND published = 1";  


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