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Everything posted by ccannon

  1. hi there, i found this great script by Mystic Dreams. it does a recursive directory and file listing with links, which is great, but i'd like to a) be able to replace "_" underscores with spaces in file and directory names, and b) remove file extensions from file names. i spent a few hours yesterday trying to tweak it myself and concluded i really don't know how. so, i'm hoping someone can help. here's the include script: ////////////////// <?php //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // EzMap - Sitemap System // sitemap.php // Sitemap for your website // Date Created : 15 October, 2003 // Last Modified: 31 October, 2005 // // Version 1.01 // // * This script is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License. // A copy of the GPL is included with this script. // // * Mystic Dreams Enterprises - [a href=\"http://www.mysticdreams.net\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.mysticdreams.net[/a] // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////NOTE "dirStyle" is class name for directory headings /////NOTE "fileStyle" is class name for directory headings // User configuration // Show size of each file, 1 for YES, 0 for NO $showsize = 0; //relative path to image files directory (note leave off the leading slash "/" $imagePath = "images/sitemap2/"; // Array with file types to display and the images to use. // Syntax: $display['filetype'] = "image"; $display['php'] = $imagePath."php.gif"; $display['html'] = $imagePath."html.gif"; $display['htm'] = $imagePath."html.gif"; $display['shtml'] = $imagePath."html.gif"; // Array with directories to exclude. // Syntax: $excludedir[] = "directory"; $excludedir[] = "cgi-bin"; $excludedir[] = "css"; $excludedir[] = "images"; // Array with files to exclude. // Syntax: $excludefile[] = "filename"; $excludefile[] = "_randomText.html"; $excludefile[] = "_rungTest.html"; $stime = gettimeofday(); // Set some important stuff $root = getcwd(); $pre = explode("/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); array_pop($pre); $prefix = join("/", $pre); // Uncomment the 2 lines below to create a tree of all files and directories on // your webserver if the script is in a subdirectory $root = str_replace($prefix, "", $root); $prefix = ""; $root .= "/"; // Display server name and directory echo "<table width=\"80%\" class=\"sitemap_tag2\" align=\"center\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\">\n"; echo "<tr><td><img align=\"absmiddle\" src=\"".$imagePath."server.gif\" border=\"0\"> <b>http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; echo "$prefix/"; echo "</b></td></tr><tr><td><img align=\"absmiddle\" src=\"".$imagePath."vertical.gif\" border=\"0\"></td></tr>\n"; function get_extension($name) { $array = explode(".", $name); $retval = strtolower(array_pop($array)); return $retval; } // Recursion! And away we go... // Set some globals and clean up a bit... // What a pig... function list_dir($chdir) { global $root, $prefix, $showsize, $display, $excludedir, $excludefile, $imagePath; unset($sdirs); unset($sfiles); chdir($chdir); $self = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); // Open the current directory $handle = opendir('.'); // Read directory. If the item is a directory, place it in $sdirs. // If it's a filetype we want, put it in $sfiles */ while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if(is_dir($file) && $file != "." && $file != ".." && !in_array($file, $excludedir)) { $sdirs[] = $file; } elseif(is_file($file) && $file != "$self" && array_key_exists(get_extension($file), $display) && !in_array($file, $excludefile)) { $sfiles[] = $file; } } // Count the slashes to determine how deep we're in the directory. // Add lines to make it pretty. $dir = getcwd(); $dir1 = str_replace($root, "", $dir."/"); $count = substr_count($dir1, "/") + substr_count($dir1, "\\"); //DIRECTORY LISTING SECTION... // Display directory names and recursively list them. if(is_array($sdirs)) { sort($sdirs); reset($sdirs); for($y=0; $y<sizeof($sdirs); $y++) { echo "<tr><td>"; for($z=1; $z<=$count; $z++) { echo "<img align=\"absmiddle\" src=\"".$imagePath."vertical.gif\" border=\"0\"> "; } if(is_array($sfiles)) { echo "<img align=\"absmiddle\" src=\"".$imagePath."verhor.gif\" border=\"0\">"; } else { echo "<img align=\"absmiddle\" src=\"".$imagePath."verhor1.gif\" border=\"0\">"; } echo "<span class=\"dirStyle\">"; echo "<img align=\"absmiddle\" src=\"".$imagePath."folder.gif\" border=\"0\"><a href=\"http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."$prefix/$dir1$sdirs[$y]\" target=\"_top\">$sdirs[$y]</a>"; echo "</span>"; list_dir($dir."/".$sdirs[$y]); } } chdir($chdir); //FILE LISTING SECTION... // Run through the array of files and show them. if(is_array($sfiles)) { sort($sfiles); reset($sfiles); $sizeof = sizeof($sfiles); // What file types shall we display? for($y=0; $y<$sizeof; $y++) { echo "<tr><td>"; for($z=1; $z<=$count; $z++) { echo "<img align=\"absmiddle\" src=\"".$imagePath."vertical.gif\" border=\"0\"> "; } if($y == ($sizeof -1)) { echo "<img align=\"absmiddle\" src=\"".$imagePath."verhor1.gif\" border=\"0\">"; } else { echo "<img align=\"absmiddle\" src=\"".$imagePath."verhor.gif\" border=\"0\">"; } echo "<img align=\"absmiddle\" src=\""; echo $display[get_extension($sfiles[$y])]; echo "\" border=\"0\"> "; echo "<span class=\"fileStyle\">"; echo "<a href=\"http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."$prefix/$dir1$sfiles[$y]\" target=\"_top\">$sfiles[$y]</a>"; echo "</span>"; if($showsize) { $fsize = @filesize($sfiles[$y])/1024; printf(" (%.2f kB)", $fsize); } echo "</td></tr>"; } echo "<tr><td>"; for($z=1; $z<=$count; $z++) { echo "<img align=\"absmiddle\" src=\"".$imagePath."vertical.gif\" border=\"0\"> "; } echo "</td></tr>\n"; } } list_dir($root); echo "</table><br>\n"; // How long did that take? $ftime = gettimeofday(); $time = round(($ftime[sec] + $ftime[usec] / 1000000) - ($stime[sec] + $stime[usec] / 1000000), 5); echo "<div align=\"center\" class=\"sitemap_tag2\">This page was generated in $time seconds.</div>\n"; ?> /////////////// let me know if this is something you can help with. thank you, -Chris
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