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Everything posted by djuhr

  1. Hello, I'm working on a book-library and I have to store dates in the DB, get the date from the DB add 30 days and then store it again. Why am I having such a problem doing this. Man, I've tryed loads of solutions, but nothing works. I'd be most greatful if anyone could help me? The conditions are: you have to return book before you can get another loan. Here's the code: <? session_start(); include "conn.php"; $query = 'SELECT memberid FROM member ' . 'WHERE username = \''. $_SESSION['authUser'] .'\''; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $values = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $_SESSION['user'] = $values; $membid = $_SESSION['user']['memberid']; $bid = $_POST['bokid']; $date = date("Y:m:d"); $date2 = date("Y:m:d",strtotime('+30 days'));; // Check if member already has a book $check = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS hit FROM loan WHERE memberid='$membid'"); // Check if book is lent by someone else $check2 = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS hit FROM loan WHERE bookid='$bid'"); // Get returning date if some one else has the book $ater = mysql_query("SELECT _STR_TO_DATE(returndate,'%d/%m/%Y') as 'returndate' FROM loan WHERE bookid='$bid'"); if (mysql_result($check, 0, 'hit') == 1) { // If the logged in member already has lent a book echo 'Please return book first!'; } elseif (mysql_result($check2, 0, 'hit') == 1) { // If selected book is lent by other, new loan is registerd and the date of the loan is set to the same as //returning date (of the member who has it now) mysql_query("INSERT INTO loan (loandate, memberid, bookid, returndate) VALUES ('$return', '$membid', '$bid', '$return + 30')"); echo 'You'll get the book as soon as it is returned from other member.'; } else { // Book is in library. Loan-date is set to todays date and returning date is set to today+30 days mysql_query("INSERT INTO loan (loandate, memberid, bookid, returndate) VALUES ('$date', '$membid', '$bid', '$date2'"); echo 'Soon come!'; } ?>
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