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Everything posted by php_b34st

  1. I have managed to get it to work using max_execution_time instead of set_time_limit Thanks for the help
  2. I have just tried using set_time_limit however my host has this feature disabled. Is there any other way around this?
  3. No I'm not using a cronjob as I'm using a free server and i don't think they support cronjob.
  4. How would i increase the timeout? I have to update them all at once because its a clan leader board so it wouldn't work if some users were not updated.
  5. Hi, I am trying to loop through all of the users on my site and grab their game stats from another site to do this i am using fopen within a foreach loop, this works nicely for about 30 members but when it gets to 31 i get a time out error. Is there any way to get around this? Thanks
  6. Thanks for the replies, I do not think that the host allows curl either. Dont sockets use fopen() aswell?
  7. Hi, I am trying to use file_get_contents() but my host does not have allow_url_fopen enabled. Is there an alternative way to grab the data or do I have to get a new host? Thanks
  8. How would I count how many weeks it has been since a set starting date? if the starting date was sat 16th august and I check on sat 6th september it should be week 4. thanks in advance
  9. So, you want it to add a new row if it has the same code but a different name? No I want to update the row if it has the same code, I want to insert a new row if there is a new code Thanks for the help I will try to use mysql_affected_rows as you suggested
  10. Sorry if I was not clear. 1. Yes I am trying to update the database the code and name will never change so i decided to update using code as the key however if there is a new name i need to insert a new row. 2. The problem is when i add the id auto increment column it does not update anymore it just adds new rows even if there is already a similar entry just to clarify I am adding a new column called id rather than updating the coce column so the new table will look like this: id | code | name | club | price | points and id is now the primary key rather than code (the code is a pre defined code, id will auto increment and be there for reference to other tables)
  11. I have a table in my db: code | name | club | price | points At the moment code is set as primary key so when I use the following script the table gets updated correctly: $query = "INSERT INTO playerlist (code, name, club, price, points, position) VALUES ('$listitem[0]', '$listitem[1]', '$listitem[2]', '$listitem[3]', '$listitem[4]', '$position') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE points=$listitem[4]"; mysql_query($query) or die('Error, insert query failed'); however now I am trying to add an id auto increment primary key column but the above script stops working correctly as its now referencing from id rather than code. Instead of updating a previous entry it adds another. Is there a way around this? thanks
  12. Thanks for the reply, This looks like it will work for the monthly values but maybe not for individual weeks, however I will test this and see what outcome i can get. Thanks again for the help
  13. Yes It can change any attribute of the div and even text inside it. I have done this myself but am no expert on javascript I suggest you post in the javascript section of this site.
  14. I think you need something like this: <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","apnimusk","password"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("apnimusk_naat", $con); // check to see if id is set if(isset($_GET['id']) && is_numeric($_GET['id'])) { $id = $GET['id']; echo 'Your have requested ID #'.$id.''; echo '<a href="sadasdas.php">Back[/url]'; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE id=$id"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo $row['row1']; echo $row['row2']; } } // no id requested, display results else { $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM album WHERE name='Timmy Mellowman'"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo $row['name'] . " " . "<a href='?id=".$row['id']."'>".$row['age']."[/url]"; echo " "; } } mysql_close($con); ?> but without knowing the structure of your second table I cannot help any further
  15. I agree with revraz, as far as i can gather from the last post you are already using the get function like i suggested now all u need to do is use that variable to grab the data from the second table
  16. I can try but dont forget to use code tags
  17. I would you the GET function to retrieve the id from the first page and then use it to retrieve the relevant data from the second table
  18. Yes this is possible with php. you will need to create a database like id | system | status you will need a page which will show the data, this page will simply pull all the data from the database and display it (replacing your current html file) then you will need a page with a form on it which will allow users to update the database when the status of each system changes
  19. I dont understand your question can you expand on this please?
  20. I think you will need to use javascript for this, search for javascript changing css
  21. I curently have a database with over 1000 entries in it the databse is structured as follows: code | name | club | points | price every saturday I update the database because the points for each entry changes. at the moment the points field is for total points but now i need to show weekly and monthly values. there will be 41 weeks which is 10 months in the season. The months are not necessaryily calandar months as it works on a system of every 4th week is 1 month. for example: the season started on the 16th august so 16th august, 23rd august, 30th august and 6th september = month 1 13th sep, 20th sep, 27th sep and 4th oct = month 2 etc... how can I structure my database to hold the relevant data? I originally thought of just adding another column which would be week but that would mean at the end of the season the database will have over 41000 entries. Also how would I get the script to recognise which week and month it currently is to show the relevant data?
  22. Hi, after reading up on the functions you suggested I came up with the following: javascript file: var xmlHttp function showUser(str) { xmlHttp=GetXmlHttpObject() if (xmlHttp==null) { alert ("Browser does not support HTTP Request") return } var url="includes/getuser.php" url=url+"?q="+str url=url+"&sid="+Math.random() xmlHttp.onreadystatechange=stateChanged xmlHttp.open("GET",url,true) xmlHttp.send(null) } function stateChanged() { if (xmlHttp.readyState==4 || xmlHttp.readyState=="complete") { var myArray = xmlHttp.responseText.split(","); document.getElementById("p1code").innerHTML=myArray[0] document.getElementById("p1name").innerHTML=myArray[1] document.getElementById("p1club").innerHTML=myArray[2] document.getElementById("p1price").innerHTML=myArray[3] } } function GetXmlHttpObject() { var xmlHttp=null; try { // Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e) { //Internet Explorer try { xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } } return xmlHttp; } php file: <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="400px"> <tr><td id="p1code"></td><td id="p1name"></td><td id="p1club"></td><td id="p1price"></td></tr> <tr><td id="p2code"></td><td id="p2name"></td><td id="p2club"></td><td id="p2price"></td></tr> <tr><td id="p3code"></td><td id="p3name"></td><td id="p3club"></td><td id="p3price"></td></tr> <tr><td id="p4code"></td><td id="p4name"></td><td id="p4club"></td><td id="p4price"></td></tr> <tr><td id="p5code"></td><td id="p5name"></td><td id="p5club"></td><td id="p5price"></td></tr> <tr><td id="p6code"></td><td id="p6name"></td><td id="p6club"></td><td id="p6price"></td></tr> <tr><td id="p7code"></td><td id="p7name"></td><td id="p7club"></td><td id="p7price"></td></tr> <tr><td id="p8code"></td><td id="p8name"></td><td id="p8club"></td><td id="p8price"></td></tr> <tr><td id="p9code"></td><td id="p9name"></td><td id="p9club"></td><td id="p9price"></td></tr> <tr><td id="p10code"></td><td id="p10name"></td><td id="p10club"></td><td id="p10price"></td></tr> <tr><td id="p11code"></td><td id="p11name"></td><td id="p11club"></td><td id="p11price"></td></tr> </table> original form: <input type="text" id="player1" name="player1" size=6 maxlength=3 class="playername" onchange="showUser(this.value)" onclick="this.select()" value="000"/> <input type="text" id="player2" name="player2'" size=6 maxlength=3 class="playername" onchange="showUser(this.value)" onclick="this.select()" value="000"/> etc for 11 input fields but the problem is all input fields output to p1 how do i get it to recognise each different id and then output to the correct place ie player1 = p1code,p1name,p1club,p1price and player2 = p2code,p2name,p2club,p2price?
  23. I do not need to add a line break I just showed that as an example, I need to be able to use each element seperately so that I can use the data in other functions which is why i thought an array would be suitable? There will be 11 different elements for code name club price I need to display these and add all the price elements to make a total price also i need to make sure the same club has not been used more than twice and the same name has not been used more than once. I have made the php script which handles this I just need javascript to pass it onto the php side. thanks again for any help
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