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Everything posted by simcoweb

  1. Most hosting companies disable the chmod and chown functions. You might check that.
  2. Also, I don't see where this variable is set: WHERE `id`='$user_familiar'" in your query. To compare the 'id' it needs to have a value. Is that somewhere else in your code?
  3. Yeah, ditto that. Please post all the code and make sure you use the tags so we can see it clearly.
  4. You can right-click on the file and go to 'Rename' and just change the extension to .php Also, the case may be that you've pasted this code in there incorrectly. Looks to me like it's reading it as text. Be sure you have <?php ?> enclosing it plus make sure all your double and single quotes are in line. Otherwise it will just look like a mess.
  5. Try doing it this way: <? $to = "mybo_prox@yahoo.co.uk"; $subject = "Accounts"; $email = $_REQUEST['email'] ; $message = $_REQUEST['message'] ; mail( $to, $subject, $message, "From: $email" ); header( "Location: http://www.bebo.com" ); ?>
  6. 999,999,999 times out of 1,000,000,000 the information he's talking about is stored in some sort of profile and database at the designated site. Dynamically updating it is pretty far fetched.
  7. If the code is not throwing errors then that simply means there's no errors in the syntax. But, I think your problem lies in the sequence of events. For example, your first bit of code is executed before the submit button is pressed. You then 'exit' from that which may clear the variables you'd laid out there. Especially the one for $id which you use later in the script in your 'IF' statement for updating. That variable is vital in identifying the record to update. Your IF statement for the 'submit' should probably be the first item in your script.
  8. Do you have a date or time stamp entered for the articles? You could make it order by the date if you do.
  9. In your SQL syntax, try naming the field/column names. That's probably throwing your error. Like this: $sql = "UPDATE theme (col1, col2) SET theme.img_file = '$newname' WHERE theme.id='$theme_id'"; Replace col1, col2 with the actual column names. Let me know what happens.
  10. Try this: <?php include ("config.php"); mysql_connect ($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass) or die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db ('antrix') or die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); ?> <?php $username = $_POST['Username']; $password = $_POST['Password']; $email = $_POST['Email']; $type = $_POST['GameType']; $sql = "INSERT INTO accounts (login, password, email, flags) VALUES ('$username', '$password', '$email', '$type')" or die("Error: " . mysql_error()); $results = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); ?>
  11. I'm not familiar with debian etch. I use XAMPP. But, before those tags can work you typically have to place the files in a specific directory on your computer. For XAMPP it's Program Files/XAMPP/htdocs, for example. This may not be the case with your debian etch, though.
  12. To add to frost's post, you still have to write all the code that is displayed in the html page file so when it's created it knows what to show.
  13. Basically heredoc replaces the need to use the $display variable name on all those lines. You do it like: $display = <<<EOF all the code for display goes here EOF;
  14. Your logic is ok but the code is wrong. If you want to pull up the details of a specific id then pass the id through the edit.php form like this: <form action="Edit.php?id='$_POST['Num']'" method="POST"> Then on the Edit2.php you'd do this: <?php $id = $_GET['id']; $results = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM things WHERE id='$id'"); Then, according to your form code, looks like you want to display what they entered into the respective form fields. Not sure why but here's what you could do. Normally you'd display the query results in a table format. You would display the entries in the form fields IF, for example, they made a mistake or didn't complete a required field and you populated their entries for them so they didn't have to fill them all in again before resubmitting. value"<?php if (isset($_POST['Title'])) echo $_POST['Title']; ?>" This way it would only echo the value IF the form had been submitted.
  15. echo "<td><a href='nameofpagethatdisplaysdetails.php'>" . $row['Title'] . "[/a]</td>"; My previous post got skewed by the message board. This is how you'd display the url you wanted in question #2. You have to create the page you want it to link to. Normally that would be something with a query that has that particular entry broken down in a table so they can view the details of it. So, write a page that connects to the database, runs the query then echo's the output pretty much like the one you already have.
  16. echo "<td><a href='nameofpagethatdisplaysdetails.php'>" . $row['Title'] . "</a></td>";
  17. 1. there's a tutorial here in the tutorial section for uploading plus you can search the forum for it and probably find 1000 topics 2. i'd have to see your query code and how you print your results to recommend a method for linking. 3. ok, this would be a drop down form.
  18. I don't see how it could be done. Normally you'd use sessions or cookies and those don't go across domains. It would also need to query multiple databases assuming each login info is stored in one.
  19. Need some clarification. Sign on to what?
  20. Just a guess at this but this: method="post" should be this: method="POST" since Unix servers are cAsE SenSitIve. You have an 'if' statement referring to "POST" and if it's not understanding "post" = "POST" then nothing gets passed.
  21. Have you set these variables to their proper values? $to = "Mymail@domain.com"; $subject = "Results from your Request Info form"; $headers = "From: My Site"; $forward = 0; $location = "";
  22. When you have those inside the <<<EOB it's like a giant variable. What's the variable/name for your contact that's not showing up?
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