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Posts posted by tibberous

  1. I have a server that runs plesk. I setup an MX record. If I ping mail.domain.name I get the new ip is resolves too, but the mail is still going into our webmail system.


    Since plesk is running the DNS, is it maybe somehow grabbing a copy of the email? Is it sending pings to the right IP but screwing up mail? Any ideas how to fix this?

  2. You realize the DP is like the ghetto of the internet right?


    Here's the thing - there are two kind's of people, the kind that buy scripts and the kind that steal them. Even if you can 100% protect your script, no one from the second group is going convert to the first. My advice is to basically ignore it - I'll pay to use scripts, especially if my boss is the one dropping the cash, but I won't buy anything that is encoded or compressed.


    And CV is right, web services are the way to go if you 100% don't want something stolen. Tie it to your server and hide the useful parts (think google maps)

  3. Mine kept failing after the first load. I changed my code to recreate the whole object each time, using the same and only reference, would should mean it's garbage collected...


    Is there something like a close function that lets me reuse the object? (yes, I tried close)

  4. A site I worked on one time used a class called PHPMailer (http://phpmailer.codeworxtech.com)


    The class doesn't use the built in mail function, but rather uses sockets to connect to an SMTP server. It supports html and non-html email.


    Does this sound like something that I should use? Are their any disadvantages / benefits of doing it this way?


    And how do I send html email with the normal mail function - I can never get it to work :(

    // Put your data into an object...
    $data = array();
    $data[] = array('id'=>'FR23OE', 'name'=>'Joe Smith', 'desc'=>'A guy.');
    $data[] = array('id'=>'FR23OF', 'name'=>'Joesph Smith', 'desc'=>'Another guy.');
    // Later on, store it...
    file_put_contents('dump.ser.gzs', gzcompress(serilize($data)));
    // And retrieve it...
    $data = unserilize(gzuncompress(file_get_contents('dump.ser.gzs')));
    // And print with tags...
    foreach($data as $record){
    echo '<b>'.$record['id'].'</b>';




    or... you know, you could use databases like everyone else.

  6. I hacked you.


    Is it possible there is something wrong with the directory on your server where the sessions are stored? Generally you don't have to worry, but if it was working before, and you tried completely restoring everything, you might want to run a few tests to make sure that sessions in general are still working correctly.

  7. I made a site that took orders, and stored all the prices as integers :)


    Guy was like: "If I stick in $5.30 it becomes 5. Could we possibly add a way to keep track of the remaining pennies."


    Also, I had the error handling on an upload daemon fail, and a site thought I was doing a DOS attack against them. Whats really weird is that even after that they didn't ban my IP or mention the fact I was automating my uploads.

  8. If I have a table with a many to one relationship, should I add an index to speed it up?


    ratings -> products


    And products have multiple ratings. And ratings have an `Owner` field.


    And what would the syntax be?


    create index `identifer` on ... ?



  9. Yeah - the way I understand it, the ajax progress bars work by seeing how much of the file the server has saved, which means accessing the uploaded part of the file before it is uploaded. Flash works by getting the progress on the client side, which is the better way to do it but not supported by browsers.

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