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Posts posted by tibberous

  1. Big problem with CMS's is that you end up with more crap that you would otherwise, and you generally won't know how the codebase is setup unless you invest a lot of time.


    Personally, I like WordPress better than Joomla, but the type of site you are creating of course needs to be factored in. Even how you code matters - if you don't mind through wading through other peoples code and experimenting, you might do alright with CMS'es. My friend always hated them because he wanted to know the exact way everything worked -- I'd grep a line of text, open up the file that had it in there, and start echo'ing until I saw what something did.

  2. I don't dislike Java because I don't know it, I don't know it because I dislike it :)


    At one time I was pretty good with Java, but after three years of programming in other languages I don't remember a whole lot. Guess saying I don't know it isn't quite true, just that it would take me a long time to get caught up in it.


    The Flash plugin is a lot smaller than the JRE, and 95% of people already have it. The Flash plugin also doesn't sit in my system tray and bug me to update it when I don't need too. Also, I've ended up with multiple JRE's on my computer - the Flash plugin always just updates to the newest version.


    As far as it being best at Enterprise application development - It might be? I've never made an enterprise application.

  3. I have a javascript page that have a big array of names. I want to be able to have the user enter a search string, and it return the names that match.


    I was going to just build a long html string of the results, and set the innerHTML of a div, but it seems to break in IE if a lof of results are returned (only like 200). Is there a better way to handle this?

  4. Doesn't that break javascript too? I hate installing noscript because it forces you to update it like every three days, then takes you to their homepage to tell you it's updated. It's almost like a nag screen for Flash, and if you look at the sites spikey (and very high) Alex rank, I don't believe that isn't by design.

  5. I know Java, at least I used too. It's a nice language to program in and the documentation for it is great, but...


    Applets suck compared to Flash apps.

    The JRE is slow. Until I built this computer, Limewire ran noticeably slow, and Limewire is hardly a complex application.

    Every application doesn't need to be object oriented, or benefit from being broken down into objects.

    Forcing people to install the JRE isn't exactly user friendly.


    That's why Java is a college language - because it's easy to write and probably the easiest language to read. It might be good for a huge project with 20 people where everyone can pick and object and not be confused on what to do, or for a command-line utility that needs to run cross platform, but in general it can't compare with languages more geared towards a specific task.


    I don't dislike Java because I don't know it, I don't know it because I dislike it :)

  6. Java is a language that is only still around because of colleges pushing it. It must be easy for them to get Java teachers from the ever-growing pool of unemployed java programmers. Java isn't a bad language, but it doesn't work well for the web (or for distributed applications, or applets). Objects, which are the core of the language, create a lot of overhead, which isn't bad for something like an application that gets created one time, but sucks for something like a page request that is processed only for a brief second. Java has a longer development time up front, that is generally never made up for by code reuse - and as much as Java programmers would like to tout their objects as reuable, the truth is that copy and pasted PHP code is just as reusable, sometimes more so because it won't be dependent on 20 other objects. Most of the things you can do in Java can be done in PHP, it's just that PHP doesn't force you to do them -- which according to Java programmers makes it worse. Personally, I like that fact that PHP gives me the flexibility to structure a program however I want, not how someone, who spends more time pushing their paradigm than programming, says I should structure it.


    Also, and I might be wrong on this point, but I don't think that the JVM is Open Source. I'm not mentioning this because you'll ever need to touch the source of PHP or the JVM, but just because making the source available to a large userbase generally leads to better code.


    I think Java is basically dead. Adobe is going to kill the Applet and platform inspecific implementations of it, .NET and C++ will always beat it for real applications, PHP and ASP will continue to hold the server end, and Java will be relegated to the community colleges - where for $92 a credit, you can learn something very similar, yet infinitely less useful, than AS3.

  7. 1) Use AS3. The time you spend learning AS2's "quirks" could be spent learning a real, solid language.


    2) If your doing a multiplier game with sockets, a good starting point might be to figure out how your going to setup the server. Generally, you want to write a game server that is capable of running multiple games concurrently in different states while still listening for new connections - you can try to run them all in a single thread or have a 'waiting room' type thing that then spawns separate game threads. I can't think of any reason to specifically look for game programming - figure out how to create and move squares in flash, figure out to fie key events, write Tetris, learn sockets in C/C++/PHP, learn sockets in Flash, pass data between the two, ect. Games are just made by combining different technologies, and while there are some largely game specific topics you might need to know, I would worry more about know how to program than I would knowing how to 'game program'.

  8. Are you neglecting to call session start?


    More importantly, don't say isset($_SESSION['username']) && !empty($_SESSION['username']), just say, if($_SESSION['username']) - their not even 100% equivalent, the latter way is better and a lot less to type / read.

  9. I made the osflv player, which is great for putting video on the web (osflv.com)


    But tweakpng is probably my favorite, because you can strip all the crap out of a png in two clicks, without ever opening the program - and it runs on Vista, despite being made before there was Vista. You can get it at TrentTompkins.com.


    What useful stuff have you guys made?

  10. Why doesn't PHP have a good way to parse XML? I keep hoping that they'll get it to support something like E4X =/


    Is there a fundamental reason why PHP can't have it? AS3 does.


    You can do stuff like...





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