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Everything posted by tibberous

  1. Call it "Starcraft 2 lan crack patch" - that way you'll get tons of search engine traffic.
  2. I swear 50% of my day is just creating a 2 pages, one to list all the records of type and one to add/edit records of type. Load record, populate fields, create update function, validation, sql -- if I could teach the people in the office to use Navicat I could go home...
  3. $opts = array('http' => array('proxy' => 'tcp://', 'request_fulluri' => true)); $context = stream_context_create($opts); file_get_contents("http://www.site.com/page.html", false, $context); I found this code but I'm not sure what kind of proxy server it needs or where to find them - any ideas?
  4. I have a query like: select * from users where (select `State` from `locations` where `locations`.`id`=`users`.`id`)!='PA' or (select `State` from `locations` where `locations`.`id`=`users`.`id`)!='NJ' or (select `State` from `locations` where `locations`.`id`=`users`.`id`)!='NY' or (select `State` from `locations` where `locations`.`id`=`users`.`id`)!='TX' ... ect This is obviously terrible - if only because it makes the query impossibly long to read. How can I get around this?
  5. I was running Windows 7 on a Raid 1+0 array. I needed to get something off an old hard drive (mysql databases, needed to boot the old os and export them as .sql's), so I booted into XP, and it didn't have a RAID driver installed. For some reason, it screwed up the Windows 7 drive so it won't boot or repair. I installed the RAID driver on the XP computer and am now able to see the Windows 7 files, but I don't know how to get Windows 7 to boot. I tried the option to fix startup errors, and I don't want to system restore because it never worked in XP and i'm worried it screws up all my programs.
  6. It might be base64 encoded data - try putting the garbled text into base64_decode? echo base64_decode("AAZ4SCkzB84bN3PK"); ? I'm not even 100% sure why you'd uses base64 - might be a way to escape the data for xml, since you won't get special character (< , &) that can break xml.
  7. I actually use text to speech. It's great for catching typo's and for long paragraphs. I wouldn't care if there was one voice, if the one voice didn't suck. It sounds like Alphonse's brother from FMA.
  8. If I was blind, I would be pissed off more pissed off. Besides, if they even threatened a suit, Microsoft would spend the couple days to port the old TTS engine just to avoid the press. I'm not asking for them to make a bunch of voices, I'm just asking for them to take the code they already wrote and make it run on Windows 7.
  9. It wouldn't be so bad if they had use Mike - Mike was always the best voice, but they made Sam the default, so no one even probably used Mike. How is Anonymous supposed to make anti-Scientology videos? Run XP in Virtualbox for 10 years? I was just thinking how nice Windows 7 is and how all my hardware is working and M$ goes and screws it up. Still, it does have a drop-down box for language - so maybe there is or is going to be some way to add at least 3rd party voices? Or is that just so Chinese users can pick between language versions of Anna?
  10. .... That's beyond stupid. The problem with using a 3rd party TTS is that they all generally used MS'es speech API - should be a lesson as to why not rely on anything M$ makes. I hope they get sued by the blind. I might check out that one they have for Windows and Linux... carnival or something?
  11. It only has one voice, Anna, and I can't get the old voices to work. There isn't anything on Google about changing the voice, except forum posts of people asking how and not getting a response.
  12. I am programming a site that processes orders. Orders after 6:00 are processed the next day. My client wants a screen that lists "Todays Orders", which are really the orders from 6:00pm yesterday to the present. Any ideas? I'm stumped on this one.
  13. It might be better suited to a module than a stand-alone application, since there is really very little different between selling downloadable software and selling anything else. I think your target audience would be pretty small, and probably able to develop their own solution, unless they were straight desktop programmers.
  14. Any idea where I can find that?
  15. Yeah - that's what I'm looking for, even though it either doesn't support full XML or is buggy. It won't read my XML if I leave the SOAP namespaced elements around it, even though FF and IE read the xml file as valid. I was able to get it to work by preg_matching one of the more-inner tags =/
  16. Lets say this is my xml: $xml = "<root><people><person><name>bob</name></person><person><name>trent</name></person></people></root>"; I want to be able to get $root->people as an array, then loop through $root->people[$i] and print out their names. Actionscript makes this remarkably easy with E4X, does PHP have something similar? I hate the xml_parser_create way of doing things - but using preg_match_all just feels like a hack.
  17. The databases were in D:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\data http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/windows-installation-layout.html
  18. Windows got corrupted and won't boot so I need to get my database files off the drive. With mysql 4 this was as easy as grabbing the /data folder, but I was running MySQL Server 5.1.41 on XP32, which apparently doesn't have that folder. Any idea how I get my databases back?
  19. I had to reformat and still have the old hard drive. I am used to mysql keeping the databases in mysql/data, but there not there.
  20. I am getting my tax return! What are some things that are really worth the money? Personally, I think the best money I ever spent was for Lasik - $1,000 for 20/20 vision. Worst was ITT Tech, $33,000, that will be like $60,000 w/ interest.
  21. There's no value in limiting yourself to just open source. All you're doing is limiting your potential income. Your income is limited by your available hours. You can get a job doing PHP, you can get a job doing .NET, but imo it would be better to be good at one or the other.
  22. The performance of "Hello ".$guy vs. "Hello $guy" will never made in any real-world situation. There isn't a right or wrong, so generally I just stick to what looks most readable. The one advantage of writing it as "Hello ".$guy is that, should you need to call a function on $guy you don't have change as much (eg: "Hello ".ucwords($guy))
  23. Lol. Guess my class on C++ bit-encoding was a waste?
  24. I got it! I took the number an used base_convert($num, 10, 16) to get a series of 8 alpha-numeric characters. Then, I used windows calculator to convert them from base-16 to base-10 2 at a time to get base 256. But, for some reason, the sets are backwords. I only found this out b/c I was playing with my ip address. So, basically, if you get: You just make it: So, I kind of solved it, but there is a lot more standard way that just involves modding and dividing. Does anyone know that way? @Teddy: It converts an ip address to a base-10 number, so converting back would be getting the original ip.
  25. I use this function to store ip address in an int field in the database: function ip2num($ip){ $parts = explode('.', $ip); $value = 0; $exp = 0; foreach($parts as $part) $value += $part * pow(256, $exp++); return $value; } How do I convert back?
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