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  1. Okay, despite working on my server, this line of code: create table `tablename` like `stdoptions` gives me a mysql syntax error on my dev platform. Is there any alternitive to use? What did people use before like? Thanks
  2. If you want an email sent when a person fills out a form on your site then you should proabably send the email on the script that the form submits too. In php you use the mail() function. I don\'t think there is a way to have thedatabase send mail when a change occurs, but it\'s not nessesary because mySQL is just used to store data, scripts provide a gateway to it, and that is where the actions should occur.
  3. Okay, I\'m writing a script that I was to have an infinite amount of selection conditions. Think something like foreach($condition as $_){ $con .= "$_ AND"; } // enter code to get rid of that last AND... $result = mysql_query("select * from `table` where $con"); However, will something go wrong is there are too many conditions? I mean, I\'m not talking thousands, but like 50? 100? I know there will be performance issues but that\'s not a big deal, so long as were just talking 5-10 seconds, maybe a tad more but definitely well under 30, which seems to be timeout level. Anyone know a better alternative? I was thinking about doing a big loop of mysql_result checks but would that even be faster? (I know there are a ton of optimizations in mySQL). Plus the way I have now is soooo easy. I mean, I turned a collage level problem into a comp sci 1 extra credit problem with my idea, just kinda looking for a better implementation of basically the same idea. especially a way to break that one huge query into many smaller queries. Thanks a bunch if you can help. I\'m not that good on mySQL yet when it comes to the higher level queries. (doc\'s seem way to reference like to really read through).
  4. Well, my website has a ton of header (.h) files. I already added the line AddType application/x-httpd-php .h to my config file which helps secure them because they get parsed through php. However, I want them to be completly blocked. It doesn\'t matter whether apache gives an error or a blank page. Also, I\'m on windows which gives me less security but I was hoping there was somthing I could change to make apache protect them. Thanks
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