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  1. Hi php gurus, I'm having a problem in accessing the values of the variable from the previous form. The previous form variable is defined below: [code]if(isset($pstreamname)) { ?>              <tr>                  <td valign=top align=right><tt><b>Stream Name</b></td>                  <td valign=top><input type="text" name="streamname" size="30"><br></td>              </tr>    <? }[/code] and accessing the above variable is as below. [code]$streamname=@$_REQUEST['streamname']; echo "Streamname is $streamname"; [/code] but its not echoing anything.can anyone tell me why and wht to do? I've added the error reporting also at the top.no errors,plz help. [code]<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); ?>[/code]
  2. I've a readonly text with a line of text stored in variable $query1, to be passed to next page on click of a button.How do i do it. I've already done the following to no use. creating readonly text box as below: [code]echo "<input readonly name=\"query1\" value=$query1 size=$qsize >"; [/code] I'm passing the value of query1 as: [code] <input type="hidden" value="$query1" /> <input type="submit" value="Run" > [/code] and i'm accessing in next page as, [code] $query1= $_REQUEST[query1]; echo "-------- Query1 is $query1-------"; [/code] but i'm unable to access the variable query1.don't the reasong.any help?
  3. I've got a line as below. How can i pass this line of text to the next page on click of a button. [code]streamname,resolution,videopid,pcrpid,audiopid,audiotype,videotype,samplerate [/code] I've stored the above line in a variable $query1.
  4. Hi all, I'm displaying a query result of 1000+ rows in a table containing 10 columns and after executing the query on click of a button it displays only around 30 rows. Not able to figure out the problem. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you all.
  5. i'm a newbee to php plz tell me exactly in a little more detail.
  6. Hi guys, i've a combo box and the value or the item changed in it should be passed to another form.their r no buttons.how do i do that??
  7. ok.where will that visitors cookie file be stored.the location id used here is not assigned any value.this is my first form of the web page,so from where the $locationid value come from.
  8. hi guys, i've a function: [code]if ( isset ($LocationID) ) {      ob_start();      setcookie("HostLocationID",$LocationID);     ob_end_flush();     //echo "===$LocationID===="; }[/code] Now, wht does this setcookie function do over here.does it pass any value to another form.
  9. I've a code like this below: <BODY background=images/ltgray_lines1.gif text=000000> <br><br><br><br><br><font size=2 face="Garamond"> <FORM method=GET name="searchform"><center> <table> <tr><td>Search</td> <td><select name="pattern" > <option value="streamtype">Type</option> <option value="streamname">Name</option> <option value="videopid"> Vid Pid</option> <option value="audiopid">Aud Pid</option> <option value="pcrpid">Pid</option> <option value="clockrate">Clock Rate</option> <option value="videotype">ideo type</option> <option value="ac3bitrate">A3 Bit</option> <option value="ac3mod">A3 Mod</option> <option value="samplerate">Sam Rate</option> <option value="resolution">Res</option> <option value="profile">Prof</option> </select></td></tr><br><br> </table> <br><br> <input type="button" value="Search" onclick=selectstr()> </center> </FORM> </font> </BODY> Now my doubt is how can i take the value of the combo and submit it to another form.My friend gave the cod e below. but can anyone explain what does it mean.the code is below: wht does "str=str=" mean. function selectstr() { frm=document.searchform str=str = frm.pattern.options[frm.pattern.selectedIndex].value location.href="setstring.php?string="+str }
  10. i've sent a value from one page to another,as <a href="browsedirectory.php?typeid=<? echo $id ?>" target=main><font size=2 face="Tahoma"><? echo $name ?></font></a> Now,how to obtain and use the value of typeid in browsedirectory.php . if i use echo typeid; in browsedirectory.php it shows nothing is their.so how do i obtain this value.
  11. no.this is not working.page is displaying empty!!1
  12. no its not working.the page is empty!! <html> <body> <?php //echo gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $db = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "ramki"); $test=mysql_select_db("streamware"); if($test) echo "successful"; else echo "unsuccessful"; ?> </body> </html> this is my altered code.
  13. hi, i have executed the following lines of code in my php file to connect to mysql but the page is empty MySQL is installed and the password is ramki. <html> <body> <?php $db = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "ramki"); if($db) echo "conn successful"; else echo "conn not successful"; ?> </body> </html> the if condition, it is not displaying if or else part. wht do i do now?is there any probem with php connecting to mysql.how do i test it.
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