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Everything posted by taith

  1. i need to get this counter working... might be a compecated way of doing it... but thats the way it needs to be... <script> var counters=new Array(); function spankind(){ var x=document.getElementsByTagName("span"); for(var i=0; i<x.length; i++){ var kind=x[i].getAttribute("kind"); if(!kind) continue; switch(kind){ case "counter": counters[i]=counter(x[i],i); break; } } } function counter(el,id){ var val=el.innerHTML; if(isNaN(val)) val=0; val++; el.innerHTML=val; setTimeout("counter(el)",1000); } function init(){ spankind(); } window.onload=init; </script> <span kind=counter></span> i keep getting errors on this line "setTimeout("counter(el)",1000);" saying that el is undefined... but its not...? anyone got a clue whats goin on there?
  2. youd want to use ajax for that ...
  3. and from the time(); you can also $time=strtotime("NOW - 1 month"); echo date("y-m-d h:i:s",$time); since starting into timestamps, i use them for most of everything :-)
  4. the idea is to have it have a <form> submits to one page, stores the data into the session, and redirects to another page(paypal, etc...), however paypal needs its own $_POST data... if you redirect, it wont carry the first $_POST through to the next... :'(
  5. not sure what his page is like... but if you were to imbed this into your text <script> if(top.location != location) setTimeout("close()",0); </script> every time it gets called on, and not on your site, (assuming he's got primitive coding) it'll try to close that webpage
  6. true... but iframes ARE getoutable... ;-) <script> if(top.location != location) top.location.href = location.href; </script>
  7. i found a way around this (multiple form submissions(at the same time)) so this isnt of vital importance... i still would like to know/make an answer for this though :-)
  8. no but if it is automatic, and he's using php... its probably via using cURL... which the line of code i gave you, should tell it if your trying to access it via cURL, it'll die...
  9. 2 simple words to stop him... LAW SUIT! also! if(eregi('curl',$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) die('I'm doing illegal stuffs'); MAY stop/slow him down
  10. AJAX would be your best bet... in simplicity... ajax is javascript, running php :-)
  11. http://www.tizag.com/javascriptT/javascript-getelementbyid.php
  12. yes and no... session_id() is unique to every browser... if you open 2 seperate browsers, you'd have 2 seperate session_id()s... it would stop people from just logging out, and signing up again... however if you want it to stop people completly... you'd need to check cookies or perhaps store their ip address in the database... verify against that :-)
  13. you'd prolly wanna look into javascript for that :-)
  14. also maybe try store the session_id() see if theres any accounts there that are duplicates...
  15. paypal is just one example... i'm trying to shorten down my shopping cart system... so you "view cart" --> "billing info" --> "store billing info & redirect to paypal with form data(they require $_POST information(price, company, etc...))"
  16. cant use curl on paypal... i know curl can set its own post variables... but you cant say, set variable, and redirect there at the same time...
  17. i know you can $_POST cross servers... its just that i dont think sites (like paypal) would accept $_GET variables... i just trying to find a way to force them onto the next page...
  18. many people do use the mysql_real_escape_string()... however, i personally... just use html_entities()... its FAR less problematic :-)
  19. nope... php... so i can say <?force_post('name','value'); header("Location:;");?> and then on the new page, have $_POST[name]='value'; and no... not sessions... i wanna be able to go cross servers...
  20. does anyone know a way of php forcing POST data to be passed to the next page, without html output?
  21. i would think it'd have something to do with "onmouseout="swapOffRoster()""
  22. here... try this :-) <?PHP session_start(); $dbHost = "localhost"; $dbUser = "root"; $dbPass = "******"; $dbDatabase = "users"; $db = mysql_connect("$dbHost", "$dbUser", "$dbPass") or die ("Error connecting to database."); mysql_select_db("$dbDatabase", $db) or die ("Couldn't select the database."); $user = addslashes($_POST['username']); $pass = sha1($_POST['password']); $result=mysql_query("select * from `main` where `username`='$user' AND `password`='$pass' LIMIT 1"); if(mysql_num_rows($result)==1){ $_SESSION[user]=mysql_fetch_assoc($query); echo 'Success!'; header( "Location: searchlogin.php" ); }else { echo 'Incorrect login name or password. Please try again.'; } ?>
  23. well... i disagree... but either way, its not fixing the issue...? ie gets it, but primitive firefox cant...
  24. hahahahaha tables not for presentation... your funny! lol every site we've done is table based, and none of em have had this problem... lol it just overflows on the right side... no matter what widths i set on it...
  25. the site is css based... its also table based... it is NOT <div> based and never will be.
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