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Everything posted by Eugene

  1. I ruled out the possibility of it being javascript because i disabled js, and nothing changed, its not css because the css is the exact same as the original file, and it cant be html cause thats also the exact same as the original file.
  2. http://crazy4dollars.com for some reason, when i view the the file from my hard drive, (no javascript) it looks ok, but when i view it online, i modified it obviously for the webpages purposes, and the input box gets resized from 35px height to 53px and the width goes from 166px to 184px, i dont know what is causing it, but i have a guess that its some javascript code that doesnt work with this input field or something. Reply as soon as ppossible, ANY help will be greatly appreciated. On a side note, i copied all the html as is, only difference is that there is javascript added to the online webpage. Thanks
  3. $page = ($page != '') ? $page : 'index' ; $page .= '.txt'; $page = preg_replace('%(?:\.\./)+%', '', $page); look at your preg_replace statement. Lets say the page = index page = index.txt you are then replace the "." with "" so your code is search for a file called indextxt, which doesn't exist.
  4. $text = "1d35m37.7s"; $ex = preg_split('/[a-z]{1}/i', $text); $d = $ex[0]; $m = $ex[1]; $s = $ex[2];
  5. You'll need to look into the following functions, for a calendar script. http://php.net/mktime http://php.net/date http://php.net/cal_days_in_month
  6. You are wrong, because it is not definite that the coin will have 500,000 heads, 500,000 tails. Thats only a probability that the can get at most.
  7. you sort of got it wrong, can you tell me that two tables you want to join?
  8. SELECT * FROM tblxxxx x JOIN tblyyyy y ON x.name = y.team WHERE x.name = '$view'
  9. Is $id defined. you should try $_GET['id'], although that will pose some security problems.
  10. <form method="post" name = "msgform" id = "msgform" onsubmit="return checkForm();"> <table width="400" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpsending="2"> <tr> <td width="100">Firstname</td> <td><input name="firstname" type="text" id="firstname"></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100">Lastname</td> <td><input name="lastname" type="text" id="lastname"></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100">Age</td> <td><input name="age" type="text" id="age" ></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100">Email</td> <td><input name="email" type="text" id="email"></td> </tr> <td width="100"> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100"> </td> <td><input name="send" type="submit" id="send" value="send Message"></td> </tr> </table> Should work.
  11. have you tried putting everything in quotes? For example: date("m/d/Y:h:i");
  12. $seconds = $timeStamp2 - $timeStamp2; $minutes = ($seconds / 60); $hour = (($seconds / 60) / 60); Don't hold me to this though, I just coded it in about 2 seconds.
  13. If I comment out that print_r, nothing appears then.
  14. Yes, thank you for that insite Mr. Obvious, how about telling me why it does it 3 times in a row, instead of once?
  15. I have the following code at the top of the index page. <?PHP @header("Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8;"); print_r($_GET); ?> The get variables are "page" and "option" let's say. Everytime i got to the page, i get: Array ( => article [option] => edit ) Array ( => article [option] => edit ) Array ( => article [option] => edit ) I'm as stumped as you get, any help will be appreciated greatly. Thanks.
  16. Let's say "x" is a variable. s.value = s.value.replace(x, "xyz"+x+"xyz"); that doesn't work, it only replaces, the letter x, instead of the variable x. Any suggestions? I've searched high and low, and even the entire internet. Will somone please help me.
  17. I really don't know what the problem is. I checked out the Load Module in httpd.conf and uncommented it. It works with AuthUser and stuff, but not ModRewrite, can anyone help me? This is the error I get in the log file: "[Sun Jan 21 16:12:18 2007] [alert] [client] C:/Program Files/xampp/htdocs/SomeDir/.ht... Invalid command 'RewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration"
  18. [code=php:0] /* numeric array */ $Stats = mysqli_fetch_array($Query, MYSQLI_NUM); /* associative array */ $Stats = mysqli_fetch_array($Query, MYSQLI_ASSOC); /* associative and numeric array */ $Stats = mysqli_fetch_array($Query, MYSQLI_BOTH); [/code] I'm guessing your missing an argument. Try one of those
  19. Nevermind, I was just reading mysqli page on php.net as I'm not very familiar with it. Revert back to [code=php:0] $Query = mysqli_query($DB_Server, $General_Stats_SQL);[/code]
  20. [code=php:0] require("inc_files/Database_link.inc"); $User_Name = $_COOKIE['User_Name']; $General_Stats_SQL = "SELECT Points, Research, Sustainability, Attack, Defense, Friends, Units, Resource_1 FROM Table_1 WHERE User_Name = ".$User_Name; $Query = mysqli_query($General_Stats_SQL, $DB_Server); $Stats = mysqli_fetch_array($Query); $Stats['M_Power'] = $Stats['Attack'] + $Stats['Defense'] /2; [/code] Switch them around. For you SQL query, try this. [sql] SELECT Points, Research, Sustainability, Attack, Defense, Friends, Units, Resource_1 FROM Table_1 WHERE User_Name = '$User_Name' [/sql]
  21. [code=php:0] require("inc_files/Database_link.inc"); [/code] I do not recommend using a .inc as a php extention. Because if you entered www.domain.com/inc/example.inc all your code will be readable because your preprocessor does not parse "inc" or "include" files. Instead, try and use example.inc.php. I made that mistake when I was a beginner, It wasn't pretty ;)
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