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  1. Hello again, While searching google I did find the following resource and while it explains how to remove rows from text files and does give me a starting point I need to search to find the $mac in contents of text file and then delete it. Here is the page that I found for working with text files and php. [a href=\"http://codewalkers.com/tutorials/57/1.html\" target=\"_blank\"]http://codewalkers.com/tutorials/57/1.html[/a]
  2. Hello all, Kind of a PHP Newbie. I have worked with PHP before but not to the extent of which I am trying to now. What I am trying to do is be able to add MAC addresses to a text file and then delete them from the text file when they are no longer needed. I have gotten the add part to work but am having trouble with the remove part. Below is the code that I have been trying to get to work. Please don't flame me if I seemed to not know what I am doing here. I am still kind of learning as I go. Bascially this code is to add and remove which MAC address from a text file. [code]<html> <head><TITLE>Mac Address Control</TITLE> <form method="post" action="macdel.php"> <!-- DO NOT change ANY of the php sections --> Mac Address: <br /> <input type="text" name="mac" size="17" /> <br /> <br /> Server:<br /> <select name="server" size="1"> <option value=" bwc-americanstores ">bwc-americanstores </option> <option value=" bwc-bountiful ">bwc-bountiful </option> <option value=" bwc-jordancommons ">bwc-jordancommons </option> <option value=" bwc-sterling ">bwc-sterling </option> <option value=" bwc-thad ">bwc-thad </option> <option value=" bwc-utahcounty ">bwc-utahcounty </option> </select> <p> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add" onClick="document.theForm.action='macadd.php'"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Remove" onClick="document.theForm.action='macdel.php'"> </p> </form> </head> </html>[/code] Above is the form that is used to add and del. The adding works and disreguard [code]<form method="post" action="macdel.php">[/code] as I am still working on the submit buttons. I am not concerned about them right now. Here is the code for the macdel.php script below. [code]<?php $mac = $_POST['mac']; $server = $_POST['server']; ?> <html> <body> <!--DO NOT CHANGE ANY SECTIONS OF PHP CODE!!!--> <?php if ($server == " bwc-americanstores "){     $filename = "bwc-americanstores"; // File which holds all data     $inputstring = "$mac";          $arrFp = file( $filename); // Opens the data file as an array     $numLines = count( $arrFp ); // Count the elements in the array     $arrWords = explode( ' ', $inputstring ); // Split the input string into words as an array     $numWords = count ( $arrWords ); // Count the words in the string     for($i=0; $i<$numWords; $i++) // Loop through the words in the string     {         for($j=0; $j<$numLines; $j++) // Loop through the lines in the text file         {                 if(strstr($arrWords[$i], trim( $arrFp[$j] ))) // Search for restrive words                     $arrWords[$i]= " "; // If it is replace will null value, trying to remove line         }         $outputString .= $arrWords[$i]. ' ';     }     echo $outputString; // Echo the string replacing the word } elseif ($server == " bwc-bountiful "){     $filename = "bwc-bountiful"; // File which holds all data     $inputstring = "$mac";          $arrFp = file( $filename); // Opens the data file as an array     $numLines = count( $arrFp ); // Count the elements in the array     $arrWords = explode( ' ', $inputstring ); // Split the input string into words as an array     $numWords = count ( $arrWords ); // Count the words in the string     for($i=0; $i<$numWords; $i++) // Loop through the words in the string     {         for($j=0; $j<$numLines; $j++) // Loop through the lines in the text file         {                 if(strstr($arrWords[$i], trim( $arrFp[$j] ))) // Search for restrive words                     $arrWords[$i]= " "; // If it is replace will null value, trying to remove line         }         $outputString .= $arrWords[$i]. ' ';     }     echo $outputString; // Echo the string replacing the word } ?> <p align="center"> You have successfully removed <?php echo $mac ?> from  <?php echo $server ?> <br> </body> </html>[/code] All I want it to do is delete the mac that was entered in the box on the form page. After much searching on goolge to no avail for 4 hours, I figured I would post this here and see if someone could help while I [b]continue searching[/b] google. I also did a search on the forms of this site but could only find results for deleting from mySQL databases but nothing on text file. Please offer any suggestions. I am not looking for someone to do this for me. I am just looking for some help and maybe somone to help point me in the right direction. Once agian the [b]ADD[/b] fuctions works, need help with [b]REMOVE[/b]
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