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    Toronto, Canada

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  1. There are 2 tables: users and flags. And I am using this query: SELECT users . * , SUM( flags.level ) AS flags FROM users LEFT OUTER JOIN flags ON flags.user = users.UID GROUP BY flags.user However, only 1 user with no flags is returned together with the users with flags. I thought OUTER meant all rows?!? Removeing the GROUP BY fixes it. How do i do this? Thanks, Ari
  2. I have a user table like this: UID | Username 2 theuser 5 ari_aaron 3 me 4 blah and another table like this: Giver | Receiver | Comments 2 5 hi! 4 3 test 2 4 ... I am using this SQL: SELECT users.username AS give_name, tans.* FROM users INNER JOIN trans ON trans.receiver=users.UID In order to show usernames instead of UIDs. How can I get this to work for both giver and receiver?
  3. I currently have this script for accepting incoming email: <?php // read from stdin $fd = fopen("php://stdin", "r"); $email = ""; while (!feof($fd)) { $email .= fread($fd, 1024); } fclose($fd); $file = "notes.txt"; $descriptor = fopen ($file, "w"); fwrite($descriptor,"TEST"); ?> I set the email to forward using cPanel 11. However, I always get Any articles or tutorials i can read?
  4. Is is possible to retrieve the onClick code for an element? <a href="#" onClick="alert('hi!')" title="hi"> I want to retrieve the alert('hi!'). Is that possible? Thanks, Ari
  5. Thanks. I could have done that. I didn't realize it was an aray
  6. Is there a good code to delete multiple SQL entries with checkboxes? I have a form with a bunch of checkboxes with value="2512", or whatever which goes to the ID column in my SQL table. I want it so that whatever boxes that are checked are selected, so 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE ID="2323" OR ID="1234"' I probably can explain better if someone dosn't get what i'm asking.
  7. Output: Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => WHAT'S HERE?? ) [1] => Array ( [0] => WHAT'S HERE?? ) ) How do I get access to it without all that array stuff. I tried $matches[0], and it outputted "Array". EDIT: got it. it was $matches[0][0]
  8. I'm using $contents = file_get_contents($url); and I need to find the thing in the tag, which is somewhere in the page.
  9. I think I need to use Regular Expressions here, but I'm not sure how: I need to read a file, and get what's in the span with the ID of "name". For example, if it had <span id="name">WHAT'S HERE??</span> i would want "WHAT'S HERE??" Thanks, ari_aaron
  10. Please read the rest of the topic where I explained it. I am trying to output a javascript page and I want to make it easy to read.
  11. [quote]NOTE: You will only see these newlines when viewing the source code in the browser. The browser ignores these characters. In order for the browser to show the new lines you will need to convert them to HTML linebreaks (<br />[/quote] That won't help me then. Is there a way I can get the browser to show it as if it was a JS page, and still execute PHP?
  12. It's not really the code, it is selected from the SQL database where it has newlines, and they are displayed as '\n'. I was asking before for outputting the comments on top which is just echoing a line with inserted info: [code]echo '/***'.$codename.'***/';[/code] This is more complicated than I thought.
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