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Everything posted by CptnChainsaw

  1. Hi, If I wanted to join on another table would the query be something like this: SELECT a.email FROM a LEFT JOIN b ON b.email=a.email LEFT JOIN c ON c.email=a.email WHERE b.email IS NULL AND c.email IS NULL I tried this and its not quite right. I would only want to return records from table a if they are not in b and c. Any further suggestions would be appreciated as always. Thank you
  2. Hi, Thank you for that, that's exactly what I was looking for. Cheers
  3. Hi, Can anyone suggest a better way to write this query? I only want to find email addresses in table "a" if they are not in table "b". SELECT a.email FROM a, b WHERE a.email != b.email LIMIT 0 , 30 Cheers in advance. CptnChainsaw
  4. Cheers shlumph, I think that's what I'm looking for. I'll do some more thinking on this, got a feeling its enough to get me going though, thanks again
  5. Hi, I'm wanting to design an interface to the database to make it easier to save/select records to the database etc. Using an off the shelf ORM or framework isn't an option at the moment. So I'm looking to build my own so that existing code can be ported over time. Currently I've got something like this: $data->setTables(array('pay_support_cases')); $data->setFields(array('firstname', 'lastname', 'email', 'question')); $data->setRequest($_POST); $data->save(); This simply saves the data in the $_POST array to the table and fields passed in to the set methods. Calling the save method simply generates a query and executes it. This is going to become problematic with lots of tables etc. So I would be looking for something like an object for each table so if I had a "user" table I could do: $user->save(); I'm not sure how best to go about this, can anyone give me any pointers? Cheers in advance
  6. I agree it should've worked straight away as I'm using a datetime field type. However it just didn't order the results. Calling the function to explicitely convert to a date type did the trick - not sure why though. I wasn't getting any errors it just didn't produce the correct results. Thnks for your replies btw CC
  7. My last query works but it doesn't display the date with the formatting I expect (dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm am/pm) instead it outputs it as yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss Any idea why? Cheers again, CptnChainsaw
  8. Problem solved: SELECT id, companyname, contactname, tel, STR_TO_DATE(DATE_FORMAT(callback, '%e/%c/%Y %l:%i %p'), '%e/%c/%Y %l:%i %p') AS callback FROM companies WHERE callback > 0 ORDER BY callback ASC
  9. I've worked out that the DATE_FORMAT() function is causing this query to fail. Anyone know how I can still use this query with the function?
  10. Hi all, I'm trying to list phone calls in the order of priority. My 'callback' field is of type 'datetime'. My order by clause isn't making any difference. I need the data ordered by date and time. Any ideas what's wrong with this: SELECT id, companyname, contactname, tel, DATE_FORMAT(callback, '%e/%c/%Y %l:%i %p') AS callback FROM companies WHERE callback > 0 ORDER BY callback ASC Thanks in advance. CptnChainsaw
  11. Hi all, I've been programming perl for a couple of years and I'm doing some PHP5 at the moment. I have a problem with two of my regexes: This regex: $this->_html = preg_replace('<head>', '<head><style type="text/css">enlarge {color:#FF00FF;}</style>', $this->_html); Produces: <<head><style type="text/css">enlarge {color:#FF00FF;}</style>> </<head><style type="text/css">enlarge {color:#FF00FF;}</style>> It should produce: <head><style type="text/css">enlarge {color:#FF00FF;}</style> </head> The second regex is: $html = preg_replace("$keywords[0]",'<span id="enlarge">$keywords[0]<[\/]span>', $html); which produces: Warning: preg_replace() [function.preg-replace]: Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash in e:\free1\testacc\class.Highlighter.php on line 8 The above code is line 8. I have tried many variations but I'm having no luck. Also the second regex uses an array but before I loop over the array I want to get the regex working. How can I get these working? Cheers in advance for any help. CptnChainsaw
  12. Anyone know how I can get the maximum ID for the first two records from a table where the categoryID = \"SomeValue\"? In the example below if the categoryID = 5 then the maximum ID is 4 as I just want the first two records. How would I do this in SQL using MySQL? //Example ( I just put the dots in to make it clearer ) ID....CategoryID.......Product_Name 3..............5.....................Fridge 4..............5....................Cooker 7..............5.............Microwave Oven 8..............5....................Freezer 9..............8.................DVD Player 10............8..................Computer Cheers for any advice, CptnChainsaw
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